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Dernière mise à jour : 25 Juin 2015
  • The building has a radial floor plan

    The building has a radial floor plan

    the building has a radial floor plan with 6 fingers spreading out from a central core that contains elevators and other services. Each floor rotates 5 degrees from the one below the circumference of the building increases as it rises before decreasing at the top. This was due to the constraints of the space at ground level the desire to build less of a footprint on the ground to maximize public use. Additionally, the building’s

    1 128 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Queen Victoria

    The Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria was born May 24, 1819 in London, Kensington Palace, is the only daughter of Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn and Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. Victoria was baptized 24 June 1819 at Kensington Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Although his Christian name is Alexandrina Victoria, is officially recognized as the Princess Victoria, which is also the name of his mother. The father of the princess, the Duke of Kent, died of

    900 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Year I Was Homeless

    The Year I Was Homeless

    The TED Talk I chose is “The year I was homeless” by Becky Blanton and Becky Blanton is a writer and a journalist. And she says that in 22 yeras, she learned how to do a lot of things, and that 3 years ago, she learned how to become invisible. She became one of living homelesses. She quit her job as a newspaper editor after her father died. So she became homeless after her father’s

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Zara Gives Style To The Public Anglais

    Zara Gives Style To The Public Anglais

    Résumé du texte ZARA gives style to the public Le document est un article de presse du magazine the indépendant parut le 23 mai 2001. ZARA est un magasin de prêt à porter chic d’origine espagnole, qui a révolutionné le monde de la mode et du vêtement Il appartient au puissant groupe INDITEX dont le fondateur est Amancio Ortega. Créer depuis les années 70, Il occupe la première place mondiale dans le marché du prêt

    221 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The Goonies film

    The Goonies film

    Les Goonies (The Goonies) est une comédie d'aventure américaine réalisée et produite par Richard Donner sur le scénario de Chris Columbus d'après une histoire de Steven Spielberg. Le film met en scène une bande d'adolescents des "Goon Docks", surnom du quartier d'Astoria dans l'Oregon, interprétée par Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, Jonathan Ke Quan, Jeff Cohen, Josh Brolin, Kerri Green et Martha Plimpton. Distribué par Warner Bros. Pictures, ce film est sorti le 7 juin 1985

    233 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Le groupe Carrefour et The Walt Disney Company et leur partenariat sur le développement d'une gamme de produits alimentaires

    Le groupe Carrefour et The Walt Disney Company et leur partenariat sur le développement d'une gamme de produits alimentaires

    Le groupe Carrefour et The Walt Disney Company consolident leur partenariat avec le développement d'une gamme de produits alimentaires, sous la marque Carrefour Kids, destinée aux enfants, qui contribue à leur équilibre nutritionnel. Lancement de Carrefour Kids en partenariat avec Disney Après une forte présence dans les rayons non alimentaires de Carrefour, les personnages Disney ont fait leur apparition dans les rayons alimentaires pour enfants chez Carrefour en France, Belgique, Espagne et Italie. Avec ce

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The academic discipline

    The academic discipline

    bassinThis article is about the academic discipline. For a general history of human beings, see History of the world. For other uses, see History (disambiguation). Historia by Nikolaos Gysis (1892) Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.[1] —George Santayana History (from Greek ἱστορία - historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation"[2]) is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Blacks In The USA

    The Blacks In The USA

    The black in the USA Summary . 1 - The slavery • 2 - Racial segregation in the USA • 3 - The fight for civil rights • 4 - Conclusion The slavery American blacks were slaves, deprived of liberty before being excluded from the political system. In 1790, about 760000 black america, 700000 are slave. Slaves grow tobacco, corn, sugarcane, and especially cotton. They are also servants. Slaves come mainly from South East Africa

    310 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Heroes

    The Heroes

    Mythes et héros My theme is myth and hero, my problem is how heroes affect our daily lives? We studied in class several documents. First time I will talk about the image of Petar entitled "dream land". The goal of this cartoon is to give us an idealized vision of America, These icons all illustrate the American dream, the opportunity for everybody for work and you are free. But I think these images do not

    635 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Healing Wall

    The Healing Wall

    I. I ignored the Wall - for a long time I had managed to keep out unwanted reminders of the memories of what I saw and did and felt and the Wall threatened to violate this self-truce. For a while, I refused to go to the Wall. I came close, but could not bring myself to go down into that black hole - So I stood there alone, on the perimeter of the large descending

    1 357 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The Management

    The Management

    Question n°1 : Quel est le métier du groupe Bénéteau ? Identifiez ses différents domaines d’activité. Le groupe Bénéteau fabrique et vend des produits de loisirs (bateaux, résidences mobiles de loisirs et autres activités). Le tout avec des compétences et un savoir faire jamais inégalé ce qui ont fait un leader mondial. Ses domaines d’activités (DAS) sont très variés, en effet son activité principal est la vente de bateaux de luxe (à voile ou à

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dossier De Stage Cap Esthétique: le groupe The body shop

    Dossier De Stage Cap Esthétique: le groupe The body shop

    «Il faudrait que le commerce appelle la responsabilité, pas seulement l’argent ; l’intérêt public, pas l’avidité personnelle.» Dame Anita Roddick, militante des droits de l’Homme et fondatrice de The Body Shop The Body Shop International PLC est une entreprise de cosmétique mondiale, proposant des produits inspirés par la nature et conçus de façon éthique. Commencée en 1976 au Royaume-Uni par Dame Anita Roddick, l’histoire de l’entreprise s’écrit aujourd’hui dans plus de 65 pays à travers

