Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 624 Vocabulaire Anglais dissertations gratuites 601 - 625 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
La Countreculture Dans Les Années 70 (en Anglais)
HIPPIES The story : The hippies are a counterculture created in the sixties in the USA and that has broadened all around the world. They were younger people who rejected the traditional values, the lifestyle of their parents and the consumption society! This movement began with the fight of the younger people against the American war in Vietnam. A generation that rejected the authorities. The ideas : A life based on the liberty, a
1 171 Mots / 5 Pages -
Le message de Bob Marley est-il pertinent pour les gens en France? (document en anglais)
Is Bob Marley message pertinent for people in France? Bob Marley’s message can be pertinent in France but not so as in others countries like Jamaica or part of Africa. I will explain you why. First, even if Bob Marley’s songs are listening all other the world, some themes evocated like politics, religion or Africa are more especially dedicate. “No chains around my feet but I'm not free, oh” Concrete jungle. Probably lots of persons
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Analyse du roman Au Bonheur Des Dames d'Emile Zola (document en anglais)
For the French band, see Au Bonheur des Dames (band). Au Bonheur des Dames Au Bonheur des Dames manuscript Author(s) Émile Zola Country France Language French Series Les Rougon-Macquart Genre(s) Novel Publisher Charpentier (book form) Publication date 1883 (serial and book form) Media type Print (Serial, Hardback, and Paperback) Preceded by Pot-Bouille Followed by La joie de vivre Au Bonheur des Dames (French pronunciation: [o.bɔ.nœʁ.de'dam] ; The Ladies' Delight or The Ladies' Paradise) is the
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Qu'est-ce qu'un brillancemètre? (document en anglais)
A glossmeter measures specular reflection. The light intensity is registered over a small range of the reflection angle. The intensity is dependent on the material and the angle of illumination. In case of non-metals the amount of reflected light increases with the increase of the illumination angle. The remaining illuminated light penetrates the material and is absorbed or diffusely scattered dependent on the color. Metals have a much higher reflection and are less angle dependent
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Etude de cas KazElectroPrivod (document en anglais)
The joint venture, KazElectroPrivod, equally owned by Alstom and its Kazakh partner Kamkor, has signed a contract worth €90 million(1) with Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), the Kazakhstan national railway company, for the supply of 10,000 point machines over a 10-year period starting in 2013. The point machines, which allow a train to change tracks, are essential in any rail network. The contract was signed today in the presence of the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius,
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Etude de cas: l'entreprise Sephora (document en anglais)
COMPANY OVERVIEW Sephora is a French-based chain of stores specializing in cosmetics, fragrances, and personal care items. While the company was initially founded in 1969,1 Sephora first entered the U.S. market in 1998 and has since experienced exponential growth.2 Currently, Sephora owns over 1,000 stores, 300 of which are located in the United States. Additionally, the company operates 150 “store-in-store” locations within JC Penneys. The brand is currently in the growth phase of the life
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L'Aliénation (document en anglais)
Alienation One of the main theme of the Catcher in the Rye is the alienation of Holden Caufield. It is from one side self inflicted and from the other also forced by society. He is a very confused character and that reflects on his isolation. He needs the distance, he pretends that he does not stand to stay a longer period with the same person and also escape from the crowd at the football game
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Le Temps Des Verbes En Anglais
Guide Gratuit Petit guide extrait des principales leçons du site www.anglaiscours.fr Table des matières 1. Table des matières.............................................................................. 2 2. Présent simple et présent continu....................................................... 3 1) Présent simple ............................................................................... 3 Construction ...................................................................................... 3 Utilisation .......................................................................................... 3 2) le présent continu (ou présent progressif).......................................... 4 Construction ...................................................................................... 4 Utilisation .......................................................................................... 4 3. Le Prétérit........................................................................................... 5 Quand l'utiliser................................................................................... 5 Comment le construire ........................................................................ 5 La forme interrogative......................................................................... 5 La forme négative .............................................................................. 6 Astuces pour réussir
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Devoir Anglais Bts 1 Année: le modèle John Lewis
John Lewis is a model THE FEELING IS MUTUAL A cuddly model of capitalism has been oversold John Lewis, an upmarket departement store, has a special place in the minds of britain's consumers. In a speech to city folk on January th, nick Clegg, the liberal democrat leader and deputy prime minister, called for « more of john lewis economy ». Yet he was enthusing not about the chain's pretty teapots and bed linens or enven
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Gestion des plaintes dans l'hôtellerie (document en anglais)
Complaints Management in the Hotel Industry In a service industry like hotel, customers tend to complain a lot and especially from 2008 until now because of the economic and financial crisis. So, they want to have a high quality with less money. These complaints are often logical but sometimes they are not. The main reasons are like not getting proper service by staffs and bad quality for food in restaurants. However, hoteliers should know how
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Présentation De McDo En Anglais
Introduction Our presentation concerns Macdonald who is a large company at the international with Don Thompson for CEO (Chief Executive Officer). McDonald's is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 34,000 local restaurants serving nearly 69 million people in 119 countries each day. In a first part we’re going to tell you speak about the Historical background of Macdonald's secondly we will present you the Marketing mix then the Swot analysis and to finish
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Analyse du "Tableau Des Revenus Anglais", Grégory King (1688).
