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Zen City dissertations et mémoires


142 Zen City dissertations gratuites 101 - 125

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Dernière mise à jour : 17 Août 2015
  • Bubble City

    Bubble City

    Bubble City La cité construite dans l’eau (l’océan) la moitié de la bulle dans l’eau et l’autre moitié qui flotte sur l’eau L’Histoire Fondée en 2550 avant que le réchauffement climatique devint trop important A voir absolument ! Il ne faut pas manquer l’exploration dessous la ville qui permet d’aller explorer l’océan,les poissons…Cette endroit est très réputé car ce n’est pas tout les jours que l’on va explorer l’océan Les habitants Une des traditions de

    909 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Mystery city

    Mystery city

    Présentation des personnages NOM: Elena STIVENHOUSE AGE : 16 ans DATE DE NAISSANCE : 10/07/2001 SPECIALITE : ses yeux change de couleur et devienne rouge cheveux très long FAMILLE : son père, sa mère, ses deux sœur Maria-Galana et Anne-Marie et ses frères Nathaniel et Christian CARACTERE : douce, tendre et intentionnée mais il ne faut pas la chercher car quand elle se met en colère sa pupille se rétrécit comme celle d’un chat elle déteste les garçons sauf

    5 631 Mots / 23 Pages
  • London a global city

    London a global city

    London a global city First I would introduce the following notion by this question, what's a global city ? A global city is a city generally considerated to be an important node in the global economic system. The majors centres of the world are New-York, London, Tokyo and Paris. They are hubs around wich people, capital informations and goods revolve, but how london is a global city ? 1. A metropolis that has the infrastructure

    1 425 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Oraux : global cities

    Oraux : global cities

    Oraux d’anglais * « Global cities » « The global city is one that tangibly influences global affaires in term of politics, culture and social economy. » defines the sociologist Saskia Sassen. To illustrate the notion of spaces and exchanges studied in class, we’re going to focus on those global cities: they attract people with their worldwide known, but also retain global capital, people and ideas as well as sustain their performances in the long

    2 384 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the positive or negative impacts that global cities can have on their country or population ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the positive or negative impacts that global cities can have on their country or population ?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges with the subject we dealt with in class: global cities. To begin, I’d like to give a definition of global cities which is a very large city with millions people, it’s a multicultural city and it can regroup several places of power liked to economy, politics or education for example. In order to have this statue, cities must meet many different criteria!

    461 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rapport de stage carrefour city

    Rapport de stage carrefour city

    Terminale TCVA 2015/2016 BAC PRO TECHNICIEN COMMERCIAL VENTE AGRICOLE Session 2015-2016 Rapport de stage Responsable du stagiaire : Dates du stage : Septembre 2015 à Juin 2016 Sommaire A. Le magasin 3 A1. L’espace marché 4 A2. L’offre et la demande du magasin 5 B. Emplacement du magasin, sa zone de chalandise et sa concurrence 6 B1. Zone de Chalandise 6 B2.Concurrence 6 Concurrence directe 6 Concurrence indirecte 6 B3. Analyse SWOT du point de

    4 066 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : what makes a city legendary ?

    Myths and heroes : what makes a city legendary ?

    MYTHS AND HEROES I am going to present you the notion of "Myths and Heroes". Generally, the myth is a history which may or not may be real and which may also pull a morality. Traditionally, it is a oral history, passed down from generation in generation, which explains the legends of the origin of the world, or of a society (at the cultural level), of a religion, etc... So, this explains the social phenomena

    1 256 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What makes a city legendary?

    Spaces and exchanges: What makes a city legendary?

