Essay gun control
Discours : Essay gun control. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sarsarwork • 8 Novembre 2018 • Discours • 498 Mots (2 Pages) • 572 Vues
Gun control is the regulation of the selling, owning and use of guns. America is known to have a lax one.
Every states has their own law of possession of a firearm and each of them decide to recognize the weapon licences of the other states. In most states general conditions are usually to be at least 18 or 21 (depending on the handgun) but some states as Minnesota and Vermont authorize to sell at the age of 14 and 16. Federal laws don’t even provides minimum age for the possession of long gun or long gun ammunition. Americans own an estimated 265 millions of guns. Since the beginning of 2018, we count 51 mass shooting in the US with more than 1800 people killed by guns this year alone.
Mass shootings in the US are common but the most recent one, the one of the 14 February 2018, in Parkland High School where 17 persons were killed, created a movement initiated by students, determinated to pressure the government into, finally, improve gun control.
To show support to this cause, at least 1.2 million people marched during the March for Our lives over the weekend at events across the US. The biggest march was in Washington, on the 24 of march, that brought up 200 000 to 800 000 people depending on the estimations.
This mass reaction of the americans and the international scene permitted to make things progress.
Two of the US’s top firearm retailers changed their gun-buying policies.
Some major companies due to social pressure, have cut off their collaboration with the National Rifle Association, who promotes firearms in the United States and the defense of a non-restricitive interpretation of the second amendment of the US Constitution.
Gun-control groups are receiving a large support from americans and people all around the world through words of encouragement from political and celebrities and are receiving higher donation and an increase of/in volunteers.
As an answer of all those demonstrations, lawmakers in certain states have proposed legislation to tighten gun-control laws. Lawmakers are facing pressure from citizens who are decided to act to see change. Several Parkland related bills are being debated before the Florida House and Senate appropriations committees. Since then, the Florida Senate Appropriations Committee passed a bill named Majority Stoneman Douglas High School law that raise to 21 instead of 18 the minimal age to buy a gun in Florida and require a three day period to formalize the purchase of a weapon. Senators also rejected the hypothesis of Trump’s proposition to arm teachers.
Florida governor announced 500 million investment in school safety, including metal detectors, bulletproof glass, steel doors and upgraded locks.
Even though, the government seems to try to answer to the manifestation of the people, the Gun-control groups are saying that it’s far from being enough and that those propositions are only made to try to calm down the movement. The laws proposed doesn’t answer to the importance of their request so the demonstrations will and needs to continue.