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Anglais: thème sur le cinéma

Fiche de lecture : Anglais: thème sur le cinéma. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Février 2017  •  Fiche de lecture  •  377 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 347 Vues

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Today I will talk about English cinema is my cultural theme. The United Kingdom has had a certain and sometimes notable influence in the technological, commercial and artistic developments of the cinema.

Before the 1930s the cinema was mute.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, silent films were accompanied by an orchestra during the screening of the film. Emotion was born, as much by the image as by the sound atmosphere that prevailed in the room. But very quickly we tried to make the film "speaking".

During the war, British cinemas were invited by the government to screen a documentary before the main session.

After the War In the 1950s, the industry began to shift away from the prestigious productions that had earned British films success in the world and began to focus on popular comedies and dramas Background of World War II, more frankly oriented towards the national public. War films were often based on true stories and realized in the same felted style as the predecessors made during the war.

In the 50s A series of popular comedies appeared on the screens

Beginning of the golden age of British horror cinema

An easing of censorship in the late 1950s encouraged cinema to embark on the production of a large number of black and white horror films that quickly evolved into color versions of the classics of American horror 1930s, restoring a fresh complexion to the Frankenstein, Dracula and other mummy.

In the 1960s, British studios began to garner major successes in the international market thanks to a series of films that showed a more liberal attitude towards sex,

A crisis hit the film industry both in the United Kingdom and the United States. It led the American studios to limit domestic production and at the same time to withdraw in many cases from the financing of British films. Nevertheless, major films were produced at that time, but the more we advanced in the decade, the more difficult it became to find means of financing. Large productions were still mounted, but more sporadically, and these were sometimes outdated in comparison with competing American productions.

Until now, the new century has been a relatively good time for the British film industry. Many films have found a large international audience, and some independent production companies


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