Themes anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 936 Themes anglais dissertations gratuites 26 - 50 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Theme Anglais Oral Bac RICK ET MORTY
RICK AND MORTY Rick and Morty is an American adult animation series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon on December 2, 2013 on Cartoon Network in the late-night Adult Swim party. The series follows the misadventures of Rick Sanchez, a cynical and whimsical scientist, and his disturbed and easily influenced grandson, Morty Smith. The series comes from a short animated parody based on the trilogy of films Back to the Future. The first season
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Thème anglais : Apple
APPLE First part : Apple's story Second part : Innovation Third part : Apple's place in the world I'm going to introduce Apple, i'm going to talk about in the first part Apple's story in the second part of his innovation and in the thrid part to talk about Apple's place in the world. Frist part : a) The creator Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs was born on February in 1955 (nineteen fifty five) in San
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Théme Anglais Amish
The amish a strange community : In the firts part, i will talk about the origins of the amish, In the second part, i will talk about how amish live, At the end, i will explain, why i chose an amish, The Amish began as a group in Switzerland. During the first half of the 18th century, several hundred Amish migrated to Pennsylvania to flee religious persecution christian community. To start the new life in
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WHAT IS YOUR TOPIC ABOUT ? The story begins in 2010 in Chicago, a metropolis where violence and gang wars reign. The south side is in a critical state with many murders and crimes of all kinds. It is here that drill was born, a new type of rap that serves as a means of expression for gangs, such as the Black Disciple gang, which is making a name for itself with the member Chief
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Theme anglais
My internship Hello my name is Lola teyssier, I’m 17 years old, I living in Bordeaux an I studied in Les menuts vocational high school and Today i’m going to talk to you about my internship First, let’s talk about my first session of my internship wich was from November, 2nd to November, 28th 2020.(It was not my first internship at the post office, I made one next years) I did it at the post
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Thème anglais Bac Pro Donald TRUMP
DONALD TRUMP Today, I'm going to talk about Donald Trump. I chose this topic because I have been very interested in him lately. My dialogue will be like this: 1) At first : Biography (identity, nationality, date and place of birth, place of residence, family, study, career) 2) Second : His privacy 3) the 3rd : Presidential elections in the United States 4) "finally" Opinion 1) BIOGRAPHIE : . Donald John Trump is an American
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Thème anglais bac pro
How Ariana grande leave the stage of Disney Channel at the icon of music ? Ariana grande is american actress and singer. She was born in Boca Raton, Florida, in 1993 ( one thousand nine hundred ninety-three). Her involvement in a Broadway play at age 15 (fifteen), followed by sole small TV’s parts, helped her land the role of Cat on TV’s Victorius. She followed that with the spinoff Sam & Cat and then dove
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Traduction Anglais Thème Corrigé
22/11/10 Anglais Thème Traduction : Reste à voir si elle sera efficace. Whether it proves successful, (however), remains to be seen. Leader price comme l’ensemble du secteur hard discount peine à trouver la recette miracle capable de redynamiser les ventes.Leader Price, along with (just like)the rest of the low cost sector (the entire discount sector) is struging ti find the magic formula (the miracle solution/the miracle fix) capable of boosting (the) sales. Malgré un chomage
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Devoir Anglais: sur un article dont le thème est le rétablissement économique des centres commerciaux
Devoir numero 1 d’Anglais BTS MUC 1ère année Evaluation: Partie 1: Le document présenté est un article dont le thème est la croissance ou plutôt, le rétablissement économique des centres commerciaux. L’auteur nous explique que depuis quatre ans, les statistiques montrent qu’il y a de moins en moins de propriétés commerciales innocupées (8,8% de moins). Cela est dû au regain de confiance des consommateurs et de la baisse du chômage. Un nouveau type de centre
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Theme D'anglais Vivre Dans La Ville
Topic given: Some people prefer to live in small towns other in big cities.Which place do you prefer to live in? My best friend whose name is Ilaria went to Study in the United States last year and the organization she go with, located her in Georgia, in the middle of nowhere. She told me that she really missed the facilities of a big, populated city as Milan is.Weather live in big cities is better
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Preparer Ces Theme D'anglais
PROTOCOLE D’EXPOSES Faire du numéro I au N° VII sur feuille pour le premier cours d’anglais de novembre I CREATION D’UNE PAGE DE GARDE : avec TITRE & les SOURCES de vos lectures en français et en anglais avec les dates II LECTURES EN FRANÇAIS Avec prise de notes III LECTURES EN ANGLAIS Avec prise de notes pour le plan & lexique IV REDACTION DU PLAN (en français si nécessaire ensuite) EN ANGLAIS V RECHERCHE DU
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Theme D'anglais
Anglais Theme 1 : Sir Alex Fergusson Sir Alex fergusson was born 31 December 1941 in Govan, a district of Glasgow , Son of Alexander Beaton Ferguson, a tackler in the industry of shipbuilding, and his wife, Elizabeth Hardie1, Alex Ferguson was born in the House of her grandmother on Shieldhall Road, Govan, 31 December 1941. He grew up in a building at 667 Govan Road which has since been demolished where he lives with
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Anglais épreuve Oral: sur le thème de l’équilibre vie professionnelle et vie privée
