Archives du BAC
43 510 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 43 186 - 43 200
You live in the city of Los Angeles and you have been asked to participate in a stage production to illustrate the hunt for communists in Hollywood in the McCarthy era as part of an effort to commemorate this famous and defining episode of modern historic
1950 hell begins for me. The United States is in the midst of its own national witch hunt, also known and called McCarthyism. American leaders have repeatedly told the public that they should be afraid of the damaging Communist influence in their lives. All suspected Communists are under investigation.
422 Mots / 2 Pages -
You're now in your 30s and a famous artist. Write a letter to an artist who inspired you in your youth.
You are now in your 30s and a famous artist. Write a letter to an artist who inspired you in your youth. (250 words) Dear Mr. Steve Ignorant, I am writing this letter to you, with my utmost respect, in order to offer you to take part in an unprecedented
277 Mots / 2 Pages -
Young Juveniles
Young juveniles in their first stage of life, they represent a positive picture from whom they grow up as family and society. Strong attention should be given to them in ways of governmental reforms and legislation of new laws. Juvenile crimes are punished every day. Public at large receives little
1 912 Mots / 8 Pages -
Your body can sell
Devoir 2 Part 1 : This listening exercice is about a woman called Frida NORMAN who is invited on the radio to speak about her forthcoming book : « Your body can sell ». The main topic of her book is the importante of body language and the link between
894 Mots / 4 Pages -
Your dream
At the end of my studies, I would like to become an ophthalmologist doctor. According to me, the ideal work would be located in a very large sea view office of around 180 square meters. It would be colorful and plenty of light would come in through the luminous windows.
281 Mots / 2 Pages -
Your nunavut adventure
So the question is : How far can we go in genetic selection? The Genetic selection procedures are done either on fetuses, or on embryos that are outside a woman’s body, by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). At his creation, the PGD was developed only to allow couples at risk of
267 Mots / 2 Pages -
Your Task: DISCUSS RUNNING FOR LEADERSHIP Student A: Hey Araceli, you know what? You should be candidate for the leadership. Student B: Me? No way Marta, I could never be the leader of the school council. Student A: What? Are you kidding me? You are the perfect student for this
262 Mots / 2 Pages -
Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin was born in Klushino, a small village west of Moscow in Russia (then known as the Soviet Union). Yuri was the third of four children and spent his childhood on a collective farm where his father, Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin, worked as a carpenter and bricklayer and his mother,
850 Mots / 4 Pages -
Yvain et le chevalier au lion, Chrétien de Troyes
5- Chrétien de Troyes, Yvain ou le chevalier au lion, 1180 Texte 5 Introduction: Chrétien Troyes. Il y raconte comment ce chevalier tente de se racheter après sa faute : avoir préféré le combat à l’amour de sa dame. Il affronte maintes aventures en compagnie d’un lion qu’il a un
1 788 Mots / 8 Pages -
Yvain ou le chevalier au lion, Chrétien de Troyes
A / 1) Titre : Yvain ou le chevalier au lion . Nom de l'auteur : Chrétien de Troyes . 2) Éditeur : Hachette éducation . Collection : biblio collège . Année de la première parution : 2019 3) Sur l'illustration on voit Yvain car il est important dans l'histoire
513 Mots / 3 Pages -
Yvan et Marc lecture analytique
Lecture analytique 2 : Questions : 1 : Tout au long de cet extrait de pièce de théâtre, la parole est surtout occupée par Yvan et Marc. Marc pose des questions puis fini par devenir un être agressif reprochant à Yvan de ne pas donner réellement son avis à propos
481 Mots / 2 Pages -
Yves Rocher
PRESENTATION DE L’ENTREPRISE Yves Rocher est une marque de cosmétique végétale, dont l’appellation éponyme lui vient de son créateur, Yves Rocher, originaire de La Gracilly en Bretagne. Passionné par la nature et les végétaux, il crée en 1959 une pommade cosmétique entièrement végétale. Son produit de beauté artisanal rencontre un
250 Mots / 1 Pages -
Y’a-t-il une véritable politique de prévention contre l’obésité chez les jeunes ?
FENOUIL JULIETTE 1ES3 Lycée Vincent d’Indy Thème : Individuel et problématique Problématique : Y’a-t-il une véritable politique de prévention contre l’obésité chez les jeunes ? Le sujet de notre TPE a était choisis car l'obésité est un sujet très intéressant ! Pour le rendre encore plus intéressant à nos yeux nous avons décidé
778 Mots / 4 Pages -
Zadig carnet de lecture
Carnet de Lecture Zadig Journal de bord : Chapitre I à IV : Les titres des chapitres "Le Chien et Le Cheval" font penser aux titres des fables de La Fontaine. Zadig possède les qualités d’un héros, il est beau, riche, jeune et intelligent, mais pourtant il apparait presque comme
1 847 Mots / 8 Pages -
Un conte sans le goût de l’Orient 1. Un conte est un récit court qui se distingue de la nouvelle et du roman. Il cherche à sortir de la réalité par le fantastique, ou par merveilleux. Le conte s’entend dans le temps et dans l’espace, il se compose, aussi,
1 126 Mots / 5 Pages