- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 266 - 2 280

  • Le tourisme de santé

    Le tourisme de santé

    LE TOURISME DE SANTE DEFINITION Le tourisme de santé ou tourisme médicale ou encore tourisme hospitalier consiste à se faire soigner dans un pays autre que celui où l'on réside, par économie ou pour bénéficier des soins et des prix qui ne sont disponibles qu'à l'étranger. Il concerne également des

    1 380 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Le tourisme ivoirien

    Le tourisme ivoirien

    INTRODUCTION I-THE ADVANTAGES OF IVOIRIAN TOURISM · 1-New job opportunities: · 2- A diversity and stability of the local economy: · 3- A source of additional income: 4- A rise in the local standard of living: · 5- A conservation of the local natural and cultural heritage: 1-Definition of tourism

    1 471 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Le Transhumanisme

    Le Transhumanisme

    Le Transhumanisme 1/ Definition Mouvement culturel, intellectuel et philosophique qui vise à perfectionner l'existence humaine afin de supprimer certains faits naturels tels que la mort, la maladie ou encore le handicap. 2/ Les origines du transhumanisme The transhumanism, seemed in the sixties in California. This thinking is carrier of the

    500 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lebron


    Bonjour, suite au Technical Meeting du 31 janvier 2018, il a maintenant été décidé que les prochains entraînements U18 Men seraient des entraînements de présélection nationale, c'est-à-dire des entraînements avec les joueurs. Si tu es sélectionné, tu recevras donc prochainement un mail de la fédération t'invitant à ces séances. Je

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lebron James

    Lebron James

    Lebron James Surnommé « the king » ou encore « the chosen one » est juste un enfant défavoriser née dans la petite ville d’akron dans l’Ohio le 30 décembre 1984. Il vit seul avec sa mère gloria, son père les a abandonnés à sa naissance. Il se feras remarquer

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Leçon d'anglais

    Leçon d'anglais

    Monday, october 2nd 2017 Lesson 1 Aims(objectifs) 1) Methodolofy a) How to write a synthesis in french Correction of the placement test b)How to write a letter (incident report) correction placement test (writing) 2) Exam preparation : rules METHODOLOGY Title : Screen addict parents accused of hyoicrisy by their children

    253 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Leçon d'anglais

    Leçon d'anglais

    Monday, January 21st I agree with the headmaster. I don't agree with the policeman. ◊ être d'accord avec = to agree with DGSE = French intelligence MI6 = (Military Intelligence) responsible for military and counter-intelligence overseas MI5 = responsible for military and counter-intelligence on British territory intelligence = organization that

    706 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Leçon d'anglais, Ellis Island Digital Archive

    Leçon d'anglais, Ellis Island Digital Archive

    Friday, October 20th 2017 Ellis Island Digital Archive This document is a documentary about Ellis Island and its digital archive and museum. It can be divided into three parts. The first part presents a historical overview of the immigration inspection process at Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924. In a

    306 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lécrivain dans son siècle.

    Lécrivain dans son siècle.

    DOSSIER LELE Notion 1 : THE WRITER IN ITS TIME Wilfred Owen was an english poet and soldier very famous in England and sometimes people think a lot of him as the most famous poet of the first war. His poems, often realistic, describes and denounces the horror and the

    1 115 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Leftist riots of 1967, Hong Kong

    Leftist riots of 1967, Hong Kong

    Leftist riots of 1967, Hong Kong File:1967 Hong Kong riots-Communists and Police.jpg Picture taken the 21th may of 1967, Confrontation between the HK Police and rioters in HK, 1967. By Roger Wollstadt (American journalist) 2017 is a special year for the hongkongese. Indeed, they’re gonna celebrate the the fiftieth birthday

    768 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Legal segregation ended more than 60 years ago but are Afro-Americans well integrated into the American society today?

    So, I’m going to talk about the Black issue in the USA from the 50s and 60s to the years 2000s Legal segregation ended more than 60 years ago but are Afro-Americans well integrated into the American society today? To begin with, I will explain what segregation was at that

    630 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lele - The writer in his/her time

    Lele - The writer in his/her time

    Lele “The writer in his/her time” I am going to speak about the notion “The writer in his/her time”. A writer can be a witness (témoin) of his time so some writers use their work criticise their own society and to denounce or express their way of thinking. So, we

    637 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lele anglais devoir

    Lele anglais devoir

    Intro : what writers have in common ? Even if they have different manners or styles, they have in common the passion for words. Writers can deliver a message through a poem or a short story. They can even write their own life, so it is an autobiography. There can

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • LELE, extract from Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen

    LELE, extract from Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen

    The first document I have chosen is an excerpt from the novel Northanger Abbey by Jane AUSTEN. Jane AUSTEN was a woman writer of the English little gentry in the 18th century. She is the author of well-known novels like Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and, of course, Northanger Abbey

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Les adverbes anglais

    Les adverbes anglais

    1. actually : en fait 2. always : toujours 3. annualy : annuellement 4. never : jamais 5. sometimes : parfois 6. bravely : avec bravoure 7. slowly : doucement 8. quickly : rapidement 9. carefully : avec attention / soin 10. certainely : certainement 11. briefly : rapidement /

    358 Mots / 2 Pages
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