    356 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Poetry, Fiction And The Future

    Poetry, Fiction And The Future

    #« Poetry, Fiction and the Future », 1927. It is an age clearly when we are not fast anchored where we are ; things are moving round us ; we are moving ourselves. Is it not the critic’s duty to tell us, or to guess at least where we are going ? Nobody indeed can read much modern literature without being aware that some dissatisfaction, some difficulty, is lying in our way. On all sides

    3 213 Mots / 13 Pages
  • The Idea Of Progress

    The Idea Of Progress

    The idea of progress As one goes along, our society evolves, she change. Certain persons see this evolution as being a positive thing but other person think that this evolution is bad for humans. Here, we speak about the evolution of the consumption. Now, we will try to answer to the following question: Are the new ways of consuming synonym with progress? On the one hand we will study the modes of consumption and on

    478 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) d'Oscar Wilde,

    Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) d'Oscar Wilde,

    Séance 10 : Comprendre la force destructrice du portrait fantastique : un tableau diabolique Dominante analyse de l’image Support : Projection d’une adaptation filmique du Portrait de Dorian Gray d’O. Wilde GENESE Le Portrait de Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) est un roman d'Oscar Wilde, publié en 1890 (révisé en 1891) et écrit dans le contexte de l'époque victorienne. L'auteur y inclut des thèmes relevant de l'art, la beauté, la jeunesse, la morale,

    566 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The American Ambivalence Toward Immigration ( Both Legal & Illegal)

    The American Ambivalence Toward Immigration ( Both Legal & Illegal)

    Deuxième séance 17/02/11 The American ambivalence toward immigration ( both legal & illegal) The schizophrenic of US isn’t new. When economy is booming, immigration is not a problem because new jobs are created. We need manpower. America privileges “Open-door” policies. For example the 1660, it was a big booming. When the economy is in crisis, immigrants are not welcome. There has been a lot of distrust and fear to the immigrants. The positive aspect of

    2 130 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The End Of Rhinoceros

    The End Of Rhinoceros

    Rhinos have been slaughtered to near extinction in Africa and India to fuel the insatiable demand for rhino horn products in China. Chinese people are especially interested in their horns, because they use it mostly as a medicinal purpose. In their society this is considered culturally acceptable behavior and they do not challenge themselves by questioning if they are doing wrong or not. But because this healing power is based on myths about the alleged

    1 390 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Effectiveness of the incentive schemes introduced in McDowell & Co Ltd

    Effectiveness of the incentive schemes introduced in McDowell & Co Ltd

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Industrialization plays an important role in the economic development of a country. The gap in per capita income between the developed and a developing country like India is a serious concern. This is mainly due to the disparity in the structure of their economies. The former are large industrial economies while the latter are mainly agriculture-based economies. The distillery of McDowell & Co Ltd is situated in hatidah, Patna District, Bihar. It can

    10 380 Mots / 42 Pages
  • The Dancer Jeff Mill Et Joséphine Baker

    The Dancer Jeff Mill Et Joséphine Baker

    The Dancer est une vidéo en noir et blanc de 3'28 réalisée dans le cadre de l'exposition Danser sa vie au Centre Pompidou en 2011. Véritable mixe sonore et visuel, on y voit Joséphine Baker, célèbre danceuse américaine très découverte à New York aux « folies bergères » et à « la revue nègre » puis à Paris, capitale du Jazz, dansant lors d'une de ses répétitions sur une bande sonore de Jeff Mill, l'un des plus brillant DJ

    204 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher

    The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher

    Qualities of a Good Teacher The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo QUALITIES OF A GOOD TEACHER Empathy You have the ability to bond with your students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. To communicate on their level. To be compassionate with them when they are down and to

    1 370 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The portable War Memorial

    The portable War Memorial

    cette oeuvre fut réaliser, Les Etats-Unis était pleine crise la guerre du Vietnam, les revendications étudiantes, mais également la peur mondial du nucléaire. Introduction : Dnc nous allons parler de cette oeuvre commémorative , "The portable War Memorial". Elle a été construite sans socle, pour rappeler que les hommes qui ont participé à cette guerre etait des hommes qui avait une vie normale, et qui n'ont pas eu le choix pour aller à la guerre.

    242 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Commentaire D'un Document Historique A Modest Enquiery Into The Nature Of Witchcraf

    Commentaire D'un Document Historique A Modest Enquiery Into The Nature Of Witchcraf

    Introduction À partir de la deuxième moitié du Moyen-Âge, l’Église perd beaucoup de son influence au profit du pouvoir temporel, notamment avec les querelles des Investitures et le schisme d’Occident. Ce déclin explique pourquoi, aux Temps Modernes, cette institution tente par plusieurs moyens de reprendre le contrôle qu’elle a perdu. Suite à l’émergence du protestantisme, les Églises catholiques et protestantes tenteront de prouver leur légitimité au détriment de leur adversaire en se purifiant au maximum.

    3 416 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Histoire De L'art: l'oeuvre Test the best de Kinder

    Histoire De L'art: l'oeuvre Test the best de Kinder

    Histoire de l’Art Présenter l’œuvre Titre TEST THE BEST Nature (genre de l’œuