Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 624 Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations gratuites 551 - 575 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Effets de la mondialisation sur les pays en développement (document en anglais)
EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Good afternoon everyone, Joke I should present myself but I think you all know who I am I will take about 5 min, and so feel free to interrupt if you have any questions. The objective of my presentation today is…. –PP- To begin, there are 2 questions to look at here: FIRST, WHAT IS… Developing countries: It’s in general countries which HAVE NOT ACHIEVED A SIGNIFICANT DEGREE OF
577 Mots / 3 Pages -
Travail d'anglais sur un extrait de texte
Leurs héros se nomment Alex Rider, 14 ans, James Adams, 12 ans, Mickey Bolitar, 15 ans, Theodore Boone, 13 ans, Tandy Angel, 16 ans, Tory Brennan, 14 ans... Sont-ils magiciens, gladiateurs du futur, vampires ou loups-garous ? Non, juste collégiens ou lycéens ! Vivent-ils dans un univers parallèle, dystopique, uchronique, au cœur d’un monde merveilleux, dans le futur ? Non, tous grandissent ici et maintenant. Ces adolescents et adolescentes mis en scène par les plus
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Investissements étrangers en Irlande, après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pendant et depuis la période du tigre celtique (document en anglais)
Introduction What is Celtic Tiger? From 1990 to 1995 Ireland's economy grew at an average rate of 5.2% per year, and from 1996 to 2000 it increased at at an average rate of 9.6%. By the end of 2000,the nation's GDP per capita is higher than United Kingdom and Germany. Through a little more than a decade Ireland turned from the poorest country to the richest country in Europe. How did that happened? The Celtic
1 344 Mots / 6 Pages -
Conférence De Monsieur LANG (document en anglais)
Synthesis of the meeting with Mr. Jack LANG Jack LANG is a politician, member of the Socialist Party, he served as France's Minister of Culture from 1981 to 1986 and 1988 to 1992, and as Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993 and 2000 to 2002. He was also the Mayor of Blois from 1989 to 2000. He served until 2012 in the National Assembly from the sixth district of Pas-de-Calais. During this meeting, Jack
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Marchés au comptant d'Euronext (document en anglais)
The current index value is published on a continuous basis and published every 30 seconds, using real time last traded prices from Euronext Cash markets. Index values can be qualified as indicative, or the publication of index values may be suspended if there are circumstances preventing correct calculation. The official index opening is calculated by using each opening price or the previous day reference prices in case constituents have a non-traded, halted or suspended status.
241 Mots / 1 Pages -
Classical Approaches (document anglais)
The main proponents of classical thinking – principally Taylor, Fayol and Urwick – derivedtheir theories from their own practical experience in industry (mainly in the engineering field)and observations. They argued that organisations should be structured in a logical andscientific manner. They maintained that there were a number of fundamental principles uponwhichorganisations are built: There should be a blueprint of organisational structure which could be applieduniversally. The structure of an organisation should be hierarchical,
1 573 Mots / 7 Pages -
L'extension de HGK (document en anglais)
Hgk extension This is an unloved feature. This extension is currently being distributed along with Mercurial. Author: Chris Mason Overview The hgk extension allows browsing the history of a repository in a graphical way. It requires Tcl/Tk version 8.4 or later. (Tcl/Tk is not distributed with Mercurial.) Configuration As of be20a42f27a1 changeset (in 1.0 and later), Tcl .gitk configuration file was renamed to .hgk to help people working with both gitk and hgk. hgk consists
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Jacques Pervert - en anglais
Prévert the Poet The peak of Prévert's career came immediately after World War II. In 1945, the same year that Les Enfants du paradis was released, he published his collected poems, Paroles . The book sold more than 500,000 copies, almost unheard of for a book of poems in France. "Prévert spoke particularly to the French youth immediately after the War, especially to those who grew up during the Occupation and felt totally estranged from
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La compagnie alimentaire Spanghero - en anglais
