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43 499 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 43 096 - 43 110

  • Women in society

    Women in society

    w The status of women in Ancient Greece In the ancient greece the status of women varied from a city state to another. In the ancient athens, women had no legal personhood, they were under the guardianship of their father or other male relative, that is to say they were

    1 363 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Women in the workforce

    Women in the workforce

    Women in the WorkForce Introduction: The place of the woman on the job market, evolved much in the history, indeed, today that seemed normal and logical, but in the history, the woman was often prohibited from working. Her place was generally at home to take care of children. Even

    1 307 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Women'aid


    Women's Aid Women's Aid is the national domestic violence charity that helps up to 250,000 women and children every year. We work to end violence against women and children, and support over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the country . Women's Aid grew out of the women's liberation

    312 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Women's Clothing

    Women's Clothing

    Elise Ngo ESL 102 Mrs Lackatty November 2017 Women’s Clothing The dress code is recognized in the social and professional life like a regulation serving the good relation between others concerning the clothing. The author Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote in her book The Dress of Women: “Cloth is a social

    1 511 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Women's place

    Women's place

    Lily-Rose Marchand Perrard2°D A Women’s Place Write a paragraph about a current phenomenon you want to denounce. I chose among the many current phenomenon of our world to talk about the place of women in the world and to denounce the inequalities they suffer every day. Because we know the

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Women's right speech

    Women's right speech

    Women’s rights are human rights speech by H.Clinton Hillary Clinton did her speech on 5 september 1995 at Beijing in China during the Fourth World Conference On Women. The purpose of Hillary Clinton was to demonstrate that women should be treated in the same way as every human. She wanted

    374 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Woodstok


    Woodstock The woodstock was a big outdoor concert, it is a located is Bethel a town in New York State,in took place in 1969 (one thousand nine hundred sixty-nine),it creat by Michael Lang a hippie musician, Artie Kornfeld a musician too, John Roberts a financer and Joel Rosenman organized the

    301 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Word trade organisation

    Word trade organisation

    The WTO - The world trade organization GATT agreement = 1945 General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade Set up in 1995 WTO 2018: over 160 members 160 members countries 2001 watershed (point de bascule) China joined WTO in 2001 Headquarters: Geneva Director: General Roberto Azevêdo 1. It encourages multilateral global

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work


    +Manager, - Emloyee + Hello miss (Urbach or Nazaryan), please, take a seat. So, about what, do you wanted to talk with me? * Hello, thank you for receiving me and for giving me these few minutes of your time. + you're welcome. * First, I wanted to say that

    425 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work about the environment

    Work about the environment

    CHAP 8 THE ENVIRONMENT 1. CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ENVIRONMENT TODAY 1. Gap between rich and poor countries Rich countries: * pollute and waste * ageing population: low birth rates Poor and developing countries * high birth rates ang growing population * they need to develop economically 1. Globalization Transport ⇧

    5 475 Mots / 22 Pages
  • Work experience

    Work experience

    WORK EXPERIENCE REPORT INTRODUCE YOURSELF 1. Dans le cadre de mes études, j’ai effectué un stage chez … AS PART OF MY STUDIES, I WAS ON A WORK PLACEMENT/INTERNSHIP WITH 2. Dans le cadre de mes études, j’ai dû effectuer deux stages AS PART OF MY STUDIES, I HAD TO

    1 830 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Work experience

    Work experience

    WORK EXPERIENCE REPORT INTRODUCE YOURSELF 1. Dans le cadre de mes études, j’ai effectué un stage chez … AS PART OF MY STUDIES, I WAS ON A WORK PLACEMENT/INTERNSHIP WITH 2. Dans le cadre de mes études, j’ai dû effectuer deux stages AS PART OF MY STUDIES, I HAD TO

    1 830 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Work for a special event

    Work for a special event

    Work for a special event I want to do an anniversary or organize a wedding in the Sky Garden because it’s just so beautiful. The place is located on Fenchurch Street, right in the heart of the City, it was launched in 2015. It has been nicknamed "The Walkie-Talkie" because

    259 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Work on Airbus

    Work on Airbus

    Economic and Social Sciences / English Guven CETIN 1ES3 Work on Airbus Airbus was an European aircraft manufacturer. The Airbus Company of Saint-Nazaire (Nantes) was created in 1970. Boeing was his main competitor and was created in 1917 during the first world war. The airbus company was created for competitive

    629 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Work on Georges Orwell : llce

    Work on Georges Orwell : llce

    Work on Georges Orwell : llce Tritz Jade 1g3 1. Georges Orwell, born as Eric Arthur Blair, was an English intellectual, who was born on 25 June 1903 in India and died on 21 January 1950. He's the author of Animal Farm and 1984. He move off India One year

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
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