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Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juin 2015
  • The slave Trade

    The slave Trade

    The slave trade Introduction : From the XVIe to XIX centuries , the black people were taken from Africa in order to become slaves. They become a part of the triangular trade. I chose to speak about the 1st and 2nd document. The first document is a part of a planisphere which represents the triangular trade with the slaves routes between america and Africa through the atlantic ocean, and also we can see a trade

    1 590 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Shannon and the American Dream

    Shannon and the American Dream

    The main character is Shannon. The text is an extract of her diary. Shannon was a teenager; she was almost sixteen years old. She was Irish. Her dad was a fisherman but unfortunately he died at sea. Then Shannon life became very hard, she left school and worked as a farmhand. So she decided to go to America to starting a new and a better life. She took the boat alone the 8 of May

    260 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mythes et héros:Who is the new generation of hero today?

    Mythes et héros:Who is the new generation of hero today?

    Intro We all have a hero in our life who influence what we do or the way we think. A hero is a mythological or legendary figure often with great strength. It is also a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities or courage. A hero is an object of extreme admiration and devotion, icon and role model. The first appearance of heroes is in myth. A myth is a fictitous story which can convey

    587 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The art of welcoming, vocabulaire en francais

    The art of welcoming, vocabulaire en francais

    THE ART OF WELCOMING – VOCAULARY All-inclusive/include (tout inclus): all the hotel’s services are included in the package holiday (accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and sometimes even activities). Deposit (Arrhes ou Acompte): sums of money that the customer pays the provider to guarantee a reservation. But the difference between Arrhes (you agree on the amount you must pay to create a contract which guarantees a performance and it is an advance payment) and Acompte (money

    549 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Exposé d'anglais : The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Exposé d'anglais : The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or RCMP is both federal police of Canada and provincial police in most canadian provinces. It is called « police montée » by the french canadians and « red coats » by the english canadians (« manteau rouge ») because they wear a red uniform : a red jacket with gold buttons, a navy blue equestrian pants with yellow line on the outer side of

    284 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cleaver’s Sausage House & the Implementation of MRP

    Cleaver’s Sausage House & the Implementation of MRP

    Cleaver’s Sausage House & the Implementation of MRP Table of Contents I. Introduction Case Background II. Issues at Hand Technology Change, Management, Organizational Issues, Resistance to Change III. Evaluating Courses of Action Task Force/Incubator Approach, Coercion Approach, Organizational Development, Training Programs IV. Conclusion What is the Best Course of Action? I. Introduction Allison Elam, VP of Operations for Cleaver’s Sausage House, has had a proposal of hers shot down from the executive committee. The proposal

    1 656 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Idea of progress: In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress ?

    Idea of progress: In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress ?

    Idea of the progress Hello, I would like to develop about the notion of the idea of Progress. First at all, I give a definition of Progress. Progress is a gradual betterment, especially : the progressive development of humankind in particular concerning social events. In the 20 century, women fought against inequalities between them and men. In what way have the feminist revolts of the 20 century brought about a change attitudes and socail progress

    613 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Idea of Progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?

    The Idea of Progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?

    Ideas of progress What are the promises and perils of biotechnology? I) Positive points * Pre implantation genetic diagnosis (Gattaca) - couples: choose healthy embryos in order to avoid genetic disease. - and choose hair color eye color by gen. selection (although this could be criticized) * Design your Baby - Text B (p65) Because she had Fanconi's Anemia, an immedicable disease, Molly Nash, teenager of 15 y-o had a 7 years life expectancy when

    493 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Walking Dead

    The Walking Dead

    I’m going to present my favourite Tv Series The Walking Dead. The walking dead is the americain horror drama Tv series . The characters are Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn, Carol peletier, Magie Greene, Beth Greene, Michonne, Rosita Espinosa, Negn, Tyreese Williams, Sacha Williams, Eugène, Tara, Andrea, Gabriel, Abraham, Aaron and Morgan. It is developed by Frank Darabont and Robert Krikman and diffused since the October thirty one, two thousand ten.

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion Seats and Forms of Power: are all the citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India?

    Notion Seats and Forms of Power: are all the citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India?

    Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the

    1 279 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Notion Anglais "Seats and forms of power": Are all the citizens on an equal footing?

    Notion Anglais "Seats and forms of power": Are all the citizens on an equal footing?

    Today, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘Seats and forms of power’. The power can be related to the right or an authority given or delegated to a person or a body. The power is necessary to control the population for example, for centuries he was essential, like when the colonization was here; and there are some country where a dictatorship still exist and on the other hand the democracy seems to be the

    1 279 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Points of discussion proposed by the upcoming Moroccan Presidency for the Marrakech Climate Conference

    Points of discussion proposed by the upcoming Moroccan Presidency for the Marrakech Climate Conference

    Points of discussion proposed by the upcoming Moroccan Presidency for the Marrakech Climate Conference The upcoming Moroccan Presidency wishes to present some ideas for the agenda and objectives of the COP22 as "food for thought" and as a basis for discussion for the Parties and very much welcomes all suggestions, analysis and proposals. 1. Ratification of the Paris Agreement The upcoming Moroccan Presidency proposes that France and Morocco make every effort to ratify the Paris

    898 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: Does the conquest of the West was as beautiful and peaceful as in some films or painting ?

