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Bts: Anglais
Anglais : devoir 1 Partie 1 : compte rendu écrit en français Cet article est intitulé "today's forecast: cloudy". Il est écrit par Daniel Lyons pour le journal Newsweek en date du 10 novembre 2008 à la rubrique techtonic shifts. Il parle d'innovation en matière de stockage des données informatiques. C’est une innovation selon laquelle le stockage de données informatique ne se fait plus sur la mémoire du PC mais sur une multitude de serveurs
567 Mots / 3 Pages -
Guide d'installation pour Windows XP ( en anglais)
TABLE OF CONTENTS CTRL + click to follow link TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Templates installation guide for Windows XP 2 Windows 7 file path for OE's templates 6 Word 2007 User Interface 7 User Information set up 7 Introducing the OE tab 8 Quick Overview of the New User Interface (UI) 10 The Home tap 11 The Page Layout tap 11 The View tap 11 The Quick Access Toolbar 12 Templates installation guide for Windows
1 006 Mots / 5 Pages -
Document en anglais
21/03 : -President Obama is on the four day trip to the region. And it started yesterday in Israel where he saw the president and also the prime minister. Leaders talked about some of the issues they both face : how to address Iran`s controversial nuclear program / the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. He will also visit a palestinian territory, Jordan.. He does it in order to represent the US and because Israel and
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Etude de cas Palm Sunday (document anglais)
25/03 -Yesterday was Palm Sunday and it was the first one for Pope Francis since he became the head of the Roman Catholic Church. You can see him taking part on the Palm Sunday service inVatican city. For Christians, Palm Sunday is the start of Holy week which concludes next Sunday on Easter. -The other religious observance starts tonight its the first night of Passover, a jewish holiday that celebrates when the Israelites escaped from
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L'idée de progression (en anglais)
Idea of progress. I’m going to talk about the idea of progress . Like Charles Murray says: “We need once again to embrace the idea of progress—the idea that history has a direction, the idea that human action has been, and is, making the world a better place." So, we may wonder if the progress is always beneficial. To my mind, idea of progress consists in believing that the world can become better in terms
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Investissement chinois en Europe (document en anglais)
I. INTRODUCTION The winds of globalization has turned, and China benefits. For a long time, it has played a subcontractor role for European and American companies who have fired their employees to relocate their production. On contact with its MCNs, China has learned a lot, and earned 2800 billion € in exchange reserve. An amount, which in theory, allows her to buy 25% of euro zone GDP. Years after years, China establishing in Europe and
2 412 Mots / 10 Pages -
Vocabulaire Anglais Orale
Expliquer un texte Allude to Blame Claim that Deal with Highlight Mean Point out Refer to Reveal Support Wonder It is interesting to note… The character symbolizes… At the beginning/end of the text… The opening sentence… As the author puts it… In the previous/next paragraph… Faire allusion à Reprocher Affirmer que Parler de Mettre en évidence Signifier, vouloir dire Souligner Faire référence à Révéler Soutenir Se demander Il est intéressant de remarquer… Le personnage symbolise/est
200 Mots / 1 Pages -
Biographie De George Orwell (document en anglais)
Biography of George Orwell Eric Arthur Blair, more popularly known as "George Orwell", was a famous English author who was well known for excellent clarity in language and well-thought stories against social injustice. He is considered one of the best chronicler of English literature of the 20th century. He is an accomplished writer in various genres including journalism, fiction, memoirs, essays and polemics. Born in 1903 in Bengal, India, he studied at Eton in England.
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Biographie de Donald Trump John (document en anglais)
Donald trump john is an American billionaire; he was born in June 14, 1946 in the queens in New York. He is the CEO of his group the "trump organization." Trump is a famous businessman in the United States. Of European origin, Donald Trump has built his empire and reputation on prestigious buildings which are called most of the time with his own name. Among his most famous buildings include: the Trump Tower (New York),
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Anglais Devoir 1: sur l'entreprise Walmart
Les classements de 2010 du magazine de fortune, walmart, le plus grand corporation du monde avec sa chaîne d'entrepôt et des magasins discount, vient de rattraper Exxon comme le leader global de multinationales avec un revenu de 408.214.0 milliards de dollars et le bénéfice de 14.335 milliards. Le compagny gère un réseau des magasins qui emploient plus de 2 millions de personnes dans 15 pays. Une histoire de succès incroyable, considérant les origines humbles de
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Le Crash de Wall Street (document en anglais)
Wall Street Crash of 1929 After World War I the economy started to grow rapidly. It was at this particular time that people started to invest in stocks. Investing in stocks was considered an easy way of making money. Consequently, more and more people showed interest in stocks. Even those who could not afford the investment wanted to play along; thus, they started to take out loans in great numbers. An increasing
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Étude du film China Inside Ou de Woodruff (document en anglais)
In "China Inside Out", Bob Woodruff reports on China's economic rise and how it impacts the rest of the world. The movie is a one-hour documentary that examines China's growing power in the world, through places such as Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, the US, and it also talks about how it impacts itself. Angola is China’s most important relation in the African continent, with bilateral trade between the two nations. China granted Angola a $2 billion
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Oral Anglais AZF
I want to talk about a subject that is dear to my heart, because I have lived it intensely. This topic is the AZF blast, the worst industrial disaster in France. On September the 21 st, 2001, ten days after the attacks in New York, at about 10 o’clock in the morning, AZF factory blasts. This explosion is followed by another one with lower intensity. The detonation is heard 80 km around Toulouse. The blast
625 Mots / 3 Pages -
La stratégie de croissance suggérée par Pernod Ricard dans le marché mondial du vin et de l'alcool. (Document en anglais).
