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Myths and Heroes

Discours : Myths and Heroes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Décembre 2017  •  Discours  •  540 Mots (3 Pages)  •  961 Vues

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The notion we'll going to deal with is myth and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to first, define a myth and a hero. A myth can be a popular belief or a false notion, something which we aren't sure of the existence. A hero can be a mythological figure,a person who is admired for his or her achievement, or an icon.

So we're going to talk about some popular heroes and their impact on the world or more accuratly in the society. Then we'll see that a scapegoat can be considered as a hero.

We'll finish with their place in our belief nowadays.

– Icons of myths and heroes

A great exemple of this notion can be Martin Luther King, a human rights defender.

His speech in 1964 make him knowed by everyone, and admired because he was a civil rights activist, he fought against racism and promoted equality between black people and white people in the USA. He was non violent,

which earned him the Nobel Prize in 1964. Worldwide, he is seen as a popular symbol of peace, an iconic hero. He impacted the world through his policy and help black people to be more considered.

We can also talk about Rosa Parks, an average african-american women who refused to give her sit to a white man. Shouldered by Martin Luther King, she has marked the world and also pushed the black cause forward. As him, she became an emblem of civil rights and equality.

They succeeded to change the global opinion about black people, consequently, they both became worldwide, known as heroes, admired people.

– From a scapegoat to a hero

The perfect exemple of scapegoating is Sacco and Vanzetti, the two anarchists opponents of the Red Scare. After the 1st world war and the american revolution, the American government started a campaign of oppresion against suspected radicals. Sacco and Vanzetti, italian born and respectable workers, became targets of that anti radical campaign. They were dedicated anarchists, so they were arrested for armed robbery and murder, even though the evidence was flimsy and the testimonies contradictory. Then, they were sentenced to death. Their case became an international cause and, worldwide, people marched and protested. Despite them, the two guiltless americans, became heroes. Their death made an international cause and, many people manifested to force the government to stop these arrests without a real reason.

– The place of myths and heroes nowadays

Myths still remains in our society, especially in the education of childrens. For them, a hero is a model, full of good convictions, they want to be like their favourite hero. Even if they're getting older, they don't forget the myths and heroes they loved during their childhood.

Art is also pretty inspired by myths, many of old masterpieces and paintings are about mythological culture. These relics are still admired nowadays and can influe the society.

To conclude, I think that anybody can be a hero, with great values, some people proved that you can change the world, no matter your place in the society. A scapegoat can also


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