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Themes anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 936 Themes anglais dissertations gratuites 826 - 850 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 11 Mai 2016
  • Anglais: Rapport De Stage

    Anglais: Rapport De Stage

    At present high school student, I prepare a vocational high school diploma accounting for the professional deprived secondary school for vocational training The Sacré Cœur to Béziers. I am to effect four weeks in the company Inter-Experts, 13 street Diderot 34500 Béziers, a Office Expert Accounting, with my master of intership Mrs. Tosolini, secretary-accountant. My intership it’s to undwind of the November 26th on December 22nd. My timetable was 12 past 8 am, 14 hours

    333 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Accusé de réception ((document en anglais).

    Accusé de réception ((document en anglais).

    ACCUSE DE RECEPTION It was a pleasure to receive your letter today, and we are enclosing the price list you asked for. (Cela a été un plaisir de recevoir votre lettre aujourd’hui. Nous vous faisons parvenir le catalogue et la liste de prix demandés) In reply to your enquiry of… about…., we would like to inform you that…. (En réponse à votre demande du … au sujet de…, nous souhaiterions vous informer que…) With regard

    339 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais: Les difficultés de l'organisation

    Anglais: Les difficultés de l'organisation

    LES DIFFICULTES EVENTUELLES RENCONTREES, LES SOLUTIONS ADOPTEES : L’organisation, le fait de commencé par les choses qui doivent cuire ou reposé , donc on a fait une liste avec l’ordre des taches a faire dans la matinée. Sinon quelque technique que je ne maitrisé pas , j’ai donc demandé au chef de m’expliqué. 4 – REGLES A TIRER DE L’EXPERIENCE Quitte a perdre un peu de temps, il vaut mieux prendre un petit moment pour

    688 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Le groupe Heineken (document en anglais et français)

    Le groupe Heineken (document en anglais et français)

    17 000 hectolitres en 1873, 22,4 millions en 2001 ! Heineken, première marque internationale de bière, commercialisée dans plus de 170 pays, est également la première marque européenne. Voyage au coeur de l'étoile de la bière. Trois chiffres témoignent de sa renommée : 13 000 bouteilles de bière Heineken sont consommées, toutes les minutes, dans le monde. Placées verticalement, les bouteilles, produites dans l'année, peuvent faire 32 fois le tour de la terre. Heineken a

    496 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude de la pièce de Caryl Churchill (document en anglais)

    Étude de la pièce de Caryl Churchill (document en anglais)

    Caryl Churchill's play sets in the 1980's. As we know, in the 1980's the role of women was completely different from today. Nowadays most of women have a job and women are often leading on men while before only a few of them had a high job and role in society and it was unacceptable. The one who reached that top (as Margaret Thatcher) had to fight and sacrifice for it. Women often showed submission

    1 499 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Progrèss Anglais

    Progrèss Anglais

    Does the progress always lead to a better world? The notion of progress is a notion synonym with improving, with advance or new technologies in order to live in better conditions. To illustrate this notion, and to answer at the question, I have chosen three documents talking about medicine progress. One of these documents is a cartoon and the two others are texts. So, the first document is a cartoon which introduces the notion. Indeed,

    206 Mots / 1 Pages
  • La société CROSS (document en anglais)

    La société CROSS (document en anglais)

    During the Renaissance, women were treated as inferior people. They had to keep their role in the household and had three duties towards men: they had to be silent, obedient and chaste. Whoever broke one of those rules was severely punished; for example, women considered too chatty were said to be scolds and were put on a cucking stool. This statement is really well expressed through literature. Shakespeare, for example, liked to talk about

    1 938 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Définition du Global Marketing Strategy (document en anglais)

    Définition du Global Marketing Strategy (document en anglais)

    INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DEFINITIONS for INSEEC - 2012 Professor : Gilles NAKHLE advertising It is defined as any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. adaptation Making changes to fit a particular culture/ environment/ conditions. aesthetics Philosophically, the creation and appreciation of beauty; collectively, the arts, including folklore, music, drama, and dance. back translation The process in which a document, such as a questionnaire, or phrase is

