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Étude tiré du journal the Guardian: « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow » ( Tempête d'hiver déluge de l'Ouest américain avec des inondations et de la neige) (document en anglais)

Fiche de lecture : Étude tiré du journal the Guardian: « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow » ( Tempête d'hiver déluge de l'Ouest américain avec des inondations et de la neige) (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Mars 2014  •  Fiche de lecture  •  216 Mots (1 Pages)  •  889 Vues

This document is a press article from the Guardian.

It was published on the twenty fourth of November 2013 by the Associated Press in Las Vegas.

It is entitled « Winter storm deluges western US with floods and snow ».

It is about natural disasters in the United States which happened during the month.

The storm is the cause of hundreds of accidents the past Saturday in the western U.S.

It moves eastward and causes snow, high winds and freezing temperatures.

It is responsible of at least eight deaths in New Mexico and Texas and three deaths in Californie. People are trapped by the flooding river or injured by accidents caused by the snow.

The western U.S. has been very affected by the events.

The authorities have warned the population, roads were blocked and important event canceled.

According to meteorologists Antelope Valley foothills north east of Los Angeles was the region where the risk was at its lower probability but there was a small risk that a storm like this one inundates California.

To conclude, I would like to add that in this document, the journalist is aiming at informing that natural disasters are current in the U.S. and cause many deaths each year.

In my opinion people are not sufficiently prepared for this kind of disaster that occurs several times a year and causes many deaths.


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