French autorities has accused of economic cheating the food company Spanghero, supplier Findus frozen meat, and they suppressed his health approval. Spanghero knew it sold as beef horse, cheaper, according to the French Minister of Consumer Affairs, Benoît Hamon. It's an european fraud, cheating, The horse meat falsely labeled concerns 0 tons of meat and 4,5 million fraudulent products sold by Comigel in 13 European countries at least 28 companies, including Findus. M. Hamon said
223 Mots / 1 Pages -
Guerre Des Brevets (documents en anglais)
Intro : A patent gives to the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell this invention for a set period of time. All the objects, the products we consume every day are creations from public or private work that have been patented. Innovation is at the heart of our daily life and at the center of the economic development of the largest global companies but also SMEs. Therefore, the success
1 433 Mots / 6 Pages -
Le groupe Dreamit Venture (document en anglais)
Facts on what they do Why they are important for technology and business ? What needs of the world are they responding to ? Founded in 2008, has had 65 companies go through its program. DreamIt has expanded from Philadelphia and now offers a program in New York and one in Israel. DreamIt’s most well-known company is SCVNGR, which last year raised $15 million at a $100 million valuation, according to TechCrunch. DreamIt also recently
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Définition du mot Littérature (document en anglais)
Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources. The word literature literally means "things made from letters" and the pars pro toto term "letters" is sometimes used to signify "literature," as in the figures of speech "arts and letters" and "man of letters." Literature is commonly classified as having two major forms—fiction and non-fiction—and two major techniques—poetry and prose. Literature may
207 Mots / 1 Pages -
La nation américaine a été construite sur l'esprit de la destinée manifeste (document en anglais)
The American nation was built up upon the spirit of Manifest Destiny .The first immigrants in this wild land ,the pilgrims fathers , were convinced that God sent them on this land to built a strong and pious nation , a “ city upon the hill” to achieve democracy and to guide all people into the right path . This state of mind was deeply rooted in every American mind .Even though, America was handicapped
783 Mots / 4 Pages -
Les résultats des essais pilotes de technologies de traitement physico-chimique à haut débit (HRPCT) à New York (document en anglais)
PILOT TESTING OF HRPCT FOR CSO IN NEW YORK CITY ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of pilot testing of high rate physical chemical treatment (HRPCT) technologies in New York City at the 26th Ward wastewater pollution control plant (WPCP) during the summer of 1999. The US Filter/Microsep Ballasted Floc Reactor™ (BFR), the Actiflo™ from Krüger Inc. and the Densadeg 4D™ from Infilco Degremont Inc. (IDI) were evaluated by Hazen and Sawyer for the New
2 593 Mots / 11 Pages -
Biographie d'Alexis Bachelot (document en anglais)
From today's featured article Alexis Bachelot (1796–1837) was a Roman Catholic priest and first Prefect Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands who led the first permanent Catholic mission to the Kingdom of Hawaii. He arrived in Hawaii in 1827, expecting the approval of King Kamehameha II. He learned upon arrival that the king had died and that the new government was hostile towards Catholic missionaries. Bachelot converted and then quietly ministered to a small group of
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La vraie communauté peut-elle exister dans un cadre virtuel ? (document en anglais)
Can real community exist in a virtual setting ? A community, as its basic definition is: “group of people united by ties of interest, common habits, opinions or common characteristics”. Obviously, we all know that this definition includes virtual communities. However, the unique web link can only be a support for real communities. First, we can say that a real community will need implication. However, everyone can join a community on internet, there is no
254 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lettre De Commande En Anglais
Expéditeur : Directeur des ventes de THE POTTERIES, Cardigan Street, Manchester Destinataire : Directeur des achats , TOUKADO, 9 rue de Tournelle 91000 Evry Date : 13 Juin 2012 Objet : Commande n°28900/1 Dear…. Corps de la lettre : x commande du 8 juin 2012 x Enregistrée : 15 services à thé réf. 28900, 300 assiettes à dessert réf. 28901 *commande expédiée par avion sur le vol B.A.341, Départ aéroport de Manchester le 18 juin
