Fiche : Transhumanisme. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dr0itdro1tdr0it • 3 Novembre 2022 • Fiche • 715 Mots (3 Pages) • 255 Vues
1. Pick out at least three possibilities allowed by intelligent machines according to the speeches made by the three professors.
- Intelligent machines will soon allow us to compare our most intractable challenges
- To develop new methods for the early detection of cancer
- To know the better future for all of us
- Some people to save lives
- Once online, it’s analytical power will be greater than a collective intelligence of every person born in the history of the world
2. Find the name of the terrorist group mentioned : tick the right answer. then, say, what this acronym stands for.
The name of the terrorist group mentioned is RIFT, this acronym stands for Revolutionary Independence From Technology.
3. Pick out the terrorists’ targets and goal.
The terrorists’ targets are A.I. labs, they are determined to stop any attempt to transcendence.
4. Focus on Doctor Will’s wife. say how she plans to save him.
Doctor Will’s wife plans to save him by uploading his consciousness.
5. Explain the conflicts between the wife and her friend. show the danger related to Internet.
Doctor Will’s wife plans to save him by uploading his consciousness but her friend says that if they miss anything, they will not be able to know who they are dealing with. Her friend want to shut down the uploading of his consciousness/program but Doctor Will’s wife refuses because she loves her husband. The danger related to Internet is that if a virus or a program is connected to the Internet, it can copy itself and can’t be taken down, which means that it can go everywhere and create something dangerous such as a massive hack attack.
6. Pick out Will’s new needs and objectives as an A.I.
Will says that to expend himself, he needs more power. He wants to create an evolution by creating an army of half human, half technological people.
7. In your own words, explain the danger represented by technology in this trailer.
Through this trailer, the danger represented by technology can be seen as a virus or a computer attack. Indeed, if a virus or a computer attack is connected to Internet, it can expend to the whole world and can generate many side effects such as computer performance paralysis, personal datas theft, personal datas revelation, personal datas deletion but also the dysfunction of the computer controlled hardware.
8. Listen to the word used by the daughter at the beginning of the video to describe herself. Explain why she wants to transform herself ?
The daughter wants to transform herself because she has been feeling uncomfortable for a long time, she has been thinking since she was born that she feels like she doesn’t belong in