Archives du BAC
43 516 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 43 066 - 43 080
Why are people using AdBlock?
HOW TO FIGHT AGAINST ADBLOCK Ad-blocking software has been causing chaos in the digital marketing industry. This impact will spread further if it becomes more convenient to block ads on mobile as well as desktop. Why are people using AdBlock? Very few people love ads, even advertisers. Ask yourself if
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Why aren’t people going to the theater anymore?
Why aren’t people going to the theater anymore? More than a billion theater tickets were sold in 2018, whereas in 2022 less than 900 millions were sold. We all know that the theater industry has been declining, but do you actually know the reasons why? First of all, Streaming is
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Why being a hero ?
Why to be an heros ? A hero is a someone that help a an other whitout nothing in change mais personne ne peut être un héro comme ça pour en devenir un il faut savoir qu'est ce qu'est un héros . lorsqu'on a répondu à cette question nous pouvons
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Why can we say that immigration has allowed the USA to become such a power?
Spaces and exchanges I am going to talk about spaces and exchanges. This year in class we studied several documents about spaces and exchanges. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA and attempt to answer the question: why can we say
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Why can we speak of an US myth?
The US myth is the symbol of liberty, of a new life for those who have dreams for the future. Some people see America as they only hope to survive, to avoid starving and oppression in their native country. Europeans peoples emigrated to the United State because they were persecuted
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Why do people tend to give drug a negative connotation?
Why do people tend to give drug a negative connotation? That is the question I will answer in this essay. Generally speaking, when the word "drug" is used, it is linked directly to other terms such as "violence", "crime", "overdose", "dirty money" without any justification for their use. This is
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Why do we need heroes ?
Why do we need heroes ? What is a hero ? Search the word « heroes » on Google and you'll find immediatly a thousand of pictures of those ludicrous men in tights looking the furthest away with that « I'll save the world and have the girl » look
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Why do we Struggle with Beauty and Body Image?
Why do we Struggle with Beauty and Body Image? Student Name San Jacinto College In today’s society, most Americans rely on their smartphones to send and receive information. These mobile devices help them keep in touch with the world round them whether it be sending an email, checking the weather,
1 709 Mots / 7 Pages -
Why does a society create myths and heroes?
MYTHS AND HEROES Myth is a whole range of legends around something. He can attract or push away. Thanks to it, we can learn something. A hero is basically a person who is known to have achieved something that inspired people. Heroes can be of several types: - Accidental hero
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Why E-Learning?
WHY E-LEARNING? 1. Comprehension: Ce document est un article publicitaire de « l’industriel training zone » et publié en 2005 sur Il évoque leurs formations en ligne et leurs avantages. En vue de l’évolution de la vitesse de production et son efficacité les entreprises cherchent constamment les salariés les
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Why is India a country of contradiction?
Why is India a country of contradictions? I’m going to talk about the notion “Idea of progress”. To begin with, progress is a sort of change, of development or an improvement that makes the country better. It can be a technical change, a social change, an economical change or
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Why is it that some countries have much smaller gender gaps than others?
Today, equality between men and women is a major issue, in an era where equality is being advocated. How can we imagine that equality between men and women does not exist in modern countries? Some countries, such as Iceland, have smaller gaps between the two genders. This is the subject
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Why is New York a tourist city?
I'm going to speak about the topic you have chosen which is New York nicknamed "The Big Apple" or "The City That Never Sleeps". New York is located in northeastern America with eight million inhabitants, it is the most populous city in the country. The city is divided into five
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Why is the supreme court that much important in the united states?
ANGLAIS EXPOSE If the case has become such a big deal is also because the supreme court, where Brett Kavanaugh must sit is one of the most important institutions of the united states. It (the supreme court) can decide on major societal issues such as same-sex couples, the authorization to
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Why it is important to have friends ?
SORARU Manon Instructor : Heather Ditzer Preparatory English Comp_EAPP_107_A 2/22/2015 Why it is important to have friends ? Before we start, we need to know what is the real definition of having friends. What do they represent in the life ? Why do we need them to feel good and
1 733 Mots / 7 Pages