Myths and heroes : what makes a city legendary ?
Fiche : Myths and heroes : what makes a city legendary ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar gabi00000 • 29 Avril 2019 • Fiche • 1 256 Mots (6 Pages) • 1 092 Vues
I am going to present you the notion of "Myths and Heroes". Generally, the myth is a history which may or not may be real and which may also pull a morality. Traditionally, it is a oral history, passed down from generation in generation, which explains the legends of the origin of the world, or of a society (at the cultural level), of a religion, etc... So, this explains the social phenomena or natural and involves beings or supernatural events. These stories have big powers symbolic and that's why, I think that they survived over the years. The hero, for his part, is an admired person for his values, his qualities (physical and moral), or his actions. Indeed, he is supposed to contribute to the well-being of a city. Nevertheless, today, heroes take new faces.
We might ask ourselves like question : What makes a city legendary ?
To answer of this problem, we will show, in a first part, we talk about the birth of the city of San Francisco with the Gold Rush ; then, we will raise in which San Francisco is a place of social progress.
I) San Fransico San Francisco is a city located on the West coast of the United States of America, in California and is nicknamed "The City by the Bay". She was founded in 1776 by Spanish people, she takes its growth during the Gold Rush. A Gold Rush is a new discovery of gold, that brings an onrush of miners seeking their fortune. Indeed, a lot of people took part in this rush as they were looking for gold in the 19th Century, countless europeans rushed migrated to the United States, so they could strike it rich. The audio document studied in class, highlights 3 mens: *John Sutter who was an american merchant and trader, he was famous for his agricultural empire which resulted the gain of 12 billions dollars. *James Marshall who was an american carpenter and the manager of a sawmill on the account of John Sutter. He was the one which discovered the gold on the American River, in California, on January 24, 1848, the impetus for the California Gold Rush. *Samuel Brannan who was an american businessman which made a fortune thanks to the Gold Rush. The document highlighting the View of San Francisco, formely Yerba Buena in 1846-1847 before the discovery of gold is a photography which shows just a natural landscape with a few scattered houses. The boats might be those that brought over the future gold diggers. This suggests that before the arrival of the gold miners, San Francisco was not regarded as a city because there was not many houses. Moreover, a studied audio document testifies to Levi's company. Indeed, with the Gold Rush, Levi Strauss, an american businessman, moved to San Francisco to make fortune with his invention, the blue jean.