Archives du BAC
43 510 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 40 921 - 40 935
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution started in 1760 in the United Kingdom, because of the textile industry, more specific for cloth: the English population was growing, and they wanted to buy cloth, but there weren’t enough. So, by building machines, their production could increase. This revolution began easily in
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The influence of the web - the idea of progress
IDEA OF PROGRES The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress. To illustrate this notion I have chosen the issue « Is today’s India a modern country? ». To answer this question, I’ll first discuss the fact that India is a modern country, but then I’ll
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The Internship
Vince Vaughn et Owen Wilson joue dans le nouveau film « The Internship » en tant que vendeurs moyennement âgés retraités qui trouve 1 stage chez Google. Le film parle de leur 1ère compétition pour décrocher un travail à plein temps chez Google. Florian Koenigsberger est de New York plus
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The inuit of Alaska
The inuit of alaska Clichés vs réalité : ont imagine les Inuits comme des gens dans des grosses fourrures, vivant dans des igloos, se déplaçant en chien de traineau, et péchant dans la glace en se nourrissant de poissons et de phoque, tout sa sur la neige blanche de l’Alaska.
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The inuit population
You have just heard a traditional Inuit song, coming directly from the Arctic Circle. For a century the question of belonging to the Arctic had not arisen because it was invaded by ice. Today, therefore, it is more than one million square kilometers which is not legally attributed. In recent
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The Iran Contra affair
THE IRAN CONTRA AFFAIR The Iran-Contra Affair was a political scandal that happened in the USA during the second term of Reagan’s Administration, in the years 1985, 1987. This affair is however full of secrets, so it’s hard to know all the details. In the 80’s, the world was
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The job that makes people happy
Part 1 Homeowners association is a committee of homeowners in a particular neighborhood that works to preserve the value of homes in the area and improve the neighborhood in general. They help protect the value of a home in a number of ways. First, these associations protect home value by
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The killer revenge, Anne Steve
WHICH ONE WILL SURVIVE ? Horia was only 7 when her mother died . She was a beautiful and smart woman . A young man, who was in love with her killed this incredible mother because she doesn't want to broke up with her husband . Since this moment, Horia
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The Killing Game
The Killing Game Dorian Gray, the main character in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, can be considered as someone with a weak moral as Lord Henry and his Hedonism beliefs easily corrupt him. It only takes a conversation in a garden to transform the pure Dorian into
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The Kingdom of Thailand
Introduction Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand, is a country of southeast Asia. With over 68 million people, Thailand is the world's 21st-most-populous country. The capital and largest city is Bangkok. Thailand is bordered by Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia. Why we chose this country ? Rich in culture, paradise
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The kiss klimt
The kiss is one of the best-known paintings of the 20th century. It was painted by an Austrian Symbolist artist named Gustav Klimt But what do we know about its creation? Here is the story behind the masterpiece : A kiss full of history While this painting is commonly referred
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The kissing booth
The kissing booth I talk about the kissing booth The kissing booth is an American romantic comedy directed by Vince Marcello and realeased in 2018 on the netflix service. Development of the movie: In june 2014, Vince Marcello was hired to write an adaptation of the novelist's novel, Beth
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The Kite Runner Chapters 20-21
The Kite Runner, Chapters 20-21 (Hassan-Ali, Amir-Baba, Farid, Sohrab, Zaman, Sofia (A. mother), (Assef : raper, Taliban) Chapter 20 Summary : Amir went back in Kabul with Farid, who is a friend of Amir and he helps him. Amir wants to find Sohrab, he is Hassan’s son. He was sent
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The Korean border
Player 1 is a group of North Korean who are trying to escape from North Korea to South Korea. Player 1 has two choices to choose, whether to choose Route Border or Route China. For Route Border, Player 1 just has to go directly from North Korea Border and then
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The Labyrinth
NAME. GABAY Antoine CLASS : 2nd 13 MARK : / 20 YOUR FILM REVIEW : The Labyrinth You are a film critic : write the review of a film you like and saw in English (with subtitles or not). To help you be thorough (= complet), answer the following questions
812 Mots / 4 Pages