Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 624 Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations gratuites 976 - 1 000 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Lettre de motivation en anglais, BTS International
Object : Internship - Customer Relationship Assistant Manager, Import-Export, Client Prospecting. Dear Sir, I am currently first-year student of BTS International Trade in France. Within the framework of this formation, I have to do an internship in a foreign company with the aim of applying my theoretical skills in the field of the export sale (prospection and following customers). This intership must make me apprehend the various aspects of a prospection export. It could begin from
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Biographie Usain Bolt (document en anglais)
TOPIC USAIN BOLT Usain St. Leo Bolt alias sprinter Usain Bolt is a Jamaican athlete who was born August 21, 1986 in Jamaica in the parish of Trelawny. He spent his childhood in this environment with his mother Jennifer and Wellesley Bolt his father as well as his brother and his sister Sherine Sadeeki. Usain Bolt at a young age is interested in cricket and football, but he converted early in athletics. Indeed, at the
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Le groupe Bobaflex (document en anglais)
Formed in the 1990s, the band has released four full-length albums and one 6-track EP, and is featured on the Gigantour DVD/CD. The band recently put out the 6 song EP, Chemical Valley which was released on 7 March 2010, and a 15 track full length album Hell in my Heart which was released on February 4, 2011. The unique thing about the band is the two frontmen, brothers Shaun and Marty McCoy, who trade
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Oral D'anglais
All began in 1919 with the africa traingular trade. blacks came from with labor, songs gospel songs. they were always working because they were slaves but they were also an religious community. they began to sing about them slaves when they song 60 down moses and let my people go. with nobody knows the trouble i've seen, it was the birth of the blues. after civil war 1861-1865 they create the jazz. and after 1917,
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Anglais Cned: étude d'un document « The Notary Public’s Role in preventing Property Fraud » (Le rôle du notaire public dans la prévention de la fraude immobilière )
Partie 1: Résumé Le document « The Notary Public’s Role in preventing Property Fraud » est un article de presse concernant les notaires. Ces derniers aidés par diverses structures (FBI, réseau d'exécution de crimes financiers, Ministère du Logement et du Développement Urbain, associations de notaires) se chargent de détecter et signaler les fraudes de propriété. En effet, les arnaques sont nombreuses ; l’imposteur n’hésite pas à se faire passer pour le propriétaire (usurpation d’identité, imitation
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Theme Anglais Terminal
Hello ! I Go you speak about an artist of England origin, in effect I decided about you Naomi Campebell's speech because for me it is a England icon . To begin I would make for you naomi campbell's biography then would speak to you about its carriere and to finish I would say to you why I chose to speak about her. Naomi Campbell's Biography: She was born May 22,1970 in Streatham, London, she
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Fiche de révision anglais brevet blanc
Fiches revisions d'anglais brevet blanc le present simple : - adverbes de fréquences every monday once week twice a month « S » a la 3° personne du singulier be + ING : now, at the moment, look !, listen le present perfect : already, ever, never, yet...not, yet, for, since. Passé simple : Yesterday, when + evenement passé, in + date passé, 5 day ago, last week preterit : Be -ING ...when... ...while... futur : will
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Biographie en anglais chez David Beckham
David Beckham was born May 2, 19 in London. his father installer cuisuine mother and her hairdresser. David attended a football school "Tottenham Hotspur" Tottenham is btw the first club he played for two years he even was elected best player moin 15 years. On the day of his 14th birthday David signs contart with young Manchester United. sports career On April 2, 1995 David Bacham make his first appearance with the jerseys of Manchester
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Air Operator (document en anglais)
Operator's Name: Sat. Unsat. Remarks 1.Organization; Key management personnel; • Accountable Manager (Chief Executive Officer or General Manager) • Director of Operations, or Senior Officer of Flying Operations • Chief Pilot • Director of Safety, or Chief Flight Safety and Accident Prevention • Quality Manager • Director of Maintenance 2.Documents Review; • Operations Specifications • Operations Manual, • Maintenance Control Manual (MPPM), • Training Manual, • Security Manual. 3. Operator Training Curricula review; • Company
2 918 Mots / 12 Pages -
Devoir D'anglais: étude du document « Online Social Networking : for better or worse. »
Ce document est un article nommé « Online Social Networking : for better or worse. » Il traite des réseaux sociaux et aborde leurs aspects positifs et negatifs. Ces derniers sont utilisés par un nombre très varié d’individus passant des dirigeants politiques aux organisations internationales en servant également les compagnies de toutes tailles et les particuliers de tout âge, nationalité et classe sociale. Le plus grand et célèbre des réseaux sociaux reste Facebook avec 250
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Rapport Stage Anglais Compta
TRAINING PERIOD For my training period in BTS CGO. I performed two training periods in an accounting office JP KERMEL situated in PERIGUEUX. I had the opportunity in this accountant office to do several activities ans especially take care of customer's files. My tutor gave me invoices for every month. I had to code them, it consists in writting an account number near the amount without taxes and all taxes included before keyboarding it on
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Traduction d'entreprise (document en anglais)
TRANSLATION Delivery conditions and return Delivery terms: If in stock, goods are delivered within a few days. We will keep you informed if they are not available. Standard mail post with fast delivery and follow-up (French “colissimo avec suivi”). Delivery charges: Transport fees are €7 on a domestic basis plus €5 if payment is made through pay-on-delivery. When the order exceeds €150, no payment is required (except abroad and French territories). Money back guarantee: If
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Anglais Devoir 1 BTS MUC: étude d'un document portant sur la traite de la baisse des centres commerciaux aux Etats-Unis à cause de la crise financière
Devoir 01 Anglais Partie 1 Le document qui nous est demandé d’étudier ici traite de la baisse des centres commerciaux aux Etats-Unis à cause de la crise financière. On suppose que le texte est issu d’un article de journal, bien que nous n’en soyons pas du tout certain car il n’y a aucune référence indiquée. Le texte montre donc, petit à petit, le déclin des centres commerciaux. Ce déclin est une des répercussions de la
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Les caractéristiques nécessaire pour réussir à bien communiquer à l'oral et à l'écrit (document en anglais).