Une société évolue constamment, des mutations ont lieu à l’intérieur des multiples groupes sociaux. Grégory King, à travers le tableau du revenu et des dépenses des diverses familles de l’Angleterre, tente de faire une projection de la société anglaise, une photo précise des diverses classes et de leurs finances dans un espace-temps déterminé. Grégory King a vécu entre 1648 et 1712. Jusqu’en 1695, il effectue divers emplois, notamment en servant plusieurs nobles héraldistes, c'est-à-dire spécialistes
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Le Dopage Français-anglais
I-/ introduction Pour les sportifs, l'utilisation de produits dopants concernent premierement l'éthique sportive et à la santé des participants. Bien que le problème du dopage soit principalement associé aux athlètes participant à des évènements de haut calibre, certaines études ont démontré que ce problème semble s'étendre maintenant à des niveaux inférieurs de compétition. For athletes using doping products (drugs) concerned in first time their health and in second time the ethics of sport Although the
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Noms composés (document en anglais)
Compound words Compound words are formed by joining two or more simple words. Examples are: moonlight, nevertheless and undertake. The meaning of a compound is not always predictable from the meanings of its component parts. For example, not every friend who is a boy is your boyfriend. The formation of a compound is called compounding. Most compound words are nouns, adjectives and verbs. Formation of compound words The compound words may be formed from: Noun
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Compte Rendu Devoir 1 Ecrit Anglais BTS Commerce International CNED
Le document est un article de presse du Wall Street Journal datant du 17 Octobre 2010, traitant du boom de l’automobile en Chine et de ses diverses implications. Dans ce compte-rendu nous tenterons d’analyser l’influence du développement des secteurs automobiles et routiers, sur l’environnement économique et sociétale de ce pays. Dans une première partie nous détaillerons les divers aspects de la croissance de cette industrie. Dans la seconde partie, nous déterminerons ses effets sur l’économie
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Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (document en anglais)
Introduction : In our modern world the increase of the consumer awareness and concerns of his health and environment has raised the necessity and the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which can be described as “a business philosophy that recognize the social, cultural, and environmental consequences of business practices and subsequently demonstrates actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law” (Pickton
1 756 Mots / 8 Pages -
Anglais: grammaire
1. Superlatif forms short : the oldest / the latest Superlatif forms long : the most irresistible / the most interesting Comparative forms short : later than / older than Comparative forms long : more interesting than / more irresistible than 2. Superlative : the biggest / the busiest / the niciest Comparatif : bigger than / busier than / nicier than 3. Good, bad, far. GOOD Better than The best BAD Worse than The
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Ellis Island NYC (document en anglais)
This document is a report made by a woman about Ellis Island, in New York City. At the beginning, the journalist says the Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the American Dream but Ellis Island tells the story behind this dream. For 12 million of immigrants who passed through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954, it was the first stop on their way to access to USA, the land of opportunities. People went to
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Biographie de Bob Marley (document en anglais)
Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley is the greatest ever reggae singer. He spread1 reggae and his message of love and unity to a worldwide audience. His live2 performances were legendary for their passion and energy. Marley’s album ‘Exodus’ was voted by ‘Time’ magazine as the best of the 20th Century. The BBC declared his song ‘One Love’ as the song of the millennium. Marley was born in 1945 in a small village in Jamaica to a
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Exposé en anglais Sur Dillon Francis
Dillon Hart Francis (born October 5, 1987) is an American electronic-dance musician, known for being one of the pioneers of moombahton, a fusion genre of house music and reggaeton, and moombahcore, a sub-genre of electronic-dance music deviating from moombahton. Early life Francis was born in Los Angeles, California.[1] Dillon Francis: “I was born and raised in Los Angeles. My father is an alternative medicines doctor, so I guess he’s upper middle-class. But I came from
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Analyse comparative de certains aspects linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l'anglais et du Wolof (document en anglais)
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOME LINGUISTIC AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF ENGLISH AND WOLOF. Abstract English, which is now widely spoken on six continents, is in today’s academic world, and particularly in Second/foreign language teaching, attracting more and more the interest of language learners. Thus, the improvement of teaching English as a foreign language to African University student is a major concern. One of the reasons is the fact that most of the individual languages of Africa
13 447 Mots / 54 Pages -
Devoir Anglais Cned
Devoir 1 - Anglais Partie 1 : Le document sur lequel nous allons nous pencher est un article du journal The Economist, publié le 13 février 2010, se classant dans la rubrique Financial Psychology et dont l'auteur est inconnu. Cet article nous relate les résultats d'une enquête scientifique conjointement menée par les universités de Toronto et Columbia. Cette étude prend place dans le monde du travail et nous amène à déterminer dans quelle mesure l'argent
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Biographie du roi James (document en anglais)
LeBron Raymone James (/ləˈbrɒn/; born December 30, 1984), nicknamed "King James", is an American professional basketball player for the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA). A 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) small forward who has also played as a power forward, he has been an NBA champion, the NBA Finals MVP, a three-time NBA MVP, and the NBA Rookie of the Year. James is a nine-time NBA All-Star, and has been named
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Mcdonalds Anglais
ANGLAIS Mcdonald a décidé de donner un nouveau look à son enseigne en modifiant les caractéristiques de la mascotte "Ronald" en lui donnant un aspect sportif et sain qui donne une bonne vision pour les enfants, cela doit limiter le taux d'obèses puisqu'on sait que McDonald est très sollicité par les consommateurs. Pour ce faire, des messages publicitaires sont mise en place où l'on voit Ronald faire du sport avec des icônes du monde sportif.
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Exposé en anglais sur le Chocolat
Part one : Chocolate's history Originally from the tropical rainforests of Central America, cocoa was cultivated by the Mayas and Aztecs. These people enjoyed the food which was consumed as a beverage called "chocolatl" (bitter water).This beverage was prepared using cocoa beans (cacahuatl) roasted and ground on hot stones. The resulting slurry was heated and mixed with water, were added vanilla, pepper, cinnamon, anise, etc .... This drink was known nourishing, fortifying and aphrodisiac. The Mayans
517 Mots / 3 Pages