Wok and work dissertations et mémoires
1 970 Wok and work dissertations gratuites 601 - 625 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Myths and heroes: Why are sports heroes so important in today’s society ?
MYTHS AND HEROES I am going to talk about the notion of « Myths and heroes ». First of all I would like to give a defintion of heroes and of myths : a hero is a person who is admired for their courage or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film,or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a person who has performed a heroic
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Myth and Heroes : Global Warming – a risk for our World – Myth or reality?
Myth and heroes I am going to present today the notion “Myth and Heroes”. Firstly, I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth is any traditional story that are ostensibly historical, though often supernatural explaining the origins of a cultural practice or natural phenomenon. These stories are exaggerated or fictitious. A hero or heroine is a person who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through impressive feats of ingenuity, bravery
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Myths and heroes - How can myths and heroes influence people’s career ?
Notion 1 : MYTHS AND HEROES Pb : How can myths and heroes influence people’s career ? I – La manière avec laquelle ils ont prise en main leur vie (self made-men) -> O Winfrey, Steve Jobs, (…) II – Leur rôle héroique ds qq chose (Ed Rickenbacker, Eddie’s father, + firemen, cops) Today I will deal with the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a brief definition of
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Sujet d'examen anglais: more men working part-time
Sujet d'examen : more men working part-time A - Comprehension de l'écrit a survey = une étude Une étude récente a démontré que de plus en plus d'hommes choississaient de travailler à temps partiel car ceux-ci refusent de travailler à temps plein. En effet, selon l'étude faite par le bureau national de statistiques, il s'est avérè que de Mars à Mai, il y a eu une augmentation de 11% soit 952 000 travaileurs de plus
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Idea of progress: In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress ?
Idea of the progress Hello, I would like to develop about the notion of the idea of Progress. First at all, I give a definition of Progress. Progress is a gradual betterment, especially : the progressive development of humankind in particular concerning social events. In the 20 century, women fought against inequalities between them and men. In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress
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The Idea of Progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?
Ideas of progress What are the promises and perils of biotechnology? I) Positive points * Pre implantation genetic diagnosis (Gattaca) - couples: choose healthy embryos in order to avoid genetic disease. - and choose hair color eye color by gen. selection (although this could be criticized) * Design your Baby - Text B (p65) Because she had Fanconi's Anemia, an immedicable disease, Molly Nash, teenager of 15 y-o had a 7 years life expectancy when
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Idée de progrès: what makes people travel and leave their country?
First of all I would like to give a definition of «Exchange». It’s a continuous movement or circulation. It includes all type of exchanges : people, trade or media. A society can be approached from the point of view of its cohesion and openness, which raises questions about its place in the world. The geography of commercial channels and networks of influence, but also the discovery and conquest of new land constitute new cultural areas
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Notion mythes et héros: why does a society create myths and heroes?
Notion Mythes et Héros Anglais Introduction I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. Briefly, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. Then, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. Moreover, they
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Britishness, myths and heroes.
Britishness So today we are going to talk about Myths and heroes, two things that are part of the base of a society and it's culture. First what is a myth exactly? The word comes from the Greek word Mythos which means "Story", the word in itself means a bit more than that. It is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and
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Notion Seats and Forms of Power: are all the citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India?
Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the
1 279 Mots / 6 Pages -
Notion Anglais "Seats and forms of power": Are all the citizens on an equal footing?
Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the
1 279 Mots / 6 Pages -
Myths and heroes: why can someone or something can be considerate as a hero or a myth ?
Myths and Heroes I am going to talk about the myths and heroes more specifically the people who to me embody a myth or could be describe as a hero. First of all I would like to give a definition of a myth, for me a myth could be a legend with imaginary people who make things, and to me a hero is a person who truly exist or have truly existed, this person is
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Myth and hero, Josephine Baker
JOSEPHINE BAKER Introduction : A myth is above all an attempt to understand the world. Every culture has its myths in order to define itself. They may or may not have an anchor in history. To understand a myth is to take an interest in the heroes and tales that are the foundation of our collective identities .A hero might be a fictional or real character who has left his or her mark on our
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Oral Space and exchanges: how has Ireland's economy impacted migration?
SPACES AND EXCHANGES I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. I will give you a definition of it. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. This year, in class
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Spaces and exchanges: Does the conquest of the West was as beautiful and peaceful as in some films or painting ?
I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First , i'll give you a definition of these terms : The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: trade, information. In Class we talked about The conquest of the West and this is linked to this notion because we will see how european people and the gouvernment from America
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Places and forms of power: how people exercise their power ? What tools can they use ?
I’m going to talk about the notion « places and forms of power ». First I would like to give a definition of this concept : power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulation and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. But the question is : how people exercise their power ? What tools
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Django and the gothic
Anne-Sophie Saindon February 3rd, 2017 Film/text Analysis: Django and the gothic Teresa Goddu provides us tools and well-developed explanations fundamental for understanding the American gothic literature. Before reading her point of view, I associated “gothic” with “dark”. But, at some point in her text, Goddu dissociate dark and gothic. According to her, gothic means popular, while dark means profound. Quite different ideas we have here… It played in the movies, it won prices and it
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Spaces and exchanges: What drives people to leave their contry to go and travelling around the world ?
Spaces and Exchanges There are a lot of different exchanges between countries and thanks to globalisation, everything spread quicker and quicker. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. An exchange is when we give in return for something received – this can be anything from money, ideas, gifts, medical or financial aid. Our modern-day world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in communications
1 346 Mots / 6 Pages -
Myths and Heroes: are heroes always good models?
Myths and Heroes The definition of a myth ranges from a false belief to a collective identity or shared value (American dream) to a made-up story explaining natural or supernatural phenomena that do not have any logical justifications yet, such as the origin of rain for ancient tribes or the Lochness monster for today’s societies. Traditional heroes, who are usually found in myths, are portrayed as flawless beings with god-like qualitiesthat are admired by many
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SPACES AND EXCHANGES: to what extent does travelling to a foreign country broaden our horizons?
The notion Spaces and exchanges deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and between different civilizations. Our world is historically built on the quest of new spaces. And the various cultural, economical and sociological exchanges have shaped our modern-day world. But to what extent does travelling to a foreign country broaden our horizons? To best answer my issue I chosed to deal with the gap year
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Spaces and exchanges in English-Speaking society
Plan anglais : « Spaces and exchanges in English-Speaking societies » The notion I’m going to deal with is « spaces and exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade... To illustrate the notion,
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Kennedy And Krushchev
Maxime Teilleux Corentin Dezerces KENNEDY AND KRUSHCHEV Problématiques : Comment les arts participent-ils à la représentation d'une époque, à ses transformations et ses bouleversements ? Comment l'image est-elle mise au service des idéologies qui se sont affrontées pendant la Guerre Froide ? Présentation : Publiée le 29 Octobre 1962 dans le journal britannique Daily Mail, Kennedy and Krushchev, « D'accord monsieur le président, nous sommes prêts à négocier » est une caricature noir et blanc,
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The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983
Extended Essay The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983 To what extent does space power theory accurately explains U.S space policy from the formation of NASA to the development of SDI? Extended Essay in History, Group 3 Word Count: 3959 Personal Code: gdc-878 May 2017 ABSTRACT This essay assesses the extent to which the space power theory explains the
5 243 Mots / 21 Pages -
Location and forms of power
In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Power can always lead to conflict between those who have it and those who want it. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its
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Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?
I am going talk about spaces and exchanges. First at all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern – day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders; cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education; movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, gap years... our
646 Mots / 3 Pages