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Dialogue En Anglais

Rapports de Stage : Dialogue En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mai 2015  •  380 Mots (2 Pages)  •  793 Vues

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• Didascalies

• Elève 1

• Elève 2

• Mrs Harrel

Knock Knock!

Yes? Come in!

Hello Mrs, Can we disturb you a few minutes to talk about an environmental project.

Of course, take a seat. (We have a sit.) I am listing.

According to the poll results that we have given to all the students, (so they were supposed to answer questions that we've done) most of the students think that it is better to install solar panels.

We think it is a good idea to reduce our consumption of power.

Yes why not but it is an enormous investment.

It will enable us to degrease our heating consumption in winter, and it can reduce the energy bill.

Let me think about it! Do you have something else to tell me?

Yes! We've noticed that there is too much waste so we should find a solution.

We thought about a program. We think that it is a good idea to work with farmers.

“Yes, we could give them our rests of the canteen, and in exchange, they could give us local and seasonal products.

And if they don’t take everything we can do compost.

It could be dangerous because compost attracts rats, insects and it is not hygienic in a high school. I agree to work with farmers, but composting here in high school is out of the question.

We have an other suggestion. Instead of wasting paper, ink of printers and pay our books, you should buy Ipad's for all the students of the high school.

It can avoid deforestation!

No,no,no, you are going to far!! Do you imagine? It's to costly... I wont be able to buy 2 thousand Ipad’s per person!

But it reduce our consumption of paper and for bag's it is more light!! And you now that if you buy us some, it will be more ecologic!

And with witch money? I'm not able to do that!!

That is the question, we thought about raising monney! We think that it could work very well!

We can also sell cakes and stuff like that!!


Please, it is really important to save our planet, and help fighting against global warming!

Well let me see how things go on! Thank you very much girls, for every propositions, and I promise that I will think about it! I wish you a good continuation for you’re studies!

Yes, good-bye!



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