Themes anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 936 Themes anglais dissertations gratuites 751 - 775 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Est-ce vraiment la fin du pétrole en Norvège dans les prochaines décennies? (document en anglais)
I Introduction Country of 4.5 million people, Norway is the sixth largest exporter of oil in the world and the second for gas. OCDE (2011) Synonymous with financial wealth, this should put away any concerns regarding pension funding while maintaining a steady growth in the next years. In comparison to other European countries, Norway has additional advantages especially due to relatively dynamic demographics which will lead to an aging population less pronounced than elsewhere with
3 176 Mots / 13 Pages -
Etude de texte de phillip Inman (texte en anglais)
This text is an article extract from the guardian and written by phillip Inman. The text deals with the investments of the bank HSBC for ecology and the planet. HSBC wants to push his staff to recycle more and stop abusive impressions such as e-mails. This part of an investment of $ 100 million over the next five years in green measures in order to( dans le but) promote sustainable development. The bank will spend
296 Mots / 2 Pages -
Le Common Goldeneye (oiseau) (document en anglais)
Common Goldeneye Size : 38 to 43 cm long with a wingspan of 63 to cm . Weight : from 500 to 1200 grams. Description : the species is named after its golden-yellow eyes.Its feet and legs are orange-yellow. Males have a black head with a greenish gloss. Females have a brown head and a grey body. It's a type of duck. Habitat : It nests in north Asian forests , and also in France more recently. This is a migratory bird which
229 Mots / 1 Pages -
Guerre d'Irak - en anglais
Agenda I. Conflict Background ................................................................Pages 4 to 8 I. II. II. Irak USA Irak 2003 : The Conflict ..................... .....................................Pages 9 to 13 I. II. III. II. Actors Informally Stakes Linked to official and informal reasons ..................................Pages 20 to 27 I. II. V. Calendar of events Conflict Analysis .................................. .....................................Pages 14 to 19 I. IV. Reasons of the conflict Personal opinions Theories To conclude .......................................... .....................................Page 28 Summary The Iraq war was launched on March
5 496 Mots / 22 Pages -
Construction D'un Business Plan (document en anglais)
Business Plan for a Startup Business The business plan consists of a narrative and several financial worksheets. The narrative template is the body of the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. Work through the sections in any order that you want, except for the Executive Summary, which should be done last. Skip any questions that do not apply to your type of business. When you are finished writing your
343 Mots / 2 Pages -
Theme ecro droit recrutement bac pro
Ajustement entre ressources actuelles et besoins futurs Afin de permettre à l’entreprise de disposer e quantité et en qualité du personnelle dont elle a besoin, le responsable des ressources humaines doit prévoir les besoins en personnel. S’il y a des écarts, il va procéder soir a des ajustement internes : mutation, promotion, aménagement du temps de travail … et des ajustement externes : embauche, réduction Les modes de recrutement A) Les principaux modes de recrutements
216 Mots / 1 Pages -
Anglais Devoir 1: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension
Anglais Devoir 1 écrit Exercices d’aide à la compréhension Exercice 1 Circle the correct answer and justify with elements from the text. 1. The document is … c) … a newsletter. Justify: “International Resources’ newsletter” (top of document) 2. The company’s main headquarters is located in … c) … The U.S.A. Justify: “Cambridge Massachusetts USA” 3. The name of the company is … c) … International Ressources. Justify: “International Resources plc” 4. It has just
1 906 Mots / 8 Pages -
Texte anglais / français
