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Wok and work dissertations et mémoires


1 967 Wok and work dissertations gratuites 176 - 200 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 8 Novembre 2015
  • Chat des Andes: Oreailurus jacobita

    Chat des Andes: Oreailurus jacobita

    A-C[modifier | modifier le code] Chat des Andes : Oreailurus jacobita Il vit dans les Andes, entre le Chili et le Pérou. Sa robe gris-brun argenté, très fournie, lui permet de fréquenter les hauts sommets, jusqu'à 5 000 m. Chat bai : Pardofelis badia Il vit à Bornéo et se distingue de ses congénères locaux par une robe uniforme rousse ou brune. Il se nourrit principalement de petits mammifères comme les rongeurs. Son poids se

    290 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral D'anglais Myths And Heroe

    Oral D'anglais Myths And Heroe

    I'm going to talk about the definition of a hero, but I think it's very difficult to give just ones because everybody does not have the same definition. So, let me explain my own definition. When I was a child, I look up heroes that I saw to the TV or in books as Spiderman or Totally Spies for instance. They often had super powers and were invincible. But unfortunately they don't exist in real

    246 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The Main Aspects Of The Merger Plan Between Nyse Euronext And Deutsche Börse, And The Reason Of The Failure

    The Main Aspects Of The Merger Plan Between Nyse Euronext And Deutsche Börse, And The Reason Of The Failure

    The main aspects of the merger plan between Nyse Euronext and Deutsche Börse, and the reason of the failure. I. Definition of leadership, Presentation of the derivatives market and Analysis of current competition. ARTHUR The term of leadership defines the ability of an individual to carry out or lead other individuals or organizations in order to achieve certain goals. We then say that a leader is someone who is able to guide, influence and inspire.

    1 066 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Abercrombie and(et) Fitch Co.

    Abercrombie and(et) Fitch Co.

    STRATEGIE 2.0 D’ABERCROMBIE Sommaire Introduction 1. Communauté mobilisée 2. Activité de la communauté  Sur les espaces sociaux de la marque, sur son site  A l’extérieur des espaces de l’entreprise 3. Recommandations Conclusion Bibliographie Introduction La genèse d’une marque incontournable P armi les distributeurs de vêtements, une compagnie a su s’imposer ces dernières années, forte de son histoire et de son audace. Il s’agit du groupe Abercrombie and Fitch Co., spécialisé dans les vêtements

    2 340 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Myth And Heroes

    Myth And Heroes

    The first document I have chosen is a cartoon by Petar Pismestrovic in 2005. It’s a collection of symbolic images of America, they all symbolize America. They show famous icons and landmark. Through the artist wants to show us that he approves of the dream of America. The cartoon shows a land of entertainment with the famous icons such as Marilyn Monroe because she was one of the most popular film stars of the 1950’s

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Teenagers And Social Media

    Teenagers And Social Media

    - Here are a lot of assumptions being made here. For one, personal examples do not necessitate a series of similar responses and are do not produce adequate evidence to suggest this phenomenon WILL happen to everyone. Secondly, while it can be agreed upon that Social Networking Sites do in fact distract and take time from other activities, websites themselves do not make choices, people make choices. The biggest assumption being made here is that

    343 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Anglais " Places And Forms Of Power "

    Oral Anglais " Places And Forms Of Power "

    Places and Forms of power I'm going to talk about the notion of Places and forms of power. To introduce this notion, I would like to give a definition of this concept : Places could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace, a symbol of the British monarchy,or the White House, a symbol of the American presidency. A place can also be a country or a state,

    1 291 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Presentation : Thomas Corneyl et ego work Collier serie de medi

    Presentation : Thomas Corneyl et ego work Collier serie de medi

    "Un Gascon chez les morts depuis peu descendu Crioit là-bas comme un pendu : Le diable emporte la Médée Et le fat qui l'a composée ! En un mot il crioit si fort Que le grand Corneille et Quinault A grands pas vers lui s'avancent Et curieux lui demandèrent Ce que signifioient ces cris? C'est un chien d'opéra contre lequel je gronde Car il m'a fait sortir du monde. Vous y mourutes de plaisir? Non

    1 095 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Seats And Forms Of Power

    Seats And Forms Of Power

    The notion of the program that I have to introduce today is the notion of seats and forms of power, so what is power? The power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way, and also the capacity to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events. So In this case we can say that new technologies have the potential to accelerate a country's development. Besides, our

    587 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Opportunities And Limits Of Business In India

    Opportunities And Limits Of Business In India

    The Indian growth story seems to be on a roll and India has emerged as the fourth largest economy in the world on a purchasing power parity basis. The quality of business environment in India has improved manifolds in the recent years. The strong fundamentals underlying the Indian economy make it an obvious choice for investors all over the world. India is the second most attractive destination for FDI: The role of Foreign Direct Investment

    784 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Mein Kampf Nation And Race

    Mein Kampf Nation And Race

    THERE are some truths which are so obvious that for this very reason they are not seen or at least not recognized by ordinary people. They sometimes pass by such truisms as though blind and are most astonished when someone suddenly discovers what everyone really ought to know. Columbus's eggs lie around by the hundreds of thousands, but Columbuses are met with less frequently. Thus men without exception wander about in the garden of Nature;

    11 132 Mots / 45 Pages
  • William Hogarth - The Painter And His Pug

    William Hogarth - The Painter And His Pug

    La transition entre le premier plan et l'arrière-plan montre la masterfulness de Hogarth. Il est obtenu grâce à l'utilisation de couleurs en premier. Les couleurs utilisées pour le carlin dans le premier plan sont liés à ceux utilisés pour le visage du peintre. On peut trouver les mêmes nuances de brun au premier plan et l'arrière-plan. Ensuite, la composition participe également à l'harmonie de la toile. Le visage et la poitrine de Hogarth sont représentés

