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1 090 mythe hãƒâ©ros dissertations gratuites 601 - 625 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 28 Juillet 2016
  • Dossier le mythe d'Orphée

    Dossier le mythe d'Orphée

    Orphée père de la poésie et du lyrisme I-Un mythe antique : A l’antiquité l’histoire d’Orphée est raconté par Ovide dans les Métamorphose et par Virgile dans Géorgiques. Orphée est le fils du roi Oagre et de la muse Calliope. C’est un poète capable de charmer les animaux et de faire bouger des objets inanimés avec sa lyre. Celle-ci lui a été donnée par Apollon et comporté 7 cordes puis Orphée y a ajouté deux

    483 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes

    Myths and Heroes

    ORAL ANGLAIS The notion we'll going to deal with is myth and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to first, define a myth and a hero. A myth can be a popular belief or a false notion, something which we aren't sure of the existence. A hero can be a mythological figure,a person who is admired for his or her achievement, or an icon. So we're going to talk about some popular heroes and their

    540 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Corrigé de corpus sur le thème du mythe du bon sauvage

    Corrigé de corpus sur le thème du mythe du bon sauvage

    Corrigé des deux questions de corpus sur le thème du mythe du bon sauvage Les quatre textes et le tableau de Gauguin nous offrent des variations sur le mythe du bon sauvage qui s'étendent de la Renaissance au milieu du Xxème siècle et nous offrent une vision en partie idéalisée de l'amérindien ou du tahitien. Seule la couverture illustrée du récit pour enfants de la collection américaine « The Giant Book » nous présente une

    1 021 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : myth is something universal, but does everyone read into it in the same way?

    Myths and heroes : myth is something universal, but does everyone read into it in the same way?

    Myths and Heroes I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all, I’m going to give a definition about this notion. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. All cultures have myths and this mythology has been developed over time. Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions and stories of how the world was created. A hero is a person who is

    701 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion myths et heros

    Notion myths et heros

    Myths and heroes I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First, I will explain what I understand by myths and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. In

    641 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La mythe d'Enée et de la création de Rome

    La mythe d'Enée et de la création de Rome

    Naissance d’enee Enee est un demi dieu fils d’anchise(un mortel) et de venus Anchise partagea la couche d'Aphrodite qui s'était déguisée comme la fille d'Otrée, roi de Phrygie ;un matin elle se montra à lui et lui prédit qu'ils allaient avoir un fils qui serait appelé à un grand destin. Dès sa naissance, Enée fut élevé par le centaure Chiron et les Nymphes du mont Ida près de Troie et qui dès qu'il eut atteint

    460 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Illuminaties : myth or reality?

    Illuminaties : myth or reality?

    Illuminaties : Myth Or Reality ? Myths are very old spoken legend which we can’t find the origin. There are often several versions. In everyday langage, myths are wrong stories or wrong ideas. We often hear talking about illuminaties when something strange arrive so I asked myself if illuminaties exist. For some authors, illuminaties myth exists seens 5000 years. It seemed to be a secret society which wanted to dominate the world, creating a «

    380 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progress : to what extend can we say that India has achieved progress in human rights?

    The idea of progress : to what extend can we say that India has achieved progress in human rights?

    I am going to deal with the notion « ideas of progress ». There’s 2 types of progress : the social progress which is an evolution in terms of quality of life through economic development (modernization), and also the application of science and technology, the scientific progress. Progress implies change and evolution and throughout history most of the advances have been positive. I'm going to deal with social progress and to focus more particularly in

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myth and heroes : Are athletes true heroes?

    Myth and heroes : Are athletes true heroes?

    I will talk about the notion Myth and heroes. I will start by defening the words Myth, then the word hero. A myth is a story about gods, heroes or mythic creatures. It also can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero is a person who is admired for his achievements, he is a model or an icon. So I will ask me if athletes are true heroes ? In a first part,

    765 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : can athletes be considered as heroes?

    Myths and heroes : can athletes be considered as heroes?

    expliquer la notion de mythe et héro et la mettre en lien avec la photo du podium des J-O, est-ce-que on peut qualifiés les deux athlètes noirs d'héros, pourquoi? The notion of Myths and Heroes is very wide. You can considering someone like a heroes when he/she make a “sacrifice” for a population, a cause… So this picture was take on October 1968 in summer Olympics, they toke place in Mexico City. We can see,

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes

    Myths and heroes

    Leroux Alexandre Synthèse d’Anglais 05/01/17 Terminale STMG I’m going to talk about « Myths and Heroes ». First, I would like to propose a definition of it: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. Myths originally aimed at explaining the origins of humanity and narrating the foundations of a given community. These narratives thus deliver a universal

    1 175 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: to what extent has English evolves through time ?

    Spaces and Exchanges: to what extent has English evolves through time ?

    English - “Spaces and Exchanges” Introduction : - “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” - This quote from R. M. B., tells us that we learn about nation’s culture and history through its language. A language evolves through time, it borrows words from different culture and people. - The notion I’m going to talk about, spaces and exchanges, deals with

    759 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Oral anglais myths and heroes

    Oral anglais myths and heroes

    I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes. I’d like to begin by giving a definition: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. In order to illustrate

    736 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes: What is a successful career ?

    Myths and Heroes: What is a successful career ?