1. Completeness: In written and oral communication it is very important to express all of the facts needed by the audience. The following features are required to complete a communication. a. To develops and enhances the reputation of an organization all communication must be complete. b. Money is saved when all facts are provided at the get go. c. Additional information in a complete communication is important, because it leaves no questions for the audience.
249 Mots / 1 Pages -
Analyse d'un hypermarché étranger en Chine (document en anglais)
I. Introduction of China’s hypermarket industry First of all, China’s retail market increases of 7% per year. Its sales represent almost $405 billion in 2010. Retail sales augmented to 16,3% in 2011 while the GPD expanded to 9,7%. China is expecting an augmentation of the double of this percentage in the next three years. Now, we are going to see the market structure in China: • Department stores: Golden Eagle, Parkson, Shenzhen Suibao... • Hypermarkets:
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Mythe et héros, devoir d'anglais
Myths and heroes a myth is an old story or legendary account often with a hero or God who translates beliefs, traditions and concern of a country or a company. that brings a problems: why did the society create myths and heroes? In the history of the companies there be always myths and gods or heroes that were transmitted in the course of time. we can considered several categories of hero in these legendary accounts
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Les Aborigines (anglais)
THE ABORIGINES LIFE Sydney , 26.01.11 . January 26 ,reffered to as « Australia Day » , marks the anniversary oh the colonization of Australia by Great Britain . To Aborigines , however , that day is known as « Invasion Day » or « Survival Day », and it signifies the destruction of the native Aboriginal culture by English colonists and the continuing struggle for survival , justice ans equality of rights by Aboriginal
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Anglais: Rapport sur ma période de formation
Report on my training period -my name is: DARIN Gael -I live in: Grand-bourg, Marie-galante -I go to: lycée Hyacynthe -the class :iam is TBacPro MNA -the MNA abbreviation stand for maintenance for ship and boat -during our 3 year in BacPro : we have to undergo a 22weeks training period in firms or companies -my last training period was from :nineteen november totwenty-one decembre -the name of the firm (company) : I was the
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Campanile la chaîne d'hôtels économiques (document en anglais)
Campanile is an economic hotel chain; its competition is hotels such as Ibis and Traveloge. Campanile targets small firms’ managers or sales representatives who travel very frequently. The company has developed on the “American motels” pattern and most of its hotels are implemented near motorway junctions because access in convenient and real estate is cheap. During the week-end Campanile tries to attract families and leisure clients by creating special offers. 15% of campanile’s hotels are
2 002 Mots / 9 Pages -
Devoir d'anglais
PUNCTUATION One of the biggest problems you students have with English is punctuation when you write and intonation when you speak. You should bear in mind that when we speak, we use intonation, it’s that musicality which makes you give meaning to your sentences. With no intonation, you cannot be understood by anyone. Do you remember the game we had in class ? Have a look at it again: Ready? No. Why? Problems. Problems? Yes.
9 915 Mots / 40 Pages -
Présentation En Anglais
Good morning , my name is Grass , my first name is Clemence , my nickname is Cléclé . I am fourteen and a half , I was born on August thirteen, One thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight in Nîmes . I am from France , I live in la Seyne sur mer therefore I am French .I have one brother and one sister . I have a cat . I like sports , dancing
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Livre, Ils m’ont appelé Eva commentaire de texte en anglais
« Ils m’ont appelé Eva » The book I’m going to present is entitled « Ils m’ont appelé Eva » written by Joan Wolf in March 2011. Joan Wolf was born in 1951(nineteen fifty one) in the Bronx, New York, he is an American writer of romance novels. This book draft a painful subject. It’s an historical novel based on reals facts of the second World War. The story take place in Czechoslovakia, more precisely
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Anglais: Les entreprises peuvent-elles être socialement responsables de diverses manières?
Les entreprises peuvent être socialement responsables de diverses manières. Tout d’abord elles s’imposent des critères sociaux et environnementaux. Elles mettent en avant les personnes en difficultés, dans des situations précaires, et des environnements hostiles. Ces entreprises mettent un point d’honneur à respecter tous leurs partenaires en commençant d’abord par leurs salariés, les entreprises visent à améliorer leur condition de vie et leur quotidien sous diverses formes et par diverses actions. Elles n’oublient pas pour autant
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Devoir anglais: les rêves
Dreams are the most amazing things in life , we all love to dream and we all love to hope and to see ourselves getting better and better each day. Everyone of us dreams of being something and tries to achieve his goals , everyone has his own resolutions and has something to look up to and to reach. However, some people may say that dreams are hard to follow and it's impossible to be
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Sports, fiche en anglais
Pros For the most part, extreme sports, like many other physical activities, offer great health and wellness benefits to their participants. Activities like mountain climbing and biking, surfing, skateboarding, and biking require participants to be in peak physical condition to ensure not only that they can perform the activity, but also that they can perform it safely. The second positive benefit of extreme sports is the pleasurable release of endorphins or the adrenaline rush that
236 Mots / 1 Pages