BAC Anglais LV2
1 265 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 271 - 285
Discours délibératif (HLP)
Discours délibératif (HLP) Mes chers camarades, mes chers amis j’ai l’honneur de pouvoir vous parler en ce jour. J’ai le plaisir de vous voir ici, venu de votre plein gré dans le but d’écouter des personnes banales déclamer des discours dépourvu de surprise. Je suis heureux de vous voir assis
286 Mots / 2 Pages -
Discours Martin Luther King
Fargeas Benjamin Questions Docteur Folamour 1. Expliquez en quelques phrases claires en quoi consiste la stratégie de dissuasion nucléaire La stratégie de dissuasion nucléaire consiste à avoir un arsenal nucléaire aussi voire plus fourni que celui des ennemis afin de créer un climat de crainte, en faisant comprendre qu’en cas
300 Mots / 2 Pages -
Discours pour un freak show discrimination
Gentlemen, Ladies, I'm happy to join with you today for the greatest show you ever seen in your all life. I'm convinced that you're dying to meet the mysterious, the strange, the extraordinary Joseph Merrick and now, I want you to consider this incredible opportunity. But who is really Joseph
253 Mots / 2 Pages -
Discours sur le complexe militaro industriel
ORAL D’ANGLAIS : LE COMPLEX MILITARO-INDUSTRIEL Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Sarah Hoblson. I’m the representative of the citizen of united states. Today, I’m here to preven you Mr. president from doing a desaster ! We all know that, the United States are very powerfull and his army serves
410 Mots / 2 Pages -
Discourse analysis Worksheet 6 and 7
Topic 6: Worksheet 6 Task 1. In this situation I can find some difference between the literal meaning and the intended meaning. While the literal meaning is clear, he wants to know if she wants him to pick her up at eight or not; the intended meaning is that
531 Mots / 3 Pages -
Answer Booklet (15%) [ /100 marks] INTRODUCTION This is the Answer Booklet where you have to write down your answers after reading the assignment. Once it is completed, you must send this file to your tutor through the course website. PART 1: SPEAKING – DISCUSSION ABOUT ETHICS (TELEPHONE CONVERSATION) [
2 065 Mots / 9 Pages -
Dissertation : la désinformation
Dissertation : la désinformation Selon une étude du MIT les fausses informations sont plus virales que les vraies.1 Nous allons nous pencher sur une question : Est-ce que la prise d’information uniquement sur les réseaux sociaux nous désinformerai ? Ayant lu le portfolio de Sciences Humaines sur la désinformation ;
1 296 Mots / 6 Pages -
Dissertation anglais
Garnotel Summary of " Life Online and geeks " Lucas I’m going to talk about «Idea of progress». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition,
622 Mots / 3 Pages -
Dissertation sur la pollution de l'air
Nowadays, and for thirty years now, humans have subjected their beloved Earth to collateral damage. For main causes : our way of living above our needs by overexploiting land and sea and our machines rejecting gases that pollute our air. For example, greenhouse gases that cause global warming and climate
553 Mots / 3 Pages -
Dissertation sur une citation de Beaumarchais, de la préface au Mariage de Figaro
Entraînement à la dissertation : Beaumarchais, dans la Préface au Mariage de Figaro, écrit : « Le défaut même dont je l’accuse (le comte, de libertinage) n’aurait produit aucun mouvement comique, si je ne lui avais gaiement opposé l’homme le plus dégourdi de sa nation, le véritable Figaro, qui, tout
536 Mots / 3 Pages -
Dm d'anglais lv2
je me souviens de l'inquiétude que je me faisait avant notre départ sur tout les que nous allions devoir surmonter avec mes camarades, mais aujourd’hui cela a été le dernier de nos soucis. 10 jour après notre départ et quelques heures après notre passage a Moscou dans un froid sibérien
431 Mots / 2 Pages -
Do we live in a stress world?
Do we live in a stress world? First of all, let me tell you my own little story. When I started school at six years old, I got really scared. I was so afraid to walk towards that big building to people I don’t know and an unknown environment. It’s
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
Do you agree that for employees the paycheck is the most powerful incentive?
Do you agree that for employees the paycheck is the most powerful incentive, or do you believe that there are other incentives that can motivate them? There is a well-known quote that says, "All work deserves a wage". However, pay is far from being our only source of motivation at
267 Mots / 2 Pages -
Do you think real-life superheroes are useful ? Could they be popular in France ?
Do you think real-life superheroes are useful ? Could they be popular in France ? A real-life superhero is a person who dresses up in a superhero costume or mask in order to perform community service such as neighborhood watch, or in some cases vigilantism. Real-life superheroes are notably prevalent
344 Mots / 2 Pages -
Does the shopping area have an anchor store?
Store location We chose the bullring Does the shopping area have an anchor store? * Yes, there is two anchor stores which are located at two extremities. Selfridges and Debenhams. Main activities: * Debenhams: clothes, accessorises, furniture, fashion, technologies, health and beauty, toys and gifts, footwear, home, jewellery. * Selfridges:
453 Mots / 2 Pages