Street Art
Fiche : Street Art. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Mathis Renard • 4 Juillet 2018 • Fiche • 3 348 Mots (14 Pages) • 634 Vues
Renard Nathalie[pic 1]
Master MEFF 1
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« A means of expression »
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Table des matières
1st Course: Is it art? 5
• 1. Objectives : Give an oral point of view 5
• 2. Progress 5
• 3. Formative evaluation: participation and argumentation 6
2nd Course: Art or vandalism? 6
• 1. Objectives : Listen to a video, argue and write : 6
• 2. Progress 6
• 3. Evaluation: Arguments tidied up in a picture table 7
3rd Course: Roleplay (formative evaluation) 7
• 1. Objectives : Practice speaking while playing a role 7
• 2. Progress 7
• 3. Formative Evaluation: Videos posted by pupils on the ENT. 8
4th Course : Committed artists 8
• 1. Objectives : Make assumptions and research to verify them 8
• 2. Progress 8
• 3. Evaluation: Collaborative work 9
5th Course : Various techniques 9
• 1. Objectives : Document research 9
• 2. Progress 9
• 3. Evaluation: Written tests 10
6th Course : Mindmap 10
• 1. Objectives : Use digital tools 10
• 2. Progress 10
• 3. Evaluation: The students are evaluated on their mindmaps and collection documents. 10
• 1. Objectives: Oral expression to test the knowledge acquired 11
• 2. Progress 11
• 3. Evaluation: skills assessed by both teachers 12
Extensions: 12
• CURRICULUM : BOEN spécial n° 11 du 26 novembre 2015
4th Cycle : Cultural theme « Languages »
High School level : 9th grade students in half-class groups. CECLR A2/B1 levels
Description : Sequence of 7 courses titled “Street Art as a means of expression”
The scenario’s authors are the English Teacher and the school librarian (with the possibility of including the plastic arts teacher).
The thematic unit is about Street Art as a means of expression.
It’s elaborated by the English teacher and the school librarian to make ninth grade students practice English in a given situation.
The unit of study consists of 7 courses in the Learning Center, in half-class groups, one hour a week.
Prerequisites are linguistic A2 level, according to the CECLR and digital technology knowledge to use the ENT.
- How to use the vocabulary of comparison
- How to do an internet research
- How to work in a group
• Compétences du socle commun :
- Listening and understanding (domains 1 et 2)
- Reading (domains 1 et 2)
- Oral expression (domains 1, 2 et 3)
- Writing (domains 1, 2 et 5)
• Linguistic activities :
- LV1 : at the end of the 4th cycle, all students must have A2 level in all of the five linguistic activities. Moreover, the activities allow students to get B1 level in some of them.
• Disciplinary competencies :
• Cultural :
- Street-art analysis
- Discovering new artists and various techniques.
• Communicative
- Oral Expression: make a presentation and give an opinion
- Oral comprehension: video clip comprehension
- Written comprehension: text comprehension
- Written expression : make a collective document, and learn how to take notes
• Linguistic
- Vocabulary : Street-Art techniques
- Grammar : inquiring statements, preterit
- Phonology : Intonation (inquiring statements, “-ED” of the preterit etc).
• Cross-disciplinary :
- Visual (plastic) art
- Art History
EMI Competencies :
Produce and share information : DOMAIN 1
- Use collaborative platforms to cooperate with the others
- Take part in a multimedia cooperative production
- Distinguish the difference between basic data collection and knowledge structuration
Use the media and information in an autonomous way : DOMAIN 2
- Use the Learning Center as a tool for information research
- Use the book stocks of the Learning Center, especially those of Anglo-Saxon sources
- Gradually adopt a well-reasoned approach for information research.
Tasks :
The English summative test will be an oral argumentation about a chosen artist.