La société CROSS (document en anglais)
Dissertation : La société CROSS (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar hamid1331 • 6 Mai 2013 • 636 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 478 Vues
2- Ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s native country, culture, language and modes of behavior are superior to all others.
Example: ethnocentrism manages have a preference for putting home country people in key positions anywhere in the world and rewarding them more handsomely for work, along with a tendency to feel that this group is more intelligent, more capable, more reliable.
Conclusion: Ethnocentrism is bad for business. Those problems included recruiting difficulties, high turnover rates and lawsuits over personnel policies.
High context and low context societal cultures:
In high context cultures, people rely heavily on situational cues for meaning, when it comes to communicate with another person.
A non verbal signal such as one’s official position or status conveys messages more powerfully than do spoken words.
Verbal and written communication in high context cultures such as China, Korea and Japan are secondary to taken-for-granted cultural assumptions about people.
In low context cultures, written and spoken words carry the burden of shared meaning.
However they tend to double check their perceptions and assumptions verbally.
Example: -The German preoccupation with written rules for even the finest details of behavior
-The North American preoccupation with precise legal documents.
In High context cultures, agreements tend to be made on the basic of someone’s word or a handshake after building trust.
European American interprets the handshake as an introduction to the signing of the contract.
-The latins need no in-depth background information because the keep themselves informed about everything through friends, family, colleagues and clients.
-Germanics have no informal networks and need more solid information before they go on.
-Eastern Europe: family and friends come first as well: they will first network their families, friends and any personal contacts who owe them a favour.
-Southern Europe: a working day starts early in the morning and ends at lunch time.
-Northern Europe: a working day starts between 8 and 9 and end between 5 and 6 pm
3- Distinction between individualistic cultures and collectivist cultures
Individualistic cultures characterized as ‘’I’’ and ‘’me’’ cultures, give priority to individual freedom and choice
Collectivist cultures, characterized instead as ‘’we’’ and ‘’us’’ cultures, rank shared goals higher than individual desires and goals.
People in collectivist cultures are expected to subordinate their own wishes and goals to those of the relevant social unit.
Example: -Individualism: Israel, Romania, Nigeria, Canada and the USA
-Collectivist cultures: Egypt,