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Speech for the l.g.b.t.q community.
In life, we all have differences , some peoples are dogs owner, some prefer cats, others are working at a dinner, and some studies subatomic particles, and again some persons like steaks and other don't eats meats at all , and their are people who like men over women's or
543 Mots / 3 Pages -
Speech for the Olympic Games in Africa
Speech Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honour for me today to be able to express myself during this important assembly for the organization of the next Olympic Games. And I would like to take advantage of the audience I can reach to honor the countries of Africa by giving
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Speech on the Great Barrier
Hello everyone ! We belong to the foundation of nature and humanity. We are here today to talk about our future ! All together, we are able to change the world ! Do you know the Great Barrier Reef ? It is located in the Coral Sea, it is the
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Ladies and gentlemen. I need not pause to say how very delighted and honored I am to be with you today. I would like to use as a subject from which to speak today, the American Dream. “It’s not about changing who you are, it’s à new chapter to your
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Speech studying
METHODOLOGY In order to write a speech, you must: 1. Determine who you are writing to? - a group a young people - a specific group (women, an ethnic group, workers...) - potential voters.... 2. Make a list of words in connection with the subject. 3. Follow the following rules:
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Speech sur l'égalité à l'école
aujourd’hui est un jour important. Nous faisons face à une inégalité d’éducation entre les enfant noir et les enfant blanc. C’est pour cela qu’il faut montrer l’importance d’une égal éducation entre les blancs et les noirs à commencer par l’école qui ouvre ses portes trop tard aux enfants noirs qui
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Speech to denounce racism in our society
Good afternoon, thank you to each one of you for being here with me today. We, Americans, are speaking out today to stop and denounce the systemic racism that some people face. Racism is everywhere in our society even around us. It's not always noticeable. But it's there. So, should
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Speech women's rights
WOMEN'S RIGHTS What would you do if you could not vote, not earn the same amount of money as your co-worker for the same job, or not even get a proper education? How would you feel? Maybe inexistant in this man's world? Maybe worthless? Now, you should know that for
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Spent less
Les gens ont dépensé moins et économisé plus en 2020, car la pandémie a entraîné la fermeture de magasins, de pubs et d'attractions. Les dépenses de consommation ont diminué de 7,1 %, selon Barclaycard, qui suit près de la moitié de toutes les dépenses par carte de crédit et de
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SpiderMan, English novela
Monday, November, 30, 2015. A black day in New-York It was a normal day. I went to work in the morning like every day next to Times Square in New-York. In fact, I saw that the sky was dark and the atmosphere was strange. I never seen anything as
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Sport 2000
Présentation de l’entreprise Sport 2000 a été créé en 1966, Sport 2000 compte aujourd'hui plus de 3200 surfaces de vente en Europe, ce qui en fait le deuxième acteur européen, derrière Intersport. Le magasin de Niort est ouvert depuis le 17 aout 2016. Les horaires d’ouverture : Le lundi au
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Sport at the Renaissance
Essay: Notes Free trade means that countries can import and export goods without any tariff barriers or other non-tariff barriers to trade. Essentially, free trade enables lower prices for consumers, increased exports, benefits from economies of scale and a greater choice of goods. In more detail, the benefits of free
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Sport heroes
Definitions: I will talk about the notion of myths and heroes in sport. But first, let's define what exactly this notion means. A myth is a story that can be true or false. These stories have great symbolic power, and this is perhaps one of the main reasons why they
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Sports and Education in America
Sports and Education in America It’s simple to understand why America is a fascinating country when you decide to watch a Super Bowl or a NBA Finals. It’s in those moments when you realize how American people does things bigger than it should be. I choose to talk about sports
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Spy Storie
After several months of research, the British secret service agent finally had data on a terrorist group attacking Western countries. He had to give the USB key to the informatic department of MI6. It was too dangerous to transfer them over the internet, so he had to go back to
723 Mots / 3 Pages