    280 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Corpus: 3 textes et 1 tableau: la question de l'homme dans le genre de l'argumentation du XIVe siècle à nos jours dont le thème est seul au milieu des autres

    Corpus: 3 textes et 1 tableau: la question de l'homme dans le genre de l'argumentation du XIVe siècle à nos jours dont le thème est seul au milieu des autres

    Notre corpus est constituer de 3 textes et d'un tableau. Pascal,Diderot et Dalembert, Baudelaire et Titarenko ont choisit d'etudier la question de l'homme ds le genre de l'argumentation du XIVe siècle à nos jours dont le thème est seul au milieu des autres. Nous répondrons a la question de notre corpus en analysant par quels moyens les auteurs démontrent-ils les avantages ou les inconvénients de la vie en société. les auteurs veulent tout d'abord démontrer

    1 958 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Document en anglais

    Document en anglais

    English It was 5.00 a.m, the mist disappears slowly. The body of a woman was lying on the street front of a store to play. 5.59 a.m : A trucker discovers the body, and he was suddenly caught a panic and fear. He was took his phone to called the police, immediately. 6.24a.m : All the district wakes up to the sounds of sirens, and approaches the police to see what happens. 6.49a.m : The

    287 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La montée en puissance de l'Inde (commentaire en anglais)

    La montée en puissance de l'Inde (commentaire en anglais)

    English : Final Task : Among on the one of the greatest aspects of India, It’s so much amazing to see how India, became a vibrant society with such an vigorous internal dynamic and an increasing influence directly and indirectly in the whole world, but what I find really incredible is the booming and thriving economy that India is developing threw years. Member of the BRICS and one of the G-20 major economies, the Indian

    424 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse en anglais - l’immigration dans l'Histoire

    Synthèse en anglais - l’immigration dans l'Histoire

    Migration, is the notion of the movement of an individual, from one place to another. There are two main types of migration,: internal migration, the movement of a person within one country, or international migration, i.e. the movement from one country to another. But also willing migration, and forced migration. Economic inequalities is the difference of the quality of life and wealth from one place to another. People always want to go where it will

    1 121 Mots / 5 Pages
  • L'Inde est-il un pays modernisé ? (texte en anglais)

    L'Inde est-il un pays modernisé ? (texte en anglais)

    Is today India a modern country? 1) A modern country… (insister plus sur cette partie) On the other hand, the Indian society changes and evaluates.. Moreover we study the listening report “the two India” which shows India as a country on the march. Its economy keeps transforming thanks to the rapid development of the high-tech sector. India’s GDP has been increasing at an annual rate of 8 %for several years now. A city like Gurgaon

    323 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche de préparation pour une séance d'anglais pour une classe de CE2

    Fiche de préparation pour une séance d'anglais pour une classe de CE2

    FICHE DE PREPARATION DE SEANCE ANGLAIS CYCLE 3 CE2 Objectif général : Comprendre à l’oral Objectif spécifique : Apprendre et comprendre quelques consignes de classe Compétences à développer : (C2) comprendre des consignes, des mots familiers et des expressions très courantes Matériel : Chapeau anglais, canne, drapeaux de différents pays anglophones (Kenya, Cameroun, Etats-Unis, Angleterre , Australie , Jamaïque, Inde à choisir) , flashcards du maître , flashcards des élèves, étiquettes à coller (pour la

    463 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Combien coûte 1 kWh d'électricité avec un système PV? (document en anglais)

    Combien coûte 1 kWh d'électricité avec un système PV? (document en anglais)

    Profitability and operating efficiency of PV Systems : How much is 1kWh electricity using a PV system ? 1) Non-commercial perspective, no interest rates are considered. Consider the total costs. C(tot)=A0 + A1 + A2 +…+An Where A0 ist the investment cost of the system and Ai are operating expenses like maintenance, repair, insurance,…. C(tot)= A0 + ∑(n ; i=1)Ai n is the lifetime of the system. Typical for PV system sis 25 years. The

    851 Mots / 4 Pages
  • George Bush (document en anglais)

    George Bush (document en anglais)

    his article is about the 41st U.S. president. For the ship named after him, see USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). For his son, the 43rd U.S. president, see George W. Bush. For other persons of the same name, see George Bush. George H. W. Bush 41st President of the United States In office January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993 Vice President Dan Quayle Preceded by Ronald Reagan Succeeded by Bill Clinton 43rd Vice President

    9 807 Mots / 40 Pages
  • Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (document en anglais)

    Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (document en anglais)

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Chapter 1 Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility is a rapidly developing, key business issue. It is a concept that has attracted worldwide attention. Due to the demands for enhanced transparency and corporate citizenship, CSR started to embrace social, ethical as well as environmental challenges. Today, companies are aware of the social and environmental impacts of international production. It is accepted that Companies should not be only profitable, but also good corporate citizens.

