- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Place Et Forme De Pouvoir

Dissertation : Place Et Forme De Pouvoir. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Mars 2013  •  263 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 833 Vues

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Introduction : the notion i'm going to deal with is places and forms of power, this one generally implies a basic vision between those who have and exercise power , and those who have none or little of it. ( est ce que je dois completer un peu plus la définition ?)

Mise en relation avec le sujet : i would like to illustrate this notion througt the vision we have of America. Indeed , America is often considered as a superpower ; its have a huge domination and a strong manipulation on a lot of country in the world. America excels in many field, however its attempts to control the world through their involvement in conflict.

Problématique : Then , we will see in what ways is the American hegemony implemented ? , and in what ways does America meddle in other countries' affairs ?

Plan : Firts i will focus on , the American hegemony , and in what terms its implemented ? (I) , then i will move on

I ) The US domination in the world

America is considered as a superpower ( strong economy ) ..

… in terms of technology ( huge companies : apple & Microsoft )

in terms of cultural productions ( series , film ) => global culture

country of abundance and excess ( ex : largest buildings , meals ..etc )

A way of life desired by everyone : ( freedom , american dream .. etc )


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