    I’m going to talk about « Myths and Heroes ». I’m going defined Myth and Heroes. A Myth can be defined as a strong about gods or Heroes, it can be a popular belief a tradition. And a Heroes can be a mythological figure a person who is admired his or her qualities or extraordinary achievement. They are considered as a icon and model. My question is “ What is a successful career ?” I’m going to

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion of Myths and Heroes (Thanksgiving, The downfall of Oscar Pistorius, The mural of Mr.Brainwash)

    Notion of Myths and Heroes (Thanksgiving, The downfall of Oscar Pistorius, The mural of Mr.Brainwash)

    I'm going to talk about the concept of myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth is a story based on tradition, it can be fictonnal or real. He is considered as a sacred tales because he gives explanation about the creation of the world, it's like a guide. Myth explains the events that are at the origin of the world and man's experience, but

    1 416 Mots / 6 Pages
  • How China has become a new tech leader country and what changed?

    How China has become a new tech leader country and what changed?

    How China has become a new tech leader country and what changed ? 1. Research question: * How Chinese economy has been booming for the last decades? * How China is advanced in term of technology * What industry would be disrupting the most by techs * What is the stand of the government regarding the growth of Chinese economy therefore techs * In what technologies the Chinese are the best, in which are they

    585 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Comment et pourquoi Jack l'éventreur est devenu un mythe?

    Comment et pourquoi Jack l'éventreur est devenu un mythe?

    Leather Apron 2014 Comment et pourquoi Jack l'éventreur est devenu un mythe ? I° Origine Jack l'éventreur Prostituées II° Dans la réalité La dimension culturelle religieuse : le rapport avec l'Antisémitisme La dimension sociale et économique : le quartier de Whitechapel III° Dans la littérature et le cinéma 1. Dans la littérature L'intérêt pour Jack L'éventreur L'influence des crimes et suspects 2. Dans le cinéma L'intérêt pour Jack L'éventreur L'influence des crimes et suspects Le TPE nous a

    2 590 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Myths and Heroes : Nelon Mandela

    Myths and Heroes : Nelon Mandela

    Myths and Heroes ● I’m going to present you the notion of myths and heroes. A myth is a story that may or may not be true. Some myths may have started as ‘true’ stories but as people re-told them some parts may have been changed by mistake, or to make them more interesting. All cultures have myths and this mythology has been developed over time. Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions,

    763 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : How can Marilyn Monroe represent a myth?

    Myths and heroes : How can Marilyn Monroe represent a myth?

    A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural o social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. A hero in mythology and folklore is a person of superhuman qualities who is admired for his/her courage or outstanding achievements. It is the case of Marilyn Monroe that is an eternal myth, the ideal of beauty! So we can wonder of how Marilyn Monroe represents a myth?

    289 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myth and heroes : Nelson Mandela

    Myth and heroes : Nelson Mandela

    A myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event. Myths are created to teach people about something important .This term can be defined as a story about gods, heroes. A Hero is someone who distinguishes from others by his bravery, his courage, his strength. Hero is a person who gives his life to help people or country for a cause. He is someone who gives his life to

    1 530 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Synthèse Oral d'anglais LV1 : 3 notions en 1 : Mythes and Heroes & Places and formes of power + Idea of progress

    Synthèse Oral d'anglais LV1 : 3 notions en 1 : Mythes and Heroes & Places and formes of power + Idea of progress

    Myths and heroes Places and forms of power Idea of progress Introduction: * To begin with, i would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on witch social values are often based. All cultures have myths, Mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, and our heroes. On the other hand, a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifice his whole life in order to

    996 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Les mythes trouvent-ils toujours une place dans le monde actuel ?

    Les mythes trouvent-ils toujours une place dans le monde actuel ?

    II- Compétence d'écriture : Le mythe est un récit fondateur, anonyme et collectif, le plus souvent de tradition populaire visant à expliquer le monde et les origines de l'homme. Il met en scène des forces de la nature et des personnages surhumains qui ont des pouvoirs surnaturels mais aussi des comportements et des sentiments humains. C'est un récit religieux parce qu'il a trait du surnaturel. Il est le reflet d'une culture et à une fonction

    645 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : is there a gap between that dream and reality ?

    Myths and heroes : is there a gap between that dream and reality ?

    The notion I'm going to deal with is Myths and heroes. I would like to illustrate this notion through the American Dream. A society is based on founding myths, a collective identity forged around common landmarks and shared values. The American Dream is a good example of a modern myth and its many heroes have become western icons. But we may wonder if there's a gap between that dream and reality ? Firstly, I'm going

    565 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths et heroes

    Myths et heroes

    Myths and Heroes I’m going to talk about myths and heroes. To begin with, I’d like to state the definition of the two terms of the subject. To me, a myth is a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society. A hero is someone admired for his or her achievements, noble qualities and great courage. The subject of my oral presentation can be divided into two parts: First, I would

    580 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La séparation des pouvoirs : mythe ou réalité ?

    La séparation des pouvoirs : mythe ou réalité ?

    Pour le mardi 28 novembre 2017 Groupe 10 Sarah Zeggoud et Erine-Christy SEI Dissertation de droit Constitutionnel Sujet : La séparation des pouvoirs mythe ou réalité ? « Toute société dans laquelle la garantie des droits n’est pas assurée ni la séparation des pouvoirs déterminée, n’a point de Constitution ». Cette disposition de l’article 16 de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen (DDHC) de 1789 pose l’importance de la séparation des pouvoirs

    4 191 Mots / 17 Pages