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Discours sur le complexe militaro industriel

Discours : Discours sur le complexe militaro industriel. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Février 2019  •  Discours  •  410 Mots (2 Pages)  •  567 Vues

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Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Sarah Hoblson. I’m the representative of the citizen of united states. Today, I’m here to preven you Mr. president  from doing a desaster ! 

We all know that, the United States are very  powerfull and his army serves peace and not conquest.

But because of wars (like for exemple Irak’s raid) children die !  Billions of dollars are spent ! Never our country were hate with such force !

 That is not the image we  want to present  of the United states. It’s a democratic, free, and passific country !

As of today, I'm ashamed of this image !

I will go back a bit in the historical percpective :

First ; in 1954 (nineteen fifty foor) in Guatemala : The United States intervene one-sidedly  to protect their vital interests .

Then ; in 1958 (nineteen fifty eight) in Lebanon :  Just because their policy of containment in the Middle East is threatened the United States intervene

Without forgetting Laos, Congo, Brazil ….

When we look at our history, we realize that when anything's irritates us somewhere in the world ; The American army was almost always called  by all our presidents !

In my opinion, I believe most passionately  that you’re not like that !  You are different ! you  are desision-maker ! And I know that you will be take the better desision ; the one of a country passific, which advocates the communication among the nations of the world to launch an era of world prosperity and unity.

You really wanted to establish democracy with bayonets?! And became A guilty man / someone to blame!

The military sector permanent was created by Eisenhower. Because he claimed that it was necessary. But the price to be paid was exorbitant:  only one long-range bombers is equivalent to one school in 30 (thirty) cities! This modern arm, sate-of- the art deny poor peopole of food and housing.

Moreover; Eisenhower was worried about powerfull of the military-industrial complex. And history agreed with him.  He feared that priority is set to serve the interests of companies, rather than their country's. there are just buisness wish really matters and the Government is the client of this CEO

I refuse to be manipulated again, now We're not gullible! I’ m against the corruption. That why I tell us to peace, to leave togerther in a passific world!


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