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The racism

Discours : The racism. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Novembre 2016  •  Discours  •  396 Mots (2 Pages)  •  695 Vues

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Le racisme

Good morning, today I’m going to talk you about the racism. The racism is  a form of discrimination that calls to mind some American practices under the Bush Republican presidency ; of harassment too which is present in every country, every school, every high school, all over the world. This ideology  pushing aparty of the population of the earth to believe that their races is superior and that the other races is more inferior so they must obey. It is plague. Because of this, some people are judged all the time about their (origins)nationality, about their weight (big or thin), about their financial means (rich or poor), about their skin color ( black, white or other). This daily persecution pushing some pepole to end to their life… this acts is so crazy. The racism can generate in the victim a stigmatisation and this discrimination will lead a auto-stigmatisation

The racism has, different forms. The racist insults or the discrimination are considered as offence in many countries. The racist practices constitute a violation of the human rights. There are a few centuries the racism talked of genocides against the dark colored persons. There are different type of racism in our world.

The racism of state in the USA : he presents the caracteristics comon to explicitly racist official ideology and to have institutionalized in the law a hierarchy presented as natural and impassable between the dominant group and the dominated group. One of the most significant measures is the prohibition on the interracial marriages and the segregation ; She transcribes in the legal order the ideology of the " purity of the race ".

- The political racism: has cause of its bad connotation in Occident, few political parties claim to be openly as racists. Numerous extreme right-wing parties for example were however accused of conveying speeches of this type through xenophobic positions. The apology of the racism is condemned.

- The individual racism: he is translated by words or racist acts to other individuals. He is closely linked on one hand to the xenophobia, the hatred, the ethnisme, the intolerance and the ideology of cultural or personal superiority, on the other hand in the social displacement. Generally the racism, is deducted from outer signs; he can be also inferred by behavior. It is assertion of an identity logic or a reaction to an identity logic.


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