- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Dialogue En Anglais

Commentaires Composés : Dialogue En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2015  •  316 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 777 Vues

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A black person , Blake Johnson , walking at the night in a white area without his passbook. Sudden a policeman calls him.

The policeman asking to the black man .

'' Hey you ! What's your name ? ''

'' My name is Blake Johnson..., '' answered the balck man .

" Hmm ok, let me see your passbook."

" My passbook ? " Repeated Blake Johnson uneasily .

The policeman said dryly .

" Yeah your passbook now !"

Blake hesitated and announced .

" Sorry , I don't have it ..''

" What ? You know you always have got your passbook ! It is the law ! You know that you are in White area.." Replied the policeman loudly

" Yes I know. So excuse me sir I forgot to take it because I left my house very quickly. daughter is so sick and I need to go to a pharmacy. " Explained Blake shyly .

" Please... Do you think that I believe in your lies ? "

" It's true ... "

The poliman looked at Blake scornfully and said .

" Follow me now. If you don't have something else to say .. "

" Where are we going to ? "

" To the police station ! You risk going to jail because you are in a White area and you don't have your passbook ! So you are an outlaw ! " Screamed the policeman.

Blake insisted in wailed .

" Please ... I beg you to let me take care of my daughter ... She needs me tonight !!! "

" No ! I placed you in handcuffs and we going to the police station ." Retorted the policeman with a frown.

Blake said in weeping .

" Oh my god .. Why ? I am a good man ... my daughter will die without me."

Policeman : Keep quiet !!!


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