Dissertation : la place du pouvoir
Mémoires Gratuits : Dissertation : la place du pouvoir. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar LePetitPrince • 29 Avril 2015 • 473 Mots (2 Pages) • 984 Vues
Bonjour, je dois réalisé un texte pour le bac avec comme notion "places and form of power" et dont la question est "are all citizens on an equal footing
in modern-day India?". J'ai déjà fait mon texte mais j'aimerai bien que quelqu'un le corrige et me dise si je n'ai pas fais un hors sujet. Merci d'avance.
I'm going to talk about the places and form of power. Firstly I would like to give a definition of this notion, for me power is the ability to control at hers, events, or ressources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance or opposition. The power is often use by the government or the politics. To illustrate this I have chosen to talk about India: are all citizens on an equal footing in modern-day India? India is a country in South Asia, is the largest democracy in the world and the most of population are hindus . It's a country with olds traditions which the societies of today can't be separated.
For beginning, India got a population composed with the majority of men. In 2012, it was estimated that there were nine hundred forty girls aged six and under for every one thousand boys six hundred thousand girls go missing every years. The most of baby girls disappear at birth or later. This phenomen come from the oldest generations and in name is infanticide on the little girls. The population, often they have the lowest jobs, based their culture on the cast system. one of theses customs is to pay the bride's family to the family of the husband. For not pay, the poors families doesn't want have girls. For they, compared to girls, the boys can take care of the family business of the parents when they are old and they can perpetuate the family name too. So for the families, to have a boy it's a good think. It's for that, in three generations, more than fifty millions women have been selectively eliminated from India's population through infanticide with illegal failure. This document with the tittle enough speaking: "india's girls go missing" shows the inequality of girls against boys who are far more attractive financially. Indian family are ready for anything, even kill their baby to keep their power.
However, many girls are recognized for their differences and their power on this system. In 50 years, India's Independent democracy has had a female Prime minister and a female president. Now, the girls who can have an access of education, often aren't poors, can succeed. The difference between the rich and the poors are very important in India. The riches can have an access to eduction and consequently can have goods jobs like in the High-tech technologies. The poors, live in shantytown, can't have an access to eduction and are forced to live in their rural communities.