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Speech about social justice

Discours : Speech about social justice. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Mars 2023  •  Discours  •  303 Mots (2 Pages)  •  291 Vues

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“Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate Valley of segregation to the sunlight path of racial justice” This was pronounced by the one who we can consider as the moral leader of our nation, almost 60 years ago now. Martin Luther King could’ve changed the world that day. I say that could have changed the world, because to this day, there are still too much inequalities in our society.

I’m asking you, why does the Black Lives Matter movement exists today ? How can such indignation can subsist more than 150 years after the proclamation of the Thirteenth Amendment to our nation’s constitution ?

To this day, white and colored people are not treated equally and that is totally unacceptable. The murder of George Floyd shows the corruption of the American police. Black people represent 13% of the U.S. population, and they represent 24% of those killed by police. It is not normal that the police proportionally kills more black people than white people. George Floyd’s murderer was fortunately sent to prison, and this was possible thanks to all the protests and demonstrations of you all. So we have to keep hope for a better world.

We must admit that there is a problem with policing and racism in America. We must get involved for the right causes, we must vote to enable actual change in the system. We must mobilize so the government see that the American people is angry. We must organize ourselves all together and we must demonstrate to turn the government's words into action.

Together, we can create a world where everyone has equal opportunities and rights. It is time for us to rise to the occasion and make a real difference. And remember, Martin Luther King said “The time is always right to do what is right”.

Thank you.


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