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The seven commendants.

Cours : The seven commendants.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Novembre 2016  •  Cours  •  280 Mots (2 Pages)  •  877 Vues

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Hstorical and history context

So i will talk about all the things in this passage which refer to historical actions which took already place a long time ago or take place during the writing of the story so in 1945.

The fisrt « expressions » that a i wille talk bout are « the manor farm » which is replace by « animal farm » by the animals.The replacement  calls on the historical event of the russia revolution in 1917 which destroy the monarchy in favour of communism which mark a radical change.Bye the way the  revolt from animals to the humans earlier in the story  approve this historical anylise.

An other thing in the passage which mark a radical change is « the principles of animalism to seven commandments » ; it's a sort of  code  composed of seven oders called «  the 7 commandments ».The orders  remind to something religious like « you will not still » etc... or something really autoritary with a conotation military which impose the respect and the obedience.

The last oder  has something in commun with the communism because in the ideal communist everyone is equal ,has the same richness.

The expression at the line 37-38 « began to learn the commandments by heart » put in mind at a propaganda song during the stalinism system in the USSR

In conclusion we can observe that in this passage a lot of things refer to a lot of historical russia events during the period of the USSR when staline was the leader of a communism nation. With these proves we can suppose that  It's a satire of the communism in USSR.


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