Dans ce texte du 10 avril 2013 et adapté du Guardian Professional, Penny Valk traite du thème de l’équilibre vie professionnelle et vie privée. Il évoque plusieurs solutions pour être plus épanoui tout en étant plus productif. Premièrement nous verrons la situation actuelle, ensuite nous verrons les solutions pour être efficace en équipe, et enfin nous verrons celles pour réussir à mieux s’organiser et être ainsi plus efficace. Actuellement, la communication possède une place importante
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Anglais Ds 1 sur un article de journal dont le thème principale est la communication
Il s'agit d'un article de journal dont le thème principale est la communication. Dans une première partie, le problème du manque d'information est mise en valeur avec l'exemple des voyageurs bloqués dans les aéroports ou gares mais également avec l'exemple des services clients informatisés ou téléphoniques ne satisfaisant pas les clients car ils ne permettent pas d'obtenir les réponses à leurs questions. Le journal développe ensuite principalement les problèmes de communication entre le manager et
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Theme D'anglais Malcom X
Malcom X of its true name Malcom Little was born on May 19th, 1925 in Omaha. It was oforigin Afro-American. Malcom X was seen as amilitant of the human rights is the American black community, but for some he was seen as somebody who preach racism and the black supremacism and violence . Malcom X was provided education for in a school of white community , it declared one of the blacks most integrated into the white community. Are goal
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Theme D'etude Anglais Sur Nicole Scherzinger
Theme d'etude anglais sur Nicole Scherzinger : I’m going to talk about Nicole Scherzinger she is thirty seven years old. She is an american singer. She is also dancer a composer and an actress. Nicole was born in Honolulu Hawaii, into a Catholic family ; her father is philippin and her mother is of Hawaiian and Russian origin. She has got a lot of brothers and sisters. When she was a child, she has always
212 Mots / 1 Pages -
Anglais: mythe et héros sur le thème de l'immigration
Intro : First, I'd like to give a definition of the notion "Myths and Heroes", a hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities but today we are going more specifically over the idea of myths which is a story that may or may not be true. There may not be records or other proof that they happened, but at least some parts of myths may be true.
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Thème 3 Anglais Bac Pro Vente
Justin Drew bieber Justin Drew Bieber was born on march 1rst 1994 in London, Ontario, Canada. His mom is Pattie Mallette and his father is Jeremy jack Bieber, they split when he was 10 months. He grew up in Stratford with her mom and his grand parent, Bruce and Diane Dale and with Sammy, his little dog who died in January 2015. Justin wasn’t very interested in music, he wanted to be a hockey player
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Thème Terminal Bac Pro "Le thé anglais"
The English tea I'm going to talk about of the English tea. First I’m going to talk about the tradition of "five o'clock tea" and finally of the anecdotes. The tradition of Five O’clock tea The five O’clock tea is a tradition in England. The English have two meals in a day, (The breakfast or the brunch and the dinner) the breakfast is consistent and rich. Many English and the Duchess of Bedford were
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Thème bac anglais
MY WORK PLACEMENT I am at the moment in the final year at the .... High School in ..... I am preparing a diploma in Management Administration. Over this 3-year course, I had to do a 22-week training period in a professional environment. So I am going to present my internships and I’ll give you my impressions about these periods. I’ll conclude by saying what I have improved in my practice and what has changed
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Anglais: Spaces and Exchanges: The theme of immigration
Spaces And Exchanges: The theme of Immigration The notion I’m going to deal with is Spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange: an exchange is an act of giving an receiving something else in return, it can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation of people, trade, media. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of « Immigration » especially in the
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Anglais: thème sur le cinéma
Anglais Today I will talk about English cinema is my cultural theme. The United Kingdom has had a certain and sometimes notable influence in the technological, commercial and artistic developments of the cinema. Before the 1930s the cinema was mute. At the beginning of the twentieth century, silent films were accompanied by an orchestra during the screening of the film. Emotion was born, as much by the image as by the sound atmosphere that prevailed
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Expression écrite en anglais sur le thème "mythes et héros"
Expression écrite sur le thème du mythes et héros The definition of a myth it is a legend which is usually not true. For example: Dracula. The definition of a hero: There are two type of heroes, the fictional heroes they have got superpowers and the real heroes which are humans that save lives with their jobs. For example: A surgeon saves lives as well as blood donors. My heroine is Beyonce, a singer because
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Thème Oral d'anglais Whitney Houston
Whitney HOUSTON Daughter of two African Americans, John Russell Houston Jr and Cissy Houston, renowned rhythm and blues singer in the United States, and cousin of singer Dionne Warwick, little Whitney Elizabeth grew up in a musical environment. As a child, she sings in the Newark Baptist Church, with the desire to become a chorister like her mother. She sings her first solo at the age of eleven. She performs professionally for the first time
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Thème d'anglais oral 13 reasons why ( à traduire en anglais )
13 reasons why 13 Reasons Why est une série américaine au genre dramatique créée par Brian Yorkey en 2017. Brian Yorkey, le réalisateur de la série, s'est inspiré du roman de Jay Asher du même nom, n'utilisant que les personnages, l'idée général de l'histoire mais aussi les différents étapes qui ont conduit le personnage de Hannah Baker, l'intrigue de l'histoire, au suicide, créant des personnages et des situations pour accentuer et créer une atmosphère encore
301 Mots / 2 Pages