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Étude des neurosciences ( texte en anglais)
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience www.frontiersin.org November 2010 | Volume 4 | Article 198 | 1 HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE Original Research Article published: 22 November 2010 doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2010.00198rons in gamma generation is more ambiguous. While the presence of sufficient glutamatergic activity to recruit IN activity is essential in most models and in vitro preparations, the decay rate of synaptic excitation is typically thought to be less important. In contrast, the origin of low-frequency cortical activity (e.g., 8
8 636 Mots / 35 Pages -
« Initiation à la démarche de recherche » étude en anglais
Dans le cadre de l’unité d’enseignement 3.4 S6 « Initiation à la démarche de recherche » nous devions produire une note de recherche. Cette note de recherche est la première étape du mémoire de fin d’études. Elle nous permet de mener une réflexion à partir d’une situation vécue et ainsi nous familiariser avec la recherche en soins infirmiers. People is becoming older and doctors and nurses must find solutions for this situation. The solutions that
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Avantages et Inconvénients du mariage (docuement en anglais).
Many people believe that marriage is a union ordained by God and it is also a wonderful union of two people in love. But like every great thing in life, marriage has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Marriage The ability to love and receive love in return. Marriage to someone you love gives you an avenue to channel all your love and attention especially for people who never really received love as children. Loving
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Présenation d'une vidéo sur les tratégies de Communication pour Résoudre le Conflit dans le Lieu de travail (document en anglais).
I am going to present you the video. In the first time i would make a small introduction, then i would speak conflicts in the workplace and to finish, i would speak solutions for solve them. I. Introduction The title of the video is "Communication Strategies for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace ". The situation takes place during a conference (an exposition) to Nevada (USA), more precisely to Las Vegas in 2011 (two thousand and
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Cv (Curriculum Vitae) en Anglais
Rey Joris 170 places de la guinguette 38730 Panissage France Tel Born 3rd October 1995 French citizen –male Education: -Portes de chartreuse vocational high school in Voreppe. 2012-2013 : currently in last year of BTEC national in catering. Training experience : November 2010 : four weeks in restaurante “l’Entrecote“ in la Tour du Pin as a cook. For this training I was in the hot dish. May 2011 :three weeks in estaurante “la Verriere“in Pont de Beauvoisin as
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Les accords de Bretton Woods (document en anglais)
The aim of this essay is to analyze the evolution of the relation between states and markets since 1944. The first part will discuss the growing liberalism after World War II in 1944 and how the State is a regulator more than an actor in markets. The second part will discuss about the growing interlinking between the two actors with the settling of economics agreements for example. Indeed, if states are willing to cooperate and
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Camara Laye (document en anglais)
Guinean novelist, short story writer, and essayist, who first gained fame in the 1950s with his novels L'Enfant noir (1953, The African Child), a poetic re-creation of the author's childhood days, and Le Regard du roi (1954, The Radiance of the King). The latter work with its theme, a frustrating quest for an unattainable authority, has been compared to Franz Kafka's novel The Castle (1926). Laye's third novel, Dramouss (1966), was banned in Guinea. "Am
1 559 Mots / 7 Pages -
Étude d'une vidéo en anglais
A Front-Row Seat via Video http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/22/business/via-video-a-front-row-seat-to-a-fashion-show.html?pagewanted=1&ref=technology By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD Published: February 21, 2013 As the Belstaff runway show began in New York City last week, buyers, designers and bloggers crowded into their seats, jotted notes and took smartphone photos as the models strutted by. But it was another crowd, outside the tents, that Belstaff executives were particularly interested in this season. For the second time, it was live streaming its fashion show. And the Web
1 224 Mots / 5 Pages