    443 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Étude tiré du journal the Guardian: « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow » ( Tempête d'hiver déluge de l'Ouest américain avec des inondations et de la neige) (document en anglais)

    Étude tiré du journal the Guardian: « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow » ( Tempête d'hiver déluge de l'Ouest américain avec des inondations et de la neige) (document en anglais)

    This document is a press article from the Guardian. It was published on the twenty fourth of November 2013 by the Associated Press in Las Vegas. It is entitled « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow ». It is about natural disasters in the United States which happened during the month. The storm is the cause of hundreds of accidents the past Saturday in the western U.S. It moves eastward and causes

    216 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Spaces And Forms Of Power

    Spaces And Forms Of Power

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES: Global Cities I’m going to talk about global cities in order to illustrate the notion: spaces and exchanges. A global city is a city having a strategic position in diverse domains, mainly economic, political and cultural at the world level and establishing a concentration of communications, because of globalization. Global cities as London, the second world city after New York, and Tokyo, the third, are the leaders in the world as well

    881 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Men And The Cosmetics

    Men And The Cosmetics

    1.1. Background and problem: Every one wants to be beautiful. The global world we are living in sets stereotypes that become models. Models that are over represented all around us: in the magazines, on the television, in the fashion shows, in the commercials, in the streets and even at work or at school. It is a fact, everybody wants to look like the magazines’ figures, men as well as women: a perfect skin and a

    704 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths And Heroes

    Myths And Heroes

    According to the dictionary definition a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Then a hero is. a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities. To illustrate the notion of « myths and heroes » I'm going to present two characters considered as hero Pope Francis and Malala Yousafzai. Ever since Pope

    525 Mots / 3 Pages
  • La Gestion Actif/Passif ou Asset and Liability Management (ALM)

    La Gestion Actif/Passif ou Asset and Liability Management (ALM)

    La Gestion Actif/Passif ou Asset and Liability Management (ALM) en bref Définition : l’ALM peut être définie comme une méthode globale et coordonnée permettant à une entreprise, et notamment à une banque, de gérer la composition et l'adéquation de l'ensemble de ses actifs et passifs et de son hors-bilan en vue d’un meilleur équilibre risque/rentabilité. Objet : la gestion financière offre plusieurs techniques de gestion du risque qu’on peut regrouper entre adossement, immunisation, diversification et

    1 147 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Myths And Heroes

    Myths And Heroes

    First I would like to give a definition of this notion: The myth deals with the human condition, its story which is transmitted at first orally is embodied by a hero, a place or a community. A myth it’s to be interested in the heroes and stories which a collective identity. The universality of myth shows how each interprets cultural human experience and built works to express it. Each time borrows myths and updates or

    210 Mots / 1 Pages


    SPACES AND EXCHANGES An exchange is when we give in return for something received – this can be anything from money, ideas, gifts, medical or financial aid. Trade, emigration, wars and disasters have influenced the world as we know it today. Our modern-day world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in communications and transport. Interactions and exchanges across the borders have become easier and faster. These different cultural,

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places And Forms Of Powers

    Places And Forms Of Powers

    e situation today? These are the questions we'll deal with now, but first, a short historical reminder. In 1948, Apartheid was chosen as the official political regime in South Africa. Apartheid means separation, segregation: Blacks and Whites were separated and had not the same rights. In the 1990s, Apartheid came to an end with the liberation of Nelson Mandela (who spent 27 years in prison) and his election as the first Black president in South

    223 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Myths And Heroes

    Myths And Heroes

    Myths and heroes I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of both words. A hero is someone people identify and want to imitate. A myth is a legendary figure with great strength and ability. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen two texts. How can ordinary people become heroes? The first document is a short biography of Nelson Mandela. He was born

    479 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places And Forms Of Power

    Places And Forms Of Power

    Places and forms of power THE MEDIA The media are called the fourth power and the internet the 5th power. The rise of the free press distributed in the street or in the metro has increased dramatically. From paper to screen, more and more people today are getting their news from the web especially young people. In the USA many papers have closed down. The question is: the media today: vice or virtue? Firstly, I’m

    291 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces And Exchanges

    Spaces And Exchanges

    I’m going to talk about the topic Spaces and exchanges. A space is a place, and an exchange is a movement from a place to another. Since ever, humans moved on Earth’s surface to improve their lifes. For instance, the United States were an attractive country where people from the world immigrated. We can wonder how evolved the immigration in the United States since the XIXth (nineteenth) century? And what is the American attitude towards

    404 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places And Forms Of Power

    Places And Forms Of Power

    Introspection et connaissance de l’homme. Victor Hugo préface des Contemplations « L’auteur a laissé, pour ainsi dire, ce livre se faire en lui. La vie, en filtrant goutte à goutte à travers les événements et les souffrances, l’a déposé dans son cœur. Ceux qui s’y pencheront retrouveront leur propre image dans cette eau profonde et triste, qui s’est lentement amassée là, au fond d’une âme. Qu’est-ce que les Contemplations ? C’est ce qu’on pourrait appeler,

    418 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places And Forms Of Power

    Places And Forms Of Power

    Places and forms of power Today, i'm going to speak about the notion of spaces and forms of power First, i would like to give a definition of this notion : - "Places" could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy. A place can also be a country or a state - for example the USA is a state which

    693 Mots / 3 Pages