Fiche : Singapour. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar jesuispau3 • 22 Janvier 2020 • Fiche • 1 112 Mots (5 Pages) • 518 Vues
City of the future: Singapore|National geographic
- Comment Singapour est-elle devenue une cité-État indépendante ? Quand ? Pourquoi ? Présentez rapidement la vile, sa taille, sa population.
First of all, a city-state is an independent, self-governing country contained totally within the borders of a single city and Singapore is considered as one of them.
This country located in Southeast Asia, a territory that extends along 719.2 km inhabited by 5.5 million people (the third country most dense in the world, became independent from Malaysia on August 9th of 1965 and that is how Singapore received the status of city-state.
- Quelles en sont les langues officielles ?
Singapore has four official languages that are English (spoken by 36.9% of the population), Mandarin Chinese (34.9%), Malay (10.7%) which is the only national language and Tamil (3.3%).
- Comment cette cité-État a-t-elle pu grandir son territoire ?
Since 1965, after the country’s independence from Malaysia, Singapore has used a technique called reclamation that consists on creating land from nothing to increase its land mass by 23%.
- Comment Singapore développe-t-elle une politique agricole ? Quelles en sont les caractéristiques ?
Right now, 93% of produce is imported into Singapore and that is because there just simply is not enough land to do farming practices. So that they do, is to find a new way to grow food in any urban environment: this is food sustainability. People like Benjamin Swan created a controlled environment agriculture farm called Sussan Air where scientists replicate what is happening outside, in nature, to grow impossible products in impossible places. In 2012, Singapore (a trailblazer in this technology) opened the world’s first commercial vertical farm.
The characteristics of this farm are that products are able to grow indoors without sunlight and without soil; they are sure to have a 100% germination success because scientist came up with their own system to produce the seas into the firm queues; they control the air temperature, the humidity, the light duration and wavelength, the dissolved oxygen in water as well as a carbone dioxide saturation; they can also emphasize certain characteristics to plants as make them sweeter or bitter) and finally the precise calibration of the growing environment slows new age farmers to optimize cultivation at every stage in the growth as well.
- Comment Singapore gère-t-elle ses ressources en eau ?
About two thirds of Singapore is what a catchment area that's about 400 plus square kilometers so the water that falls into these areas will find its way to our drains and canals which linked to one of their reservoirs even thought that the country is limited because it is an island. Singapore catchment system is extensive and efficient but to collect water they need land.
Furthermore, with the climate change issue, they need to think about how to provide citizens with clean water so the Public Utilities Board is already looking to the future experimenting with new techniques to push water potential of “The Little Red Dot” (a nickname often used in the media, and in casual conversation, as a reference to Singapore).
(Finally, their aim is to ensure water sustainability and to do so, they will use what they have in abundance: sea water. They created the Tuas Desalination Plant, a functional 13 gallons per day desalination plant or the Evoque WA with a capacity of 3800-meter cube per day desalination.)
- Quels sont les grands problèmes auxquels Singapore est confronté ?
Singapore has to overcome a variety of challenges. Creating sustainable manageable human spaces in the world's ever-expanding cities is a challenge facing governments across the globe because of the rapid urbanization of the city but then, it is present problem of growth housing (they have to increase the land of Singapore to have more space to build), food sustainability (they have been working on how to create food and they came to the conclusion of using the vertical farm) and the access to fresh water that is crucial (using as well some new technologies to being able to desalinate water).