NIRMALENDRN Jarmilaa TCOM BAC BLANC D’ANGLAIS Theme1: THE BRITISH ISLES Theme 2: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Theme 3: SRI LANKA THE BRITISH ISLES There are two states British, the republic of and the United Kingdom is Dublin and the capital city of the United Kingdom is London. The United Kingdom is composed of 4 notions: Northern Ireland on the Isle of Ireland and Scotland, England and wales on the Isle of Great Britain. The
791 Mots / 4 Pages -
Comment Présenter Une Notion En Anglais (document en anglais)
Useful vocabulary (les lettres en caractères gras indiquent les syllabes accentuées) How to introduce your notion I’m going to talk about the notion of progress / spaces and exchanges / myths and heroes / sites and forms of power = je vais parler de la notion de ... The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress : la notion que je vais traiter est... To begin with
365 Mots / 2 Pages -
Premier Ministre Français Et Anglais
Dissertations gratuites, mémoires, discours et notes de recherche Dissertations Voir la version complète Premier Ministre Britannique Premier Ministre Britannique Imprimer Document! S'inscrire - Rechercher de 155.000+ Dissertations Catégorie: Histoire et Géographie Soumis par: Jessamine 13 décembre 2011 Mots: 2363 | Pages: 10 ... e (II). Deux chefs de l’Exécutif, différent dans leur fonction. Au vue d’une première lecture des Constitutions de ces deux pays, ou de l’idée générale de la fonction du 1er ministre, il
2 035 Mots / 9 Pages -
Fiche Touristique De Quebec En Anglais
WELCOME TO QUEBEC Sightseeing There's so much to see in Quebec. You must visit a lot of museums like the naval meseum, the civilisation museum... There are a lot of parks and gardens too like battlefields parks, the Roger-Van den Hende Botanical garden... All is very beautiful and very interressant. Don't miss the Basilica-cathedral Notre-Dame built by Samuel de Champlain in 1663. The construction of this cathedral lasted approximately 350 years. You can admire too
326 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cas d'entreprise Apple (document en anglais)
CASE ANALYSIS – « Apple » Company’s history Apple Computer first came to be a company in 1976 when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak released the Apple I they build in they garage. In 1984, Apple launched the first Macintosh in response to the IBM competition. However, the Mac’s slow processor speed and lack of compatible software limited sales and caused a small crisis in the company. In order to face this crisis, Apple recruited
969 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais: écrire une courte histoire de détective
Subject: Write a short detective storie… Characters: Criminal: Brad Victim: Britney Weapon: knife Place of the crime: London Detective: Miss Marple The Adventures of miss Maple It's happened 3 years ago, in downtown of London. Miss Marple (the best detective of this town) was called by Scotland Yard because the body of Britney Parm was found in a really dark alley. She was knifed 12 times. After some research she discovered that Britney was a
455 Mots / 2 Pages -
Réconciliation avec le résultat net (document en anglais)
Reconciliation to net income: significant one-off burdens due to impairments. The reconciliation from the operating result to net income is characterised by negative special items, in particular the high impairment recognised for our Dutch electricity generation business. Higher interest expenses and interest-driven additions to provisions imposed further burdens. These were contrasted by the positive effects on earnings of commodity derivatives. The non-operating result deteriorated further, by €937 million to − 2,094 million. Its components €
337 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lettre De Motivation En Anglais
Prénom NOM Eléments en italique à compléter puis rétablir la n° adresse même écriture que le corps de la lettre CP VILLE Tél Mail SOCIÉTÉ Civilité Prénom NOM du responsable Fonction Adresse CP VILLE Objet : (votre ville), Demande de stage le BTS Assistant de Manager PJ : 1 curriculum vitae Titre, Titulaire d'un baccalauréat (préciser lequel), je suis actuellement étudiant(e) en 2ère année de Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Assistant de Manager au Lycée ......