    9 668 Mots / 39 Pages
  • L'impact Du réchauffement Climatique Sur Les Relations Internationales (en Anglais)

    L'impact Du réchauffement Climatique Sur Les Relations Internationales (en Anglais)

    Introduction: In the 19th century, thanks to scientific discoveries about the global warming of two physicists, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier with his Analytical theory of heat published in 1822 and Svante August Arrhenius with his article on The influence of Carbonic Acides in the Air upon the Temperature of te Ground published in 1896 in the Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, the humanity discover for the first time the greenhouse effect. But it's only

    1 750 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Idea Of Progress (dissertation en anglais)

    Idea Of Progress (dissertation en anglais)

    Introduction I am going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of the idea of progress. The idea of progress consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life. The concept of progress has accompanied the greatest moments in history. The idea of progress as far as family is concerned is perforce connected to

    396 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Discrimination à l'embauche liée au sexe (document en anglais)

    Discrimination à l'embauche liée au sexe (document en anglais)

    Gender discrimination in the workplace has become very commonplace nowadays. Discriminatory behavior is to make a distinction between people based on certain criteria. Discrimination based on sex generally refers to women who are paid less, less significantly change within a company, or more difficult to access positions. Many women suffer in different ways, as brutal as each other . They may also be victims of harassment by a supervisor or conversely, suffer the contempt of

    328 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BTS SP3S: Anglais Devoir: 1 Ere Année

    BTS SP3S: Anglais Devoir: 1 Ere Année

    I. 1.The document is an article entitled " But I am your son ... " It was taken from the Guardian and published an October 14th, 1979. The text consists of an introduction of three lines and his is divided into two parts. 2." But I am your son " means in french " Mais je suis ton fils " Dès le titre, on devinne qu'il y a un différend entre le parent et l'enfant.

    490 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Internationals Politics United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) -étude en anglais

    Internationals Politics United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) -étude en anglais

    Internationals politics United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 1. Purpose, mission The UNHCR is protecting refugees and helping them. The problem created by mass movements of people resulting from civil disturbance or military conflict. 10.5 million refugees slightly down from a year earlier 2. Organization The annual budget of the UNHCR is 3.6 billion U.S. $ in 2012. The UN General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) govern the UN refugee agency.

    1 408 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Use-Case Model (document en anglais)

    Use-Case Model (document en anglais)

    Example Use-Case Model Elaboration Phase 1 Introduction This is an example of a Use-Case Model as it would appear in Elaboration. Primary actors and use cases are identified, and key scenarios (those that will be implemented first) are detailed. Each use case has an associated use-case specification. 2 Overview The Automated Teller Machine is a remote unit connected to the bank computer systems. The purpose of the system is to bring regular bank services closer

    328 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'impact de l’immigration - en anglais

    L'impact de l’immigration - en anglais

    For a long time, many people coming from India, Africa, East of Europe and other countries emigrate to Europe and United Kingdom which are the main shelters for immigrants. Before they arrive, they are hopeful, later most of them are disappointed. When they immigrate to a new country, they are searching for happiness, success, and also for some of them to live decently, to eat and could finally live in dignity. They want a good

    270 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les écoles nous apprennent-elles tout ce que nous devons savoir? (document en anglais)

    Les écoles nous apprennent-elles tout ce que nous devons savoir? (document en anglais)

    Do schools teach us everything we need to know? In every culture around the planet, one of the most important pillars of society is education. It shapes the way in which a human is going to interact with the world and gives him the tools to deal with it. According to the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid,

    995 Mots / 4 Pages