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Noms composés (document en anglais)

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Par   •  8 Mars 2013  •  717 Mots (3 Pages)  •  706 Vues

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Compound words

Compound words are formed by joining two or more simple words. Examples are: moonlight, nevertheless and undertake.

The meaning of a compound is not always predictable from the meanings of its component parts. For example, not every friend who is a boy is your boyfriend. The formation of a compound is called compounding.

Most compound words are nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Formation of compound words

The compound words may be formed from:

Noun + noun

Examples are: moonlight, postman, railway, airman, manservant, shoemaker, ringleader, windmill, haystack and screwdriver.

Adjective + noun

Examples are: sweetheart, shorthand, blackboard, nobleman, stronghold etc.

Verb + noun

Examples are: spendthrift, makeshift, breakfast, daredevil, hangman, pickpocket etc.

Gerund + noun

Drawing-room, looking-glass, writing-desk, blotting paper, walking stick, stepping-stone etc.

Adverb (or preposition) + noun

Outlaw, afterthought, foresight, forethought, overcoat, downfall, bypass, afternoon, inside, inmate etc.

Verb + adverb

Drawback, look-up, go-between, send-off, die-hard

Adverb + verb

Examples are: outset, outcry, income, outcome etc.


In most compound words, it is the first word which modifies the meaning of the second. When the two elements of the compound are only partially blended, a hyphen is put between them.



A. ? Quick

B. ? Kind

C. ? Heavy

D. ? Small

2. Tiny

A. ? Very soft

B. ? Very happy

C. ? Very thick

D. ? Very small

3. Great

A. ? Very soft

B. ? Very loud

C. ? Very hard

D. ? Very good

4. Glad

A. ? Safe

B. ? Happy

C. ? Thin

D. ? Angry

5. Tired

A. ? Kind

B. ? Worn out

C. ? Ready

D. ? Angry

6. Unhappy

A. ? Playful

B. ? Alive

C. ? Sad

D. ? Angry

7. Sound

A. ? Peace

B. ? Whisper

C. ? Computer

D. ? Noise

8. Move


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