370 Mots / 2 Pages -
Idea Of Progress (étude en anglais)
Every day science is moving/progressing in all realms. We may wonder about the advantages and drawbacks of these scientific advances and what roles they play in our lives (ici je veux dire quels rôles est-ce qu'ils jouent dans notre quotidien? ) .Men have always sought to understand their environment in order to dominate it . It always has been like this for centuries. Within a few centuries, we went from the Middle Ages to the
625 Mots / 3 Pages -
Exposé en anglais sur Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter and reigning Olympic champion over 100 m. He is the current world record holder in the 100 m (9.69 s), world junior record holder in the 200 metres (19.93 s), and Jamaican record holder in the 200 m (19.67 s). His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt". Bolt was born in Trelawny, Jamaica and educated at
473 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cours D'anglais
THEME : HIGH TECHNOLOGY MAJOR INVENTIONS : The PC -> The internet -> ADSL (=Broadband) -> optic fibre. There are two different computers : a desktop and a laptop. We invented the USB key who can store information and the MP3 player for the music. We have also the mobile phone/the cell phone and the tablet. LISTENING COMPREHENSION : « DON’T GIVE A MOBILE TO YOUR CHILD ! » (voir polycopié) The network = Le
443 Mots / 2 Pages -
L’implantation du groupe IKEA ( en anglais)
Masters Residential International Marketing IKEA: A long march to the Far East From its humble beginnings as a small general retail store in a village situated in the south of Sweden, IKEA has grown into the world's largest furniture retailer with 279 stores in 36 countries today. The name IKEA is formed from the founder's initials I. K. (Ingvar Kamprad) plus the first letters of Elmtaryd (E) and Agunnaryd (A), the farm and village where
3 131 Mots / 13 Pages -
Étude de texte dont le thème est la Guerre
Etude de texte 1. ord de son avion, le narrateur survole les villages dévastés par le feu. A dix mille mètres d’altitude, il lui est difficile de rendre compte de l’ampleur réelle des ravages. La scène semble figée, noyée dans le silence car il ne peut entendre ni le rugissement du feu ni le craquement des poutres qui s’effondrent. Il ne voit qu’une « fumée immobile », « une sorte de gelée blanchâtre » qui
593 Mots / 3 Pages -
Phrases Clés En Anglais
To feel homesick Avoir le mal du pays (Ex : immigrant qui se sent seul, sans sa famille, son pays etc..) To become aware Prendre conscience To weigh the pros and cons Peser le pour et le contre To make a dream come true Réaliser son rêve (Sachant que "A" peut devenir "her", "his" etc..) To be panic-stricken Etre pris de panique To make up one’s mind Prendre une décision (Sachant que "one's" = "her"
259 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds Madame Tussauds is a famous wax museum which is located in London. You will have the opportunity to meet in this museum all of your favorite celebrities in wax, and including Kylie Minogue, David Beckham, Jerry Springer, and Brad Pitt. Madame Tussaud's is very visit, and is experiencing a world success for a very long time. Madame Tussaud's is located in North London on Baker Street. The museum somewhat .The museum resembles about
344 Mots / 2 Pages -
Pourquoi l'Australie est-elle un objet de fascination? (document en anglais)
ENGLISH Thème 2 : The Australia Why Australia is an object of fascination? 1/ INTRODUCTION: Australia is a country populated for more than 50 000 years by the Aborigines of the southern hemisphere that covers the largest part of Oceania. Besides the island of the same name, Australia also includes Tasmania as well as other islands of the southern, Pacific and Indian Ocean. Tourism in Australia is the first country's wealth. Natural resources are more
708 Mots / 3 Pages -
Après les siècles d'occupation britannique (document en anglais).
After centuries of British occupation marked by many rebellions where Irish Republicans have worked for the right of Irish people as a whole to attain national self-determination, Ireland increased its independence movements. In this study we will talk about the evolution of the Irish society in Ireland from the formation of the Free State, (which was declared on May 3rd 1921) until the 1960’s marked by an artistic renewal. These changes were politic, social and
300 Mots / 2 Pages -
La démoralisation du rêve américain dans The Great Gatsby (film) (document en anglais)
The Demoralization of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby After World War I, soldiers came back to a very different America than they had left. People had lost the morals and work ethic that made America great, and were more focused on material possessions than traditional success. The American Dream had taken on a vastly different persona to the one they were used to. As such, in his novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott
1 511 Mots / 7 Pages