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Encountering others, love and friendship

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Par   •  7 Décembre 2017  •  Cours  •  807 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 923 Vues

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 I’m going to deal with the theme “Encountering others, love and friendship” through the topic of “LOSS”. This term can embody several aspects. It can be, metaphorical, or, at opposite, really concrete in life the of someone. The notion of loss is timeless. Indeed, we are going to see that, it inspires authors to tell stories, transcribe historical events, or transcribe autobiographic elements in any century.
So, I’m going to wonder, in what extent authors give us an epitome of loss. First thing first, in an extract from an epistolary novel writes by Samuel Richardson in 1740,
Then, in a poem by Walt Witman writes in 1865, that is my personal document,
Finally, in a poem by Wystan Hugh Auden writes in 1938.

I/ Letter 1: extract from the novel “Pamela or virtue Rewarded” (1740)

To begin with, the 18th century called “The Enlightenment” saw the development of the modern novel as literary genre and the apparition of a subgenre that is the epistolary novel. One of the most famous writer of this genre was Samuel Richardson, especially with “Pamela or virtue rewarded” published in 1740. Indeed, it was the best-seller of its time.

 Here we are at the very beginning of the novel; it is the first letter of the book, it is the incipit. A pretty servant, to her parents in which she recalls the death of her “dear mistress”. Pamela was very attached to her and she express her grief, but at the same time she tries to stay strong. In this extract, the author illustrates the value this relationship had for Pamela through the fact that Lady B was more than a mistress, she was her landmark, a friend and a motherly figure.

Richardson epitomize the loss with the genre of the letter, the mourning’s atmosphere is magnifying; indeed, it can be felt by the reader because he has the impression, that Pamela is speaking directly to him, so, he shares his pain and becomes compassionate.

II/ Poem: “O Captain! My Captain” (1865)

Then, in the 19th century, writers moved
 toward a new style called “realism”.
Realists are inspired by contemporary events of their time and generally they wrote it??? (not clear!) trough novels. But here, the writer Walt Witman appropriated this movement with a poem entitled “O Captain! My Captain”. It’s a realist work because Whitman composed it after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Over the time this poem became his most popular.

Just like in the letter of Pamela, this poem is a declaration of a huge devotion from a modest person, here: a sailor to an important person in society. Indeed, the poem begins with an exclamation addressing to the captain of the ship, the president Lincoln.
I’ve chosen this document because the loss closes paradoxically the 2 characters. The sailor allows himself to illustrate Lincoln just as a human being and not as a president. He talks about the Captain as a father. As a matter of fact, this underlines the fact that Witman see Lincoln as the father of the new reunited union. I find that it permits to illustrate loss in a honorable way even if the expression of sadness prevails.

III/ Poem: “Funeral blues” (1938)

Finally, 20th century was a century marked by a lot of movements like expressionism, surrealism or modernism. Auden was a part of the modernist movement especially in his poem “Funeral blues” write in 1938 who many assume is about the loss of lover, a male lover. 

 The title of this poem, also calling “Stop all the clock” shows the authors desire to eliminate all distractions and bring attention to the subject matter at hand. Just like “O captain! My captain”, this poem is a classical elegy. The poet uses a lot of metaphor like “My north, my south, my east and west” that shows how the deceased was the sense of direction in his life. Furthermore, he uses the imperative to shows that for him, the whole world must stop. He incorrectly thought their love would last forever. 


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