Gun control
Étude de cas : Gun control. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar chiquette • 16 Février 2018 • Étude de cas • 575 Mots (3 Pages) • 708 Vues
The right to carry a weapon goes back to 1791. It’s written into the American Constitution, and that’s precisely what protects. it has never been questioned since. There are about 300 million civilian firearms in the United States, one weapon per capita.
The history of the country shows that Americans still need to be armed.
But, it’s much more than in other countries of the world.
Let's try to understand why American society is deeply divided over the control of the carrying of weapons.
I will present the arguments of arms control in the United States and then those of the pro gun.
Part one: Antigun views
Indeed, when we think of power, the influence of arms in the United States plays a major role in this society. The gun lobby is very powerful. The NRA (National Rifle Association) is an association that aims to promote firearms and is widely supported by millions of Americans. they therefore have a strong influence on restrictions on the laws of arms control.
On the other hand, without going so far as to question the right to carry weapons, some people worry about their proliferation and would like to put in place a fairer control and regulation.
Also, this is very difficult to implement because many legal or illegal weapons are now in circulation.
Nevertheless, the adoption of gun control laws, such as mandatory safety devices, would likely reduce the number of accidental deaths.
In fact, we find that in countries where restrictive arms control laws have a lower rate of homicide and suicide than that of the United States. Which leads to fewer dangerous situations and fewer mass killings.
The last mass killing in October 2017 in Las Vegas was perpetrated by a single gunman who killed 58 people and wounded 546 others.
From now on, one can wonder if the carrying of weapon, called of war, is necessarily useful for the civilians or hunters for example because it seems that it is not necessarily to protect itself.
Weapons are dangerous in a family, children have access too easily.
PART TWO: pro gun views
In the land of the dollar, Gun is good for business. Before being the defense of a "freedom", the pro-firearms lobby is above all the defense of juicy interests. But also, it is because of its history that America cultivates the port of firearm.
One of the great arguments of the "pro-guns" is the following: it’s because there are not enough weapons that there is violence.
As sums up one of the favorite slogans of the National Rifle Association, powerful pro-gun lobby: "How to stop a dirty guy armed with a gun? With a good guy armed with a gun.
According to some gun supporters, if anyone was armed, there would be no killings. The criminals would not risk robbing, committing robberies, if they knew that the population was armed.
For others, gun control is not necessary, just a good education about its use.