The Signalman dissertations et mémoires
2 627 The Signalman dissertations gratuites 751 - 775 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Notion de progrès- In what extent the brakthroughs in genetics constitute real progress?
NOTION OF PROGRESS Documents : « Saviour Sibling », « The stark truth about doning », « Baby selected to be free from breast cancer gene is born » Progress is an improvement, an evolution in different areas such as science, technology, politics, economy, art, which aims at bettering the human condition. For example, we can point out many medical breakthroughs, the evolution of communication thanks to the internet, the womens’ rights, liberty, etc. My
1 639 Mots / 7 Pages -
Effects of the Economic Environment on Managers’ Decision-Making Activity
Effects of the Economic Environment on Managers’ Decision-Making Activity BU5302 – Globalisation and Business – Tony Bithell + Lisa Conway J15707 Word Count: ________________ Plan ________________ Globalisation, which Johnson and Turner (2010) define as “the growing interconnected of countries world-wide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions” (p. 21), has arguably created the most dynamic and diverse environment in which a business can operate. Held, McGrew, Goldblatt and Perraton (1999) argue that the
899 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and Heroes: What is the place of Heroes in our society ?
Synthesis: Myths and Heroes. The stories of men are numerous and diversified. Every generation has his stories. The "heroes": many stories are praising these people. It is difficult to know if these stories are true. The storytellers tend to exaggerate the narratives to make them more interesting. This drives to fantastic and surrealist narratives. This genre of narrative is called myth or legend. But the heroes are not necessarily past or mythological characters of story.
574 Mots / 3 Pages -
Ethics in the world of Business
Class 2 : Ethics in the world of Business • Summary First of all, we began to speak about what ethics means for us. All the class has participated and we found several elements that make us thing about ethics. For some of us Ethics is something very similar with behaviour to a situation enrolled in a culture. Actually, Ethics can be related with morals, right thing to do and the values of individuals (it
1 684 Mots / 7 Pages -
The seven commendants.
Hstorical and history context So i will talk about all the things in this passage which refer to historical actions which took already place a long time ago or take place during the writing of the story so in 1945. The fisrt « expressions » that a i wille talk bout are « the manor farm » which is replace by « animal farm » by the animals.The replacement calls on the historical event of
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Synthesis of the chapter : Myth and heroes
Synthesis of the chapter : Myth and heroes Unit 1 : Myth or reality? What is a myth ? A myth is a symbolic tale that concerns timeless questions, such as death, God, the universe. It's connected to a belief or rituals. A myth is a story that explains or give value to the unknown. It's handed through history often through oral tradition. Some may have factual origins while other are fictional. 1- Thanksgiving The
1 003 Mots / 5 Pages -
Idee of progress: Does the progress of sciences rhyme with progress of consciences?
Introduction : The progress it's the goal of humanity. A universal goal, for example in the politic, every countries try to develop, in the economy, the technology, the research etc. But the progress is a personal intention to, for example when you are student, you want enrich what you know, word progress in life. But in certain cases the progress it's relative. Problematic: Does the progress of sciences rhyme with progress of consciences? Announcement of
386 Mots / 2 Pages -
Espaces et échanges: How this notion can have an impact on the human’s life ?
Spaces and exchanges We are going to speak about the notion « Spaces and exchanges » first of all i would like to give a definition of these notion « Spaces and exchanges » means the interactions, communication between men and different societies.Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. We can say that: the concept characterized our modern day with the different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions. So
1 033 Mots / 5 Pages -
The minimum school leaving age
The minimum school leaving age The education reform is one of the most discussed topics all around the world. We have seen the transformation of school system multiple times from ancient to modern society. One of the recent debates in this field is about the regulation of the school leaving age. The opinions are divided. Opponents show the complete disadvantage of raising the leaving age but who is favour defend the benefits of this change.
314 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Russian - Sting (1985)
Bonjour je vais vous présenter the RUSSIAN. The Russian a était composé et chanté en 1985 par Sting. Sting est né le 2 octobre 1951 en Angleterre. On 1976, il forme un groupe qui se nomme The Police avec deux autre musicien. Il tenait le rôle de bassiste de compositeur et de chanteur. Puis lassé des tournées interminables, il entame une carrière solo en 1985 avec l’album the Dreams of the Blue turtles. Sting est
379 Mots / 2 Pages -
Can Macy’s Bring Back the Magic?
Can Macy’s Bring Back the Magic? Synopsis/Overview: Federated Department Stores (Parent to Macy’s) has always been focused on making Macy’s a national brand after the market crash in 2008. The crash created a vacuum that sucked up a lot of their competition among department stores. Federated then sought to expand their consolidated department stores, now known as the singular name, Macy’s, even further now that a big portion of the market share was up for
688 Mots / 3 Pages -
China, Constraining the Government without Reducing Its Revenue.
6. Constraining the Government without Reducing Its Revenue * One of the fundamental institutional obstacles to economic development, according to economic historians is the lack of institutional constraint on the powerful, discretionary state * While the rule of law is proven to be an effective way of constraining the state in developed countries, China has not had it yet. But there are other institutional arrangements that perform the similar function of constraining the arbitrary behavior
1 171 Mots / 5 Pages -
Falling sales of the Chilean retailer Saga Falabella in the Peruvian market
Falling sales of the Chilean retailer Saga Falabella in the Peruvian market Description: what is saga Fallabella Saga Falabella Falabella is part of one of the largest and most established companies in Latin America that conducts business through various business areas. The main ones are the department store, department stores, home improvement and construction, supermarkets, bank, travel and insurance. The department store is, today, the largest in South America with more than 65,000 employees in
824 Mots / 4 Pages -
The real estate crisis that affected the United States between 2006 and 2007.
