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Fiche de lecture Lin, C. and Ho, Y. (2010). Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1), pp.67-83.
Compte rendu de lecture d’un article académique Quelle est place de la logistique dans un « green Supply Chain management » ? Lin, C. and Ho, Y. (2010). Determinants of Green Practice Adoption for Logistics Companies in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(1), pp.67-83. I. Structure, cheminement, raisonnement. 1. Résumé en deux phrases de la question de recherche. Quels sont les facteurs influençant la green Supply Chain dans l’industrie logistique chinoise ? 1. Exploitation de
853 Mots / 4 Pages -
Places and forms of power : To what extent can art be considered a form of power to make things evolve in the American society during the XXth century?
PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Power defines a person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others and the ability and capacity to exercise control and authority, such as States, governments or political organizations. The United States is a powerful country which has a huge influence towards the rest of the world. A lot of factors explain it such as its economy, its culture and globalized way of life, or its ability to
1 548 Mots / 7 Pages -
Places and forms of power : what are the different ways members of a society can use to protest?
I’m going to introduce to you the notion of places and forms of power. • In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In or- der to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its ex-
614 Mots / 3 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges : immigration int the USA
The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade… To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration in the USA.
547 Mots / 3 Pages -
Espaces et échanges, how the various waves of migration and the periods of boom and bust in Ireland have given rise to different forms of economic, social and cultural exchange.
Synthèse * A space is a geographical limited area where interactions happen whether between a space and another or between individuals in a same space. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. We are going to show how the various waves of migration and the periods of boom and bust in Ireland have given rise to different forms of economic, social and cultural exchange. Axe1: The Great
771 Mots / 4 Pages -
Discuss and explain the abilities and limitations of the UNITED NATIONS convention on the law of the sea to regulate maritime ressource disputes in the Arctic Sea.
Geopolitical of Natural Ressources in the Environment Subject: “Discuss and explain the abilities and limitations of the UNITED NATIONS convention on the law of the sea to regulate maritime ressource disputes in the Arctic Sea.” ANTOGNELLI Thomas CALARESE Camille VILOTTA Florian 1 Index: 1. Introduction 1. What abilities for the Laws of the Sea? 1. What limitation for the Laws of the Sea? 1. Over exploiting existing resources 1. Over-exploiting non-living resources 4. The ancestral
3 597 Mots / 15 Pages -
Places and exchanges : The Internet
PLACES AND EXCHANGES The notion I'm going to deal with is the notion of places and exchanges. In the past, communicating, exchanging information with people abroad was complicated because of the distance. But today, the world has never seemed smaller : importation, exportation, telecommunication have accelerated the rymthm of exchanges between different areas and reduce the scale of our world. This acceleration is mostly due to the creation of Internet then the social networks. First,
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
Working trends
* Working trends The recent trends are the growth of part-time jobs (8.2 million people in 2014) and the increase in the number of women at work (44% of women work part time). A lot of people hold temporary jobs, or work under short-term contracts. The number of zero-hours contracts (or casual contracts) has also skyrocketed recently. On average, people work 40 hours a week. The UK is subject to European law, which limits the
888 Mots / 4 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges : Why do people decide to move abroad ?
SPACES AND EXCHANGES Moving abroad is a dream for many of us. Our generation is linked with globalisation, and as a european member and citizen of the world, it is essential for us to discover different culture and landscapes. In our lives, we can discover the world through our holidays, but also during our studies with a gap year for exemple, or even during our working life if we decide to work in another country.