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES INTRO : I’m going to talk about the notion « Spaces and exchanges ». First I would like to give a definition of this notion: So it deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all the societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. This year in class we studied the case of San Francisco, as a place of social interactions. I’m going to answer the question: What makes

    693 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    Spaces and Exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    Spaces and Exchanges I’m going to speak about the notion of spaces and exchanges introducing it through the theme of global cities. Space: can be real or virtual, it’s a place where people and things who surround us evolve in community or not, they are very many different spaces. Exchange: An exchange is an act of giving one thing and receiving another one whatever this “thing” may be. To do so, I will try and

    524 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cities : Mumbai

    Cities : Mumbai

    Alright, cities are generally viewed as extremely big and overrun by skyscraper, and it’s even more true when we think of futuristic cities. So today I won’t be talking about large and future looking cities shifting into new form. Instead I want to think about cities that doesn’t look like cities. Understand how they work and try to figure out what are the limits of their way of shaping themselves. So, let’s talk about Mumbai.

    551 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Benefit or burden ? The cities trying out universal basic income (UBI)

    Benefit or burden ? The cities trying out universal basic income (UBI)

    Benefit or burden ? The cities trying out universal basic income (UBI) Firstly in the city of hamilton (Canada) The UBI is now a third of the way (1/3) This experiement is tested for 1000 participants with a supplement for people with disability A lot of people and personnality are supporting the UBI ( Bernie sanders, Mark Zuckerberg , Angus Deaton) And cities over the world are experimenting it with their population One of the

    578 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives ?

    Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives ?

    Spaces and exchanges : oral BAC New forms of influence, new spaces such as global cities, and new modes of exchanges are emerging,redefining our conceptions of space. Cities can be considered global if they have a significant impact on the world around them. For instance they can be politicaly or culturally influencial or they may attract businesses from near and far. Global cities are not a completely new phenomene. And these urban concentrations create both

    699 Mots / 3 Pages
  • London, more than a city

    London, more than a city

    London London, More than a city. Tower Bridge The place where you can see boat. Near The Tower of London. The tower bridge is the most famous bridge of london. We can visited it. We can use tube, bus and boat to go Adult : £ 8 Children : £ 3,40 Stundent and old people : £ 5,60 You can contact at or +44 (0) 20 74 03 37 61 April – September :

    351 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Stage City Fleur

    Stage City Fleur

    STAGE J’aurais aimé faire mon stage dans une entreprise littéraire mais je n’ai pas pu.Du coup je suis aller ds cette entreprise Bonjour aujourd’hui je vais parler de mon stage que j’ai effectué de la semaine du 03 au 07 février d’où l’objectif assigné à cette période formation était la découverte du métier de fleuriste. Tout d’abord je vais commencer par la présentation de l’entreprise. L’entreprise s’appelle City Fleur,situé à Corbeil-Essonnes. Cette entreprise a été

    588 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Listen to the audio document 'What's your favorite City?'

    Listen to the audio document 'What's your favorite City?'

    Listen to the audio document 'What's your favorite City?': Six people are interviewed about their favorite city in the world Listening 1 Pay attention to the accent of each person interviewed (and what they say) to match each interviewee with his/her actual identity Interviewee1 Interviewee2 Interviewee3 Interviewee4 Interviewee5 Interviewee6 Listening 2 a) Write the name of the favorite city and tick the reasons why each interviewee likes the city interviewee1 interviewee2 interviewee3 interviewee4 interviewee5 interviewee6

    268 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Beer city

    Beer city

    ANGLAIS FINAL TASK Preparing the final task: C.O: You are a guide in the Museum of Ireland.You are going to describe 1 object representing the Irish culture (Irish history / past etc...) 1/ You will welcome the tourists and introduce the imaginary museum. 2/ you will describe your object/ artefact 3/ Develop the historical event it is related to 4/ As a conclusion explain how Ireland manages to keep its cultural heritage. The recording will

    594 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    Spaces and exchanges : What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?

    The notion I'm going to deal with is space and exchanges. We can define this notion: space is virtual or physical territories and an exchange is an acte of giving and receiving something else in retorn. To illustrate this notion, I will talk about global cities. Cities can be considered as global, if they have a impact on the world. Now, the question is What impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives? My

    437 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The country living or the city living?

    The country living or the city living?

