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Dissertation : THE MANUFACTURE OF OLIVE OIL. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Février 2016  •  Dissertation  •  463 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 163 Vues

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1.1. True or False

1 True

2 True

3 True

4 True

5 False

6 False

7 True

8 True

9 True

10 False

1.2. Summary

The correct summary is C



1. The first recorded oil mill was built sometimes in the early 17th century.

2. The production of olive oil had been important in the area before the mill was built because there were already at least 20 other working oil mills within a radius of 15 km from here.

3. The other mill on the site was a flower mill.

4. Both mills used the same source of water to turn on.

5. The olive picking season lasted from October to February.

6. The olive oil was stored in stone tanks.

7. The flower mill was demolished when they rebuilt the oil mill in 1827.

8. The olive presses were operated manually and as many as 6 people were needed in the mill.

2.2. The manufacture of olive oil

Harvesting (from October to February), olive brought to the mill in small containers (no chemincal treatment at any stage of the process)

 Washed in cold water to eliminate impurities as soon as they arrive at the mill

 Crushed into a thick paste with grinding stones

 Paste is filtered and then formed in a sort of cake : scorton

 scortons stacked on top of one other in 25 to 30 levels and pressed mecanically (only cold mechanical pressure for high quality) : most important part of the process

 Liquid is decanted where the oil is separated from the water and vegetable matter by centrifugal force

 The olive oil is then to be bottled.


1. When the olives arrive at the mill, the first thing to happen is to get them washed in cold water to eliminate any impurities.

2. Once the olives are clean, the next part of the process is to crush them into a thick paste with grinding stones.

3. The paste is then filtered and formed in a sort of cake called a scorton.

4. After being stacked, the scortons are pressed mecanically, only with a cold mechanical pressure to keep a high quality.

5. The oil is separated from the water by decantation.

6. The final part of the process is to bottle the


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