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Dernière mise à jour : 8 Novembre 2015
  • Idea of progress about woman condition and rights.

    Idea of progress about woman condition and rights.

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Idea of progress définies the education of the world , but we studied the evolution of woman condition and rights and its influence on the world . - This , we will see how have women’s right endued To start we will talk about women evolution is political and professional life . And after , we will talk about women education in private life . The first evolution is in the political

    319 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais - Myths and Heroes: Are women the new Heroes of the United States ?

    Anglais - Myths and Heroes: Are women the new Heroes of the United States ?

    I’m going to talk about the notion of “Myths and Heroes”. First of all I would like to give a definition of myths and heroes. A myth is a story often linked to religion, It is generally based on the legend. The legend is a story based on real facts that includes part of truth and that usually involves heroic characters. The hero is a main character of a story. In general, the hero helps

    260 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Social media and terrorism

    Social media and terrorism

    Social media and terrorism Today the world is facing an impressive level of violence caused by the Islamic extremism. Statistics have shown than over 30 000 from over 100 different countries have travelled to the conflict zone in Iraq or Syria to participate in Jihad. These numbers are only the result of the fact that terrorist groups such as AL QAIDA and ISIS use social media websites to promote their ideology, recruit members and raise

    503 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Discrimination in the working world

    Discrimination in the working world

    Discrimination in the working world. The article with i choose to present, about the discrimination in working places, is naming « discrimination in the workplace : the public service concerned « . It’s a document who speaks about discriminations during the recruitment in public service. What type of discriminations workers can be victim at work ? I organize my plan in 3 parts, the ethnic discrimination , the sociospatial discrimination and a last about measure

    341 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion anglais, myths and heroes.

    Notion anglais, myths and heroes.

    Myths and Heroes I’m going to talk about the notion : Myths and Heroes, the first notion which I studied this year. A myth is an ancient story which is not true. The aim of a myth is to explain natural or historical events. Firts, some definitions of the terms of the notion : A hero is a fantastic person, is someone who accomplished good acts. A hero stands up for what he believes in,

    1 003 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Oral anglais, spaces and exchanges, gap year

    Oral anglais, spaces and exchanges, gap year

    introduction avec la definition de la notion: i'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges to begin with i would like to giva a definition of this concept. The notion Spaces and Exchanges deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. An exchange is the act of giving, or receiving something in substitution for something else. Today, there are several forms of

    393 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Essay question: is it better to work in groups or to work alone?

    Essay question: is it better to work in groups or to work alone?

    It is better and more effective to work independently than to work with a group of people. Working alone allows people to learn new information to express their ideas openly, without ever having to be distracted or having to disagree on an idea. First, working in a group causes time waste. The people in the group usually end up doing something else other than working, such as talking. It is a waste of time since

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse space and exchanges

    Synthèse space and exchanges

    Space and Exanges INTRO Talk about deal between different part of the world between men and diferents societies This year to illustrate this notion we studied immigration at different periods from all over the word towards America We may wonder if the usa is a multicultural country ? I/ The different waves of immigration were integrated in the USA in the past II/ We’ll see in what way the immigrants aren’t accept anymore nowaday III/

    914 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, space and exchanges.

    Anglais, space and exchanges.

    Space and Exchanges: Now, I present you the notion “Space and exchanges”, I’m going to give definition of this notion: “space and exchange” is about to discover new space and new territories, and to discover new citizenship and immigration. The population of Canada and Inuit’s problem whith gouvernment. Firstly, we will see feature of Canada and secondly, we will see the population of Canada and the differencer between north population. In a this part, we

    402 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: why people immigrate to America ?

    Spaces and exchanges: why people immigrate to America ?

    Spaces and exanches The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. to illustrate this notion we are going to talk about immigration, specifically immigration to America. Indeed we may wonder why people

    562 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The U.Sv federal Reserve bank and the European bank.

    The U.Sv federal Reserve bank and the European bank.

    The U.S Federal Reserve Bank and the European Center Bank 1. The Federal Reserve’s System, The Fed Federal: States’ rights -> California has the power; means the power is for all states * Gay marriage is federal law (in 50 states) * Same situation in Europe with the decision of E.U Financial Service Industry * Government institution (FADE) * Supranational Institutions The Federal Reserve System, the Fed * was established by Congress: The Federal Reserve

    723 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: war on screen

    Myths and heroes: war on screen

    MYTHS AND HEROES * WAR ON SCREEN I´m going to talk about the following notion: myths and heroes. But first of all, let me define the notion. A myth is an ancient story that is based on popular beliefs or explains natural and historical events. It can also be a widely believed but false story or idea. A hero is someone who is admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities, who has performed an

    486 Mots / 2 Pages


    POLITICS IN THE VICTORIAN AND EDWARDIAN PERIOD Bill = when Parliament makes the law, this law is called and ACT when a BILL is passed, it becomes and ACT a BILL is a proyet that becomes an act 1832 REFORM BILL Extended the franchise (the right to vote) And the BILL was passed in the middle of a social and political crises It was first of all an economic crises, with very high unemployment rate

    7 747 Mots / 31 Pages
  • Myths and heroes: why does America produce so many heroes ?

    Myths and heroes: why does America produce so many heroes ?

