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Le Transhumanisme

Analyse sectorielle : Le Transhumanisme. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Avril 2018  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  500 Mots (2 Pages)  •  915 Vues

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Le Transhumanisme

1/ Definition

 Mouvement culturel, intellectuel et philosophique qui vise à perfectionner l'existence humaine afin de supprimer certains faits naturels tels que la mort, la maladie ou encore le handicap. 

2/ Les origines du transhumanisme

The transhumanism, seemed in the sixties in California. This thinking is carrier of the man completely different from that of the western tradition. The man is seen an insufficient and limited being who can be improved and whose capacities must be increased. It is the modest vision of the man who is completed not at all or divine, but on the contrary low and not limited. It is wishes of immortality which finds a new formulation. Thanks to his fusion with the biocomputing the man could reach immortality and equal the Gods.

3/ Quelles technologies ont permis au transhumanisme d'exister?

The transhumanism was born thanks to the convergence of several technologies said "NBIC". The convergence NBIC is the synergy between:

- The Nanotechnologies : sciences and technologies of the matter on the scale of the nanometer, at the crossing of electronics, the mechanics, the chemistry, the optics and the biology.

-The Biotechnologies : sciences and technologies of living organisms.

-The Informatic/Articial intelligence : has to allow a machine to excute functions normally associated with the human intelligence such as understanding, reasoning, dialogue, adaptation, learning, etc.

-The Cognitive Sciences study the mechanisms of the human, animal or artificial thought.

4/ Avantages et contraintes

Advantages :

- The man, thanks to the improvements of his body by the biological or artificial sciences, could face the ageing and the death and give way to the immortality. He could also improve his body by means of mechanical prostheses, and reach(affect) performances which are him(her) impossible at present.

 - Thanks to nano robots, the handicapped persons, mutilated or paralyzed could benefit from a regeneration of muscular tissues.

 - The convergence NBIC would allow the disappearance generalized by the language barriers and the disparities in the face of(in front of) the energy.

Constraints : 

- The improvement of the man also constitutes a threat as for its future, indeed, a world where the technology would be so much moved forward, with an ascendancy of robotics not the artificial intelligence, machines could get the upper hand or degenerate and lead to the extinction of the human being

 - The technological breakthrough would widen the gap between the rich countries and the poor countries because the transhumanism would be inaccessible in the poor countries.

- The dominance of the men improved in front of basic men.


Today the transhumanisme take a place of daily with movies, video games, series etc. and will bring necessarily in a near or distant future has a transition between the improved man and the current man, with the discovery of technologies allowing the improvement of the human being, as well as the resolution of current problems. But the problem of our integrity will can raised by numerous problems and already associartion opposes this advance(overhang).


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