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Littérature et société

Cours : Littérature et société. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Octobre 2018  •  Cours  •  443 Mots (2 Pages)  •  517 Vues

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This letter was put in this time capsule on the 24th January. And like everyday in the north of France it’s raining cats and dogs outside and it’s too cold.

So i’m gonna introduce myself and the topic of this letter, my name is Martin Jouret and I’m 15 years old when I’m writting this letter. I live next to Maubeuge. The main aim of this project was to show you as to us what were the items which represent the year of 2017, we had to choose five items and to explain why they represent 2017.


              I’m going to tell you facts about the present.

The money in europe is the EURO

Our car can’t fly

We still have animals

We are 7 billion on earth

               Now I’m going to present the items or events.

The first one is the realease of a movie which is lala land, i chose it because firstly it’s realease was on January 2017, and it has been nominated at the oscars and it won 6 oscars, and this movie is usually called the best of 2017.

The second one is probably the worst item on earth. Actually at all but i hate thi sitem. So it’s the handspinner, this horrible thing wasn’t created in 2017 but it was known in 2017. Everybody was with his handspinner and i never understood what was the aim of this item who came from hell.

Now i’m going to talk about something bad… the election of Trump which was in 2016 but he began in 2017, this event represents the year because he did and he said a lot of bad things, he is racist, homophobic and too many bad things

This one is also an event and it’s the « cabaret vert » which happened in 2017 and there were 98 000 people at this fest, there were a lot of artists, and my favourite band which is korn were there

And the last one is the release of the new albm of ilagine dragons which i sone of my favourite bands ever, and this album was on the top of the world in 2017.

To end up with this i’m gonna make predictions.

People will be able to teleport themselves thanks to new tech.

Because of the hunger of humanity there won’t be any animals anymore.

Cars will be able to fly, and the earth will be contaminated

Maybe see you soon 😊


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