    English Myths and heroes have always played a huge part in the proper functioning of any society in the world. They inspire people, boost the economy or give strength to an army. In the American culture, people have taken their importance to a hole next level since the mid XXth century. We may wonder why does America produce so many heroes ? The need for role models will first be presented, then the role that

    1 092 Mots / 5 Pages
  • "Space and exchanges", do global cities really have influence over the world?

    "Space and exchanges", do global cities really have influence over the world?

    The notion of: “Space and exchanges” Today I’m going to talk about the notion “Space and exchanges”. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each of the world. An exchange is a general movement. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information. Do global cities really have influence over the world? In the first part, we will see the good impact over the world, secondly we will

    369 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idea ofp rogress; did pokemon go have a positive impact on us and could be seen like a progress in our society?

    Idea ofp rogress; did pokemon go have a positive impact on us and could be seen like a progress in our society?

    The idea of progress means that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of science modernization, living conditions or technology. Pokemon Go is a real evolution of the gaming world, and leads the path to a new era of social gaming, where “real world” social action is embedded in the gameplay. Indeed, this game is an app using augmented reality in which you must capture Pokemons, small virtual monsters. You can find

    715 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Implications of Zamboanga Siege to Money, Credit, Banking and The Economic Activities of Zamboanga City

    Implications of Zamboanga Siege to Money, Credit, Banking and The Economic Activities of Zamboanga City

    Implications of Zamboanga Siege to Money, Credit, Banking and The Economic Activities of Zamboanga City The Zamboanga siege caused by the Moro National Liberation Front or MNLF contributed to a temporary stop of business operations in the city. It was one way to assure the safety of the citizens from what was happening outside the different structures in the city. But because of the cease of operations, both the city and its citizens were affected

    3 680 Mots / 15 Pages
  • What are the impacts/avantages and drawbacks of social networks on our future life ?

    What are the impacts/avantages and drawbacks of social networks on our future life ?

    Anglais Today I am going to talk about social networks. A social network is a website or an application which is free, you just have to give your personnal informations. It’s a way of communication and to be close to people. So what are the impacts/avantages and drawbacks of social networks on our future life ? To illustrate the notion of Porgress, we studied in class the theme of Facebook, and the person who have

    676 Mots / 3 Pages
  • India Places and forms of power

    India Places and forms of power

    India : Places and forms of power Today i’m going to speack about the notion places and forms of power espicially about this notion in India. First i’m oing to define this notion. In my opinion the power is the capacity of an idea or a person to lead other people or to control events. India is a country of tradition, where religions take an important place, and Hinduism is the principal religion (repesents 80,5%)

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Pop Culture: Youtube, art and Pop Culture

    Pop Culture: Youtube, art and Pop Culture

    Pop Culture – Life as Play: Final essay Allan Torcy YouTube as art: Youtube and art and Art on Youtube. Youtube making Pop Culture and Pop Culture making YouTube. We live in an era where information is spreading like wildfire thanks to all the media we have today: TV, the Internet, Newspapers and so on. Especially on the Internet, where all the academical material, news websites, live-streaming platforms, video games, memes, entertainement or even watching

    2 839 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Myth and heroes: Which was the influence of these people (heroes) on the world ?

    Myth and heroes: Which was the influence of these people (heroes) on the world ?

    I've picked out notion of myth and heroes. First, I am going to give a definition of the notion, a myth can be defined as a story about heroes or tradition or false notion. A hero can be mythological person or superhero maybe an icon for peoples. Then I am going to try to answer the following question : Which was the influence of these people on the world ? I'm a first part I

    369 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Place and form of power, Donald Trump.

    Place and form of power, Donald Trump.

    Donald Trump was élected as the new président of the united states of america. As we know america is a superpower. For the very first time since a lot of years the president and the congress are republicans. The ex tv reality star Donald Trump Who is now thé president since january, of the biggeSt power of the world. Hé also said in a video that he wanted to solve the question of immigration health

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais oral mythe et héros: how can an ordinary person make the world a better place and thus become a hero ?

    Anglais oral mythe et héros: how can an ordinary person make the world a better place and thus become a hero ?

    Myths and heroes. Gerard Way said once that heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. A hero is someone who is admired for his courage and outstanding qualities. His acts of heroism can be conveyed through shows, art, music, poetry, politics, etc. Some heroes can be real or imaginary, they can become myths. But to me, a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength/power/fame/wealth, etc, but by the strength of his

    1 145 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Shannon and the American Dream

    Shannon and the American Dream

    The main character is Shannon. The text is an extract of her diary. Shannon was a teenager; she was almost sixteen years old. She was Irish. Her dad was a fisherman but unfortunately he died at sea. Then Shannon life became very hard, she left school and worked as a farmhand. So she decided to go to America to starting a new and a better life. She took the boat alone the 8 of May

    260 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse, Places and Exchanges

    Synthèse, Places and Exchanges

    Places and Exchanges. Migration has always led to lots of exchanges in terms of economy and culture. The United States of America symbolize Freedom, a second chance in the life. Numerous immigrants come in United States. Some come to escape hunger, politic situations in their country and the ward. But other immigrants come to begin a new life. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the American dream, to start from nothing and to suceed in life.

    474 Mots / 2 Pages