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Dialogue en entreprise en Anglais

Cours : Dialogue en entreprise en Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Octobre 2017  •  Cours  •  307 Mots (2 Pages)  •  718 Vues

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- Good morning. I am ……. Mr Smith P.A ( Personnel Assistant )

- Welcome to our offices.

- Please follow me.

- Have a seat please. Would you like to take off your jacket.

- May i offer you a tea or a coffee ?.

- As it is your first day, i prepared a Booklet with all the information you need to know.

- You need your access card for the canteen..

- This is your office and here is your computer.

- You have your password in the booklet.

- You will also find in it a description of the tasks !.

- That are assigned to you.

- Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

- My office is opposite yours.

- I’ll stay availablre if you need.

- I hope we will make great work together.

Hello, Bryan

Where are you ?

Okay, don’t worry, it appenes, we can find a solution !

I stay with you on the phone

So, you do take a RER B it’s like a subway, direction« Saint-Rémy-lés-chevreuse, and get off at Chatelet-Les-Halles and after you take the RER A to Poissy direction and you get off at La Defense.

Take the exit « Grande Arche », a,d at your right you enter in the « 4 temps »

Take escalator for going to the first and seconde floor and the stores is opposite yours

Hello Mr Smith, I’m the PA of me X. How can i help you, don’t be stressed. Mr x Knowstat you are late and lost. There’s no problem don’t worry ! i’m staying with you on the phone.

Therefore, Are you in the airport ? or outside ?

Okay, Cool, Stay i the airport and tryto find RER B, on the way to St-Remy les chevreuse

When you arrive it’s the forst company on the right. At the reception ask for mes « B » and i willl pick you up from the reception

I’m going right now to send you the inikally on


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