- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Document en anglais

Note de Recherches : Document en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2013  •  287 Mots (2 Pages)  •  679 Vues

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It was 5.00 a.m, the mist disappears slowly. The body of a woman was lying on the street front of a store to play.

5.59 a.m : A trucker discovers the body, and he was suddenly caught a panic and fear. He was took his phone to called the police, immediately.

6.24a.m : All the district wakes up to the sounds of sirens, and approaches the police to see what happens.

6.49a.m : The ambulance arrives from the morgue to board the body, the doubt settles in the neighborhood, everyone is monitoring everyone.

The question everyone asks: Who did it? And why? John Gibbs is an inspector of the Central Police Station, famous for having had no failure. On the crime scene, multiple clues are found, such as a broken phone, a lot of blood and a hair, more precisely blond hair. John Gibbs then back to the lab to know the identity of the victim, grace aux nouvelles technologies cela n'a pris qu'une heure pour retrouver l'identité de la femme. Helena Swits, 23 years, real estate agent and the relief of the inspector she has no children. The laboratory then focused on the hair found at the scene, and he founds an amazing thing, the hair belongs to his father, stated he is already dead his five years.

John is completely lost, though he had never failed before.

After many months of research, the father will be found thanks to an unknown call and after interrogation, the only reason for this horrible crime on his daughter would be: it hated his ex-mother, and that the similarity in the night was clear, he thought he murdered the mother while she was the daughter.

The father will be sentenced to 20 years in prison.


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