Introduction Today we will talk about the real estate crisis that affected the United States between 2006 and 2007. This real estate crisis also called the "subprime crisis", has greatly affected the United States. This crisis that should have remained in the United States, and more particularly the real estate sector, has finally spread all over the world. This spread is the result of a technique that is in the midst of finance, securitization. As
491 Mots / 2 Pages -
The racism
Le racisme Good morning, today I’m going to talk you about the racism. The racism is a form of discrimination that calls to mind some American practices under the Bush Republican presidency ; of harassment too which is present in every country, every school, every high school, all over the world. This ideology pushing aparty of the population of the earth to believe that their races is superior and that the other races is more
396 Mots / 2 Pages -
Analyse concurrence, Thé glacé.
Travail à faire / PR2 : Finaliser la recherche documentaire ; fixer la population d’étude et problématique générale de l’étude consommateurs ; Population d’étude : csp + homme et femme entre 25 et 35 ans Pq ? csp + * prix qui est différent selon les lieux de vente de 1euro 40 a 2euro 50 pour 500ml * objet de décoration, le packaging n’est pas pris au hasard, la bouteille peut etre recyclé et réutilisé.
388 Mots / 2 Pages -
The planners analyse.
Boey Kim Cheng is a Singapore-born Australian poet , of the 21st century, from Chinese origines. He received a lot of degrees, linked with litterature. The poem « The planners » is about his native town. They plan. They build. All spaces are gridded, filled with permutations of possibilities. The buildings are in alignment with the roads which meet at desired points linked by bridges all hang in the grace of mathematics. They build and will not
477 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Importance of Mission and Vision Statement
The importance of Vision and Mission - If an organization cannot define it's "reason for existing (Mission) or "where it is going" (Vision), how can it align the resources towards a successful future? It defines the character of an organization and allows it to differentiate itself form competitors by answering three key questions: What do we do, for whom do we do it, and what is the benefit. - A vision serves as a guide
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History for the national symbol of the U.K : Imagine John Lennon.
Introduction : I choose to speak about John Lennon and his song Imagine. John Lennon was a famous singer at the twentieth century due to his group : the Beatles. He created "Imagine" for protest against war and violence of the Vietnam war and racial segregation. Part one : Focus on John Lennon John Lennon was born on october nineteenth, nineteen forty in Liverpool, England. Before the Beatles this group was called : Johnny And
380 Mots / 2 Pages -
Banksy - The armoured peace Dove
Banksy est un artiste connu pour son art urbain. Dissimulant sa véritable identité Banksy est mystérieux car il ne dévoile pas son nom ni son prénom il a juste dévoilé son pseudonyme qui est Banksy. Grâce à une méthode scientifique sur certaine source il se nommerait peut-être Robert Banks ou Robin Gunningham. Cette œuvre de Banksy intitulée “The armoured peace Dove » traduit en français par « la colombe de la paix sous les balles
535 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, The White House.
The White House was built in Washington DC, which took 8 years, from 1792 to 1800. It was Georges Washington who decided to build it. Since its construction, the White House was used like a house and a place of work for all American presidents and it had multiple extensions and renovations. John Adams was the first president to move into the house. The building is divided of 3 parts: the Executive Residence, the West
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Histoire des arts, Einstein on the beach de Philip Glass.
Préparation pour l'histoire de Arts: Einstein on the beach de Philip Glass: Présentation de l’œuvre: L’œuvre s'appel Einstein on the beach, c'est un opéra minimalisme qui dure environ 5H. Sa création a durée 1 ans de 19 à 1976. Sa première présentation a était faite en 1976 au Festival d'Avignon en France. La mise en scène a était faite par Robert Wilson et la chorégraphie par Lucinda Childs. Cette œuvre fait partie de L'Art du
419 Mots / 2 Pages -
The idea of progress; Is telecommuting improving our lives ?
The Idea Of Progress I'm going to talk about the notion "idea of progress" with the theme of telecommuting. I will answer the essential question :"Is telecommuting improving our lives ?". At first, I will speak about teleworking trends in the US, then I will talk about the economic impact of teleworking and finally advantages and drawbacks of telecommuting in terms of personal and social relationships. To begin, I will speak about teleworking trends in
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Oral de Bac Anglais: How can we say that the money is a form of power?
I am going to speak about the notion places and forms of powers.Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources. During this sequence we spoke about the power of the money. That is why he adorned me justifiable to ask me the question: How can we say that the money is a form of power? To answer has this question at first we go to see that money control people then that the
655 Mots / 3 Pages -
Evaluate the importance of cash flow to a business.
4. Evaluate the importance of cash flow to a business. First at all, cash flow is of vital importance to the health of a business. One saying is :" revenue is vanity, cash flow is sanity, but cash is king". The improtance is that the cash flow can keep the business going on. As all we know, there are many companies can continue their business even if they are making a loss. The resource who
268 Mots / 2 Pages