Rapports de Stage
6 968 Rapports de Stage dissertations gratuites 1 276 - 1 290
CV en anglais
TAVERNiax REMy 89 rue Victor Clairet VARREDDES Varreddes 77910 06 07 68 94 59 19/12/1991 @hotmail.fr Profile I am a recent graduate in electronics and electromechanics with a training in apprenticeship in a company specialized in automation, communication and regulation. I am looking for a job that will allow me
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CV en anglais
Michel Ducre •7 rue du pont neuf Paris ☎(0033)6xxxxxxxxxx •Michelducre@gmail.com Born on 05/08/1997 at Bretagne PERSONAL STATEMENT I done a lot of work experience, so I have experience in the professional environment, From a technical diploma I can bring my knowledge and expertise EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 2016-2017 : First Year
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CV en anglais
C:\Users\utilisateur\Pictures\2016-11-08\695.jpg Alexandra DE CLERCK Le Haut Fays 77560 Champcenest Mobile : 0033680406930 Email : a.declerck77560@gmail.com Date of Birth : 26 December1996 Nationality : French LANGUAGES French: Native speaker English : Intermediate Spanish: Intermediate ADDITIONNAL INFORMATION Computing skills : Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Internet Clean driving licence INTEREST PERSONAL STATEMENT
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CV en anglais
Arthur Avetisian Address Angouleme, France arthur.avetisian@hotmail.com HIGHLINE EXTREME 15 St. Johns Way Country? +44 13 66 38 18 51 info@highlineextreme.co.uk Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to apply for a work placement in your company, which I found on the internet (name of the website?). I started my first
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Cv en anglais BTS
Daniela Filipa Fernandes Da Silva 22 Impasse Des Chasseurs Student in Negotiation and Costumer Relationship 01360 Balan,France Portuguese danielaffernandessilva97@gmail.com 21 years old +33651247606 Objective : Looking for a training period/ intership as a insurance advisor EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATES * 2013-2014 : College Anne Frank, Miribel, France Secondary School, GCSE :
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CV en anglais.
MR Abdoul Bah Address: 3566 bellbranche apt#1 Memphis,tn38116 Phone Number:901 282 52 16 email: abdoul73@aol.com Abdoul731@LIVE.COM OBJECTIVE To secure meaningful employment with a company in which I may gain Growth opportunities by learning new skills and utilizing current skills And training. EDUCATION school elementaire of Pita from october1978 to july1988
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Cv en anglais: application for a work placement.
Etienne COMPAIN 7A rue des guigniers 72100 le Mans (France) +33686845922 etienne.compain72@orange.fr SUBJECT: Application for a work placement EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2016-2017: BTS (License of technician superior) equivalent of: Technical degree in International Trade (St Charles - Ste Croix High School) (France) - Study foreign market - Prospection of new
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CV en marketing
Aminata Toure Adresse : Cite Hamo Tefess , villa N* S3 Guédiawaye/Dakar Tel : (+221)77 323 08 66 Email : mintapoete@hotmail.fr Situation Matrimoniale : Célibataire sans enfants Objectif : Faire du Marketing un facteur exponentiel de rendement Domaine de compétences : Technique de vente -Gestion clientèle et fidélisation -Etude de
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CV en Portuguais
1 / 2 Curriculum Vitae Nom et prénom + date de naissance Adresse Contact: Email: EXPERIÊNCIA PROFISSIONAL : • Ø Desde Junho 2015 Profitcenter Manager, ENTREPRISE Management e Organização dos centros, Management e Organização du pessoal, Organização administrativa, Analise das Vendas, Coaching, Seguimento dos patientes, Realização de diferentes exames de
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Cv entreprise
Cremades cremades1006@outlook.fr Anthony 06 98 25 01 02 324 chemin de la Maladière Montluel 01120 Hello i am Anthony I went for a job in maintenance industrial. I have my bts crsa (conception and realisation of automatic system) and I think coca colas compagnie is the better place for work
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CV équipier polyvalent la grande récrée
GRONDIN Alexandre 62 Avenue Pierre Sémard 0750805681 alexandrepro68@gmail.com LA GRANDE RECRE 57 Route de Cannes, 06130 GRASSE A l’attention du responsable des ressources humaine GRASSE, le 17/03/2017 Objet : Candidature pour un poste de vendeur Madame, Monsieur Je recherche actuellement un emploi pour le mois d’aout seulement en tant que
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CV esthétique
Curriculum vitae Gilles Léa Née le 2 Mars 1997 à Amilly (45) 343 route d'Orléans 45700 St Maurice sur Fessard Tél: 0646614931 ou 0238280769 Email: philippegilles@orange.fr Formation: En Cours d'obtention du CAP Esthétique. 2013-2014: Seconde CAP Esthétique Cosmétique Parfumerie Lycée privé Alexiss, Orléans. 2014-2015: Première CAP Esthétique Cosmétique Parfumerie Lycée
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CV et Lettre de Motivation
Arnaut Dupont 20ans 50 rue des Prés 68470 Fellering 06 - - - - - mèl BTS CONCEPTION ET REALISATION DE SYSTEMES AUTOMATIQUES RECHERCHE DE STAGE FORMATION 2016-2017: Première année BTS CRSA (conception et réalisation de systèmes automatiques Lycée Parc de Vilgénis Massy 91300 Travaux pratiques portant sur: - La
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CV et lettre de motivation stage aviation (en anglais)
Lettre de motivation: Juste Blanc Thursday, 5th January Adresse numéro de téléphone adresse email addressed to … Sir, Madam, I would like to become a jet-fighter pilot in the french air force. That is why I am asking for an internship within your company, which I learned from students who
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