558 Mots / 3 Pages -
Pride and prejudice, Jane Austen
Pride and prejudice The story takes place in Hertfordshire in the XVIII century in the Bennet family. In this family they have five daughters and the mother try to marry all of them because of a will problem. The story started when a rich man call Mr Bingley came to this town with his sister and one of his friend, Mr Darcy. During a bale where the Bennet family went, Mrs Bennet try to meet
518 Mots / 3 Pages -
Early Modern English and modern English
The scene takes place in the modern world, in Stratford-upon-Avon where Shakespeare is from. The city is colonized by persons from the whole world who admire and feel a strong connection to the work of the Elizabethan playwrite. It is here that two completely different characters are going to meet, Shylock and Daniel. Shylock Sir, I would speak with you. Whither am I? Daniel What did you just say? Oh, where are you? You’re in
328 Mots / 2 Pages -
Synthèse "Myths and Heroes"
INTRODUCTION This year in class we studied several documents about myths and heroes and in particular immigration in the USA and the American Dream. We will study how the American dream is a constantly growing idea. For this, we will see where the idea of the American dream comes from, and how it is represented in today's society, and at least we will see if the American Dream is a real myth or if it
776 Mots / 4 Pages -
Encountering others, love and friendship
I’m going to deal with the theme “Encountering others, love and friendship” through the topic of “LOSS”. This term can embody several aspects. It can be, metaphorical, or, at opposite, really concrete in life the of someone. The notion of loss is timeless. Indeed, we are going to see that, it inspires authors to tell stories, transcribe historical events, or transcribe autobiographic elements in any century. So, I’m going to wonder, in what extent authors
807 Mots / 4 Pages -
Consumer behavior and lifestyle
Consumer Behavior and Lifestyle Part A In order to attract consumer’s awareness marketers need to create campaign or advertising based on consumers’ interests. Marketers also need to understand consumers’ values so they can deliver the right message of the product or service and the consumers can be satisfied about their purchases. It’s very important for the marketers to maintain the relationship between consumers and the products or services because consumers satisfaction is the main priority
603 Mots / 3 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges, immigration in the usa
Spaces and exchanges: immigration in the USA The notion I am going to deal with is “spaces and exchanges”. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion: an exchange is a continuous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges: people, trade, media etc. I would like to tackle this notion thanks to the theme studied which is the immigration in the USA. Indeed, more and more people are crossing
782 Mots / 4 Pages -
Into the wild, book and movie comparison
Into the Wild, book and movie comparison Into the Wild is a book written by Jon Krakauer, it is also a film directed by Sean Penn, they both talk about the life of Chris McCandless, a young man who went on a journey throughout the United States, leaving everything behind and isolating himself from society and from his family. But the novel and the movie both have different ways to the Chris McCandless’s story. We’re
589 Mots / 3 Pages -
Research and Study Skills for Professional Development
Zero Hours Contracts: Are You For Them Or Against Them? FAMILY NAME: Allaoui FIRST NAME: Sam REG NO: 1504510 ESSEX BUSINESS SCHOOL COVER SHEET BE901 Research and Study Skills for Professional Development Please complete this sheet and attach it to your work. Zero hours contracts have become a modern revelation for 21st century businesses. These contracts allow businesses to be flexible with employees working hours. But do these contracts have an overwhelming positive side to
453 Mots / 2 Pages -
Seat and forms of power
Seat and form of power I'm going to talk about the notion seat and form of power .First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems
568 Mots / 3 Pages -
Seats and forms of power : how important is the power of the media over today's society and how far can it go ?
Seats and forms of power The traditional three powers are legislative, executive and judicial powers. They are the basis of modern democratic systems as notably structured by Montesquieu in his famous power separation doctrin. Progressively, new powers have influenced people. They are known as the fourth and the fifth power. The fourth power is the power of the media and the press. The fifth power is the power of the economic system or the power
793 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and heroes : everyday life
Everyday life heroes Myths and heroes A myth is generally a story about gods or heroes, it can talk about a popular belief or a tradition. Then, a hero is a person admired for his achievements or his great courage. Moreover, they can be fictional or real. In this notion we spoke about everyday life heroes. We saw 3 types of heroes. We will ask ourselves What makes a hero ? First we will speak
934 Mots / 4 Pages -
Litterary context sense and sensibility
Austen’s work is hard to classify. It is a complex union of many literary genres, Or perhaps can be considered as a whole new one. Austen started writing under the influence of gothic novels such as Ann Radcliff’s, The mysteries of Udolpho, But did not fully approve of this style. In fact She wrote Northanger abbey as a parody and response to these elaborate tales of mystery, superstition and evil. In stark contrast with other
575 Mots / 3 Pages -
Myths and Heroes
ORAL ANGLAIS The notion we'll going to deal with is myth and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to first, define a myth and a hero. A myth can be a popular belief or a false notion, something which we aren't sure of the existence. A hero can be a mythological figure,a person who is admired for his or her achievement, or an icon. So we're going to talk about some popular heroes and their
540 Mots / 3 Pages -
Spaces and exchanges: Is the American Dream real ?
Spaces and exchanges I am going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. Spaces and exchanges can be defined as the different spaces of the world, who are today, more connected to each others. This year in class, we studied several documents about spaces and exchanges. I will attempt to answer the question : Is the American Dream have real ?
1 123 Mots / 5 Pages -
Higher Education, location and form of power
For the notion location and form of power we studied the theme of Higher Education. We can ask ourselves to what extent higher education is a form of selection for students. In my first part I will deal with the power of money then I will talk about the power given to the individual and finally I will show that this power is not given to everybody. As we saw in class the news report
438 Mots / 2 Pages -
Case study Michel and Augustin
The recipe of success Michel and Augustin are two childhood friends who created a company together. They were making shortbread biscuits at first but with their success they diversified their range of products. They have an 18.5 million euros turnover. The competition is strong but they succeed to make their company known. Their success can be explained with various reasons starting with the simplicity of their colorful packaging. Indeed, thanks to those, their products are
323 Mots / 2 Pages