    Spaces and exchanges: Does the conquest of the West was as beautiful and peaceful as in some films or painting ?

    I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First , i'll give you a definition of these terms : The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: trade, information. In Class we talked about The conquest of the West and this is linked to this notion because we will see how european people and the gouvernment from America

    510 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Django and the gothic

    Django and the gothic

    Anne-Sophie Saindon February 3rd, 2017 Film/text Analysis: Django and the gothic Teresa Goddu provides us tools and well-developed explanations fundamental for understanding the American gothic literature. Before reading her point of view, I associated “gothic” with “dark”. But, at some point in her text, Goddu dissociate dark and gothic. According to her, gothic means popular, while dark means profound. Quite different ideas we have here… It played in the movies, it won prices and it

    584 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The soccer

    The soccer

    The Soccer is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by two hundred fifty million players in two hundred countries and dependencies .The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal.The soccer referee has to apply the rules. The goalkeepers are the only players

    340 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What drives people to leave their contry to go and travelling around the world ?

    Spaces and exchanges: What drives people to leave their contry to go and travelling around the world ?

    Spaces and Exchanges There are a lot of different exchanges between countries and thanks to globalisation, everything spread quicker and quicker. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. An exchange is when we give in return for something received – this can be anything from money, ideas, gifts, medical or financial aid. Our modern-day world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in communications

    1 346 Mots / 6 Pages
  • An overview of Apprenticeships programmes in the UK

    An overview of Apprenticeships programmes in the UK

    An overview of Apprenticeships programmes in the United Kingdom In December, the government voted a £1.4bn skills training scheme in order to lower the rate of youth unemployment. Apprenticeships are work-based training programmes which lead to nationally-recognised qualifications. Most of the training is ‘on the job’. The rest can be provided by a local college or by a learning provider. Apprentices are incorporated in what is called a framework that offers a range of qualifications

    416 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The irish identity

    The irish identity

    Essay To many, the Irish identity only consists in its folklore, meaning leprechauns and cauldrons of gold at the end of a rainbow. Some have heard about St Patrick's day and it pretty much sums up what is known about Ireland. To right the wrongs and do justice to the cultural wealth of the Irish people, we need to go back to the 16th century when Ireland and England's history begins. Back then Ireland was

    1 934 Mots / 8 Pages
  • The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983

    The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983

    Extended Essay The Overlapping of Space Power Theory and the United States' Space Policies From the Formation of NASA to the Development of SDI, 1958-1983 To what extent does space power theory accurately explains U.S space policy from the formation of NASA to the development of SDI? Extended Essay in History, Group 3 Word Count: 3959 Personal Code: gdc-878 May 2017 ABSTRACT This essay assesses the extent to which the space power theory explains the

    5 243 Mots / 21 Pages
  • To what extent was Charles I personnaly responsabile for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642?

    To what extent was Charles I personnaly responsabile for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642?

    37102656 Wednesday, 11 January 2017 To what extent was Charles I personally responsible for the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642? On January 4th 1642 Charles I marched into the House of Commons and declared ‘I see all the birds have flown’. The Five Members was a failed attempt by the king to arrest five prominent members of parliament, prompted by the proposed impeachment of his wife, Henrietta Maria. This incident was the

    2 273 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Anglais, E.E, the strange village

    Anglais, E.E, the strange village

    The strange village... After a long days where the road was long and tiring, I finally arrived at my destination. The carriage had left me at the entrance of the village, with my suitcases in my hands, and I was prepared to discover this village. A strange atmosphere was present in this place which was dark and gloomy. A fog had taken place, the sky was grey, and a great dark forest stood behind me.

    295 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral anglais: the brain and languages, how does it work?

    Oral anglais: the brain and languages, how does it work?

    The brain and languages, how does it work ? Hello everybody ! Today, I will enlighten you on how your brain works when you learn a language. I know this is not really topical subject, but is it not what we are doing right now ? So, Before I dive in this problem, i have to impart you or remind you for some, how the brain works overall. The brain is an organ that serves

    869 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?

    Spaces and exchanges: how did the American Dream shape the United States? Is the myth of the American Dream always of actuality?

    I am going talk about spaces and exchanges. First at all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern – day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders; cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education; movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, gap years... our

    646 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book review Don't panic. Although it may appear that a novel named Guide to the Galaxy will be giant, seemingly never-ending book (imagine how huge the universe is), it hasn't more than 140 pages. Douglas Adams originally wrote it as a radio comedy play, but in 1979 the first part of sci-fi satire pentalogy was published. The book narrates adventures of Artur Philip Dent, whose life turns upside down

    425 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The century of ICTs

    The century of ICTs

    THE CENTURY OF ICTs The 21st century was mainly marked by the Information and Communication technologies (ICTs). Those technologies caused and are still causing great changes on our daily lives. From our way to communicate with each other, to trade, to move; every feature of our lifestyle is inevitably linked to those artificial intelligences. All the debates about the necessity and the dangers of this new high tech world make us wonder: What are the

    1 334 Mots / 6 Pages