“A suggested growth strategy for Pernod Ricard in the wine & spirit global market” Table of Contents 1.Introduction........................................................................................................…- 3 - 2.Company background...........................................................................................- 3 - 3. External analysis a. Porter’s five forces...............................................................................................- 4 - b. PESTEL analysis..………………………………………………………………….....- 6 - 4. Internal analysis a. The value chain....................................................................................................- 8 - b. SWOT analysis ………………………………………………………………...….…..- 9 - 5. Strategic orientation ………………………………………………………………....- 10 - 6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................- 12 - 7. Bibliography ......................................................................................................- 13 - 8.Appendices.........................................................................................................- 14 - 1. Introduction The
1 974 Mots / 8 Pages -
Oral Anglais Bac
African Americans spent 2 centuries fighting for recognition: The Declaration of Independence began in 1776, the thirteen colonies blamed the English for denying their fondamental rights and for imposing its laws on America. The declaration of independence announced that all men were equal, it was the only solution for the colonies to separate from Great Britain. Yet, from the begining of slavery to the end of segregation, the road to freedom and true equality has
292 Mots / 2 Pages -
Critique Du Film MR. BEAN'S HOLIDAYS de Peter Bennet Jones (document en anglais)
MR. BEAN'S HOLIDAYS An adapted film review by England,2007 U.K Release Date : 23 th Marsh 2007 Running Lenght: 90 minutes MPAA Classification : Comedy, Family. Since 6 years old Cast : Rowan Atkinson, Max Baldry, Emma de Caunes, Willem Dafoe, Jean Rochefort Producer : Peter Bennet Jones Director : Steve Bendelack Screenplay : Hamish McColl and Robin Driscoll Music : Howard Goodall Distributor :Universal Pictures Ten years after the first film of the saga
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Le centre Africain (doucment en anglais)
The England that John Winthrop was born into in 1588 was a nation wracked by generations of religious and social upheaval. Forty-four years before 22b. Contemporary African Short Stories, A Review [continued from here] CENTRAL AFRICA The Rubbish Dump by Steve Chimombo (Malawi) Steve Chimombo (Blue shirt) Joey and his parents have just moved into the airport neighbourhood. He is fascinated by the planes that fly over their quarters and would do everything possible to
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La révolution industrielle (texte en anglais)
The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to some time between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power and development of machine tools. The transition also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. The Industrial revolution began
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Le maintien de l'enseigne Ford durant la crise économique - étude en anglais
Introduction The end of the Second World II is the launching pad for the domination of the United States on the world economy. Companies are flourishing and the purchasing power of Americans is increasing as is their standard of living. Automotive companies such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors saw sales of automobiles increase significantly and could continue to record very positive financial results. However, the significant increase in the number of competitors, as
746 Mots / 3 Pages -
Orale Anglais
BIOGRAPHY MICHEL JACKSON NAME: Michael Jackson OCCUPATION: Dancer, Songwriter, Music Producer, Singer BIRTH DATE: August 29, 1958 DEATH DATE: June 25, 2009 PLACE OF BIRTH: Gary, Indiana PLACE OF DEATH: Los Angeles, California Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958, and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. His father, Joe Jackson, had been a guitarist but was forced to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to Katherine (Scruse). Two
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Comment le thème de la folie est exploité dans le roman Les cerfs-volants de Kaboul?
Quelles sont les valeurs d Département de français Collège Montmorency Le mercredi 1 mai 2013 Question 1 : Expliquez comment le thème de la folie est exploité dans le roman. Dans le roman Les cerfs-volants, plusieurs personnages ont une caractéristique importante qui est d’avoir une passion, une idée fixe. Pour Ludo, c’était son grand amour, cependant pour son oncle Ambroise, il était passionné pour ces cerfs-volants ou encore pour Duprat, c’était sa cuisine. Pour ces
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Comment le thème de la folie est exploité dans le roman?
Question 1 : Expliquez comment le thème de la folie est exploité dans le roman. Dans le roman Les cerfs-volants, le thème de la folie est exploité par plusieurs personnages. Pour Ludo, il est un grand amour de Lila. Depuis cependant pour son oncle Ambroise, il était passionné pour ces cerfs-volants ou encore pour Duprat, c'était sa cuisine. Pour ces trois personnages, la passion apparait comme une sorte de folie. Le thème de la folie
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La pompe à injection (document en anglais)
An Injection Pump is the device that pumps fuel into the cylinders of a diesel engine. Traditionally, the injection pump is driven indirectly from the crankshaft by gears, chains or a toothed belt (often the timing belt) that also drives the camshaft. It rotates at half crankshaft speed in a conventional four-stroke engine. Its timing is such that the fuel is injected only very slightly before top dead centre of that cylinder's compression stroke. It
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Discours de Tony Blair 30/09/1997 (document en anglais)
« A beacon to the world » : Extract from Tony Blair’s speech to the Labour Party conference, Brighton, 30 September 1997 On 1 May 1997, the Labour Party had an overwhelming victory over the conservatives for the general elections and formed a government for the first time in 18 years. The text that we are going to study is an extract from Tony Blair’s first conference speech since becoming Prime Minister and he defined
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Exposé en anglais sur St Patrick
SAINT PATRICK Patrick was born around 390 in Roman Britain from a family that still retained in the life of every day, the use of the Breton language. Long been Romanized Britons were Christians, though their conduct has sometimes been denied. They despised the Irish and regarded them as foreign enemies who do not know God. Patrick's family, it was Brittany, Romanized and Christianized: his grandfather was a priest and his father, Cal ¬ pornius
1 360 Mots / 6 Pages