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Synthèse : HOW TO MANAGE GAP GENERATION ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2021  •  Synthèse  •  265 Mots (2 Pages)  •  480 Vues

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INTRODUCTION : Today a lot of compagnies had a gap generation, the most important thing is the respect eachother and no discrimination. A compagnies must give a chance to senior people with experience, and the young people with potentiel.

We gonna see where is the problem and how resolve it ?

First of all (Ameline)

Narimene, gonna show us the problem of a young manager and the solutions

A young employee can give a new vision and bring a new way to work.

He have to accept his position and be confiant, if he his a manager is beacause he have the capacities.

He need affirmation, but no strict inof.

He has just to consider them like collaborators.

For good relationship a young manager can do reunion with his collaborators, young and senior to share the old and the new technic of working and mix together to have the best way to work.

Now Gaelle is gonna to share us his experience with the gap generation.

When i was manager in a escape game, i lived the situation, beacause it was very difficult for co-workers older than me to accept why i give them orders.

For manage strife, i need more assert me.

During my work, I had to demonstrate capacities for manage and (enfore) strategies to make sure it was good. I was ask my coworkers if they have a opinion. I stayed close to their requirement.

Finally, the situation was complicated with one co-workers. In fact a mediation was required with the director, and this co-workers received an avertissement, and he had quit the corporate.

To conclude, …


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