    The country living or the city living? Nowadays, the economic development and the urbanization made a huge gap between the country and the city living. A few years ago, Moroccans used to prefer the country living. According to a government research, more than 60% of them were living on the countryside in 1950. But now, it is the opposite. Even if the two areas are narrowed, they have a lot of differences concerning both work

    340 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Alpha City

    Alpha City

    global city is an alpha city with an economic, ecological, political and social influence over the world. In 1950, they were 83 cities with over a million people; by 2000 they were over 400. But how do these alphas cities manage society? And how do global cities include ecology as a form of power? I will first focus on living in a global city and then I will highlight the different ecological challenges these

    1 037 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The ecological city and Greta Thunberg

    The ecological city and Greta Thunberg

    1. For me, San Francisco is the best of the ten most eco-friendly cities. This city has been committed to ecology for decades: it was the capital of the hippie movement. San Francisco was also the first city in the United States to implement the system of recycling colored bins in homes and workplaces, making recycling easy and accessible and mandatory. In addition, San Francisco has implemented a remarkable public transportation system and encourages its

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Etats-Unis, New York City

    Etats-Unis, New York City

    Image result for borough New York map 5 ARRONDISSEMENTS : ‡ Manhattan : Borough le plus petit mais mondialement pour ses gratte-ciels. Cœur culturel et économique de la ville. Arrondissement ou sont regroupés la plupart des lieux phares à visiter. ‡ Brooklyn : LE borough le plus branché de NYC. Calme, beaucoup de commerces locaux. ‡ Queens : situé sur Long Island, rare sont les touristes qui l’explorent lors d’un premier voyage. Quartier le plus

    1 564 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Synopsis 1° scène film City Lights de Chaplin

    Synopsis 1° scène film City Lights de Chaplin

    Le film City Lights dont Charlie Chaplin est le producteur et le réalisateur est sorti en salles le 30 janvier 1931 aux Etats-Unis. Cette œuvre peut être comprise à plusieurs niveaux ce qui va la rendre universelle et assurer son triomphe mondial, bien qu’elle ait été produite en cinéma muet en pleine période du développement des productions sonorisées. Tout d’abord, nous pouvons considérer une lecture superficielle du film en forme de cartoons comiques venant à

    2 874 Mots / 12 Pages
  • New-York City

    New-York City

    Image result for borough New York map 5 ARRONDISSEMENTS : ‡ Manhattan : Borough le plus petit mais mondialement pour ses gratte-ciels. Cœur culturel et économique de la ville. Arrondissement ou sont regroupés la plupart des lieux phares à visiter. ‡ Brooklyn : LE borough le plus branché de NYC. Calme, beaucoup de commerces locaux. ‡ Queens : situé sur Long Island, rare sont les touristes qui l’explorent lors d’un premier voyage. Quartier le plus

    1 564 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Zen et Cocon

    Zen et Cocon

    ENTRE ZEN & COCON EURL Mission 1 : Opérations courantes Mission 1-a : Traitement des documents en instance du mois de novembre Mission 1-b : Projet de traitement des ventes et de la facturation des clients hôtels de luxe 1. Eléments manquants sur la facture test : * délai de paiement / échéance de la facture soit 30 jours nets * taux des pénalités de retard et montant de frais de recouvrement Justificatif de régularité

    1 297 Mots / 6 Pages
  • You live in the city of Los Angeles and you have been asked to participate in a stage production to illustrate the hunt for communists in Hollywood in the McCarthy era as part of an effort to commemorate this famous and defining episode of modern historic

    You live in the city of Los Angeles and you have been asked to participate in a stage production to illustrate the hunt for communists in Hollywood in the McCarthy era as part of an effort to commemorate this famous and defining episode of modern historic

    1950 hell begins for me. The United States is in the midst of its own national witch hunt, also known and called McCarthyism. American leaders have repeatedly told the public that they should be afraid of the damaging Communist influence in their lives. All suspected Communists are under investigation. So according to them, the communists could hide anywhere, using their teaching posts, university professors, artists or journalists to help the program of world communist

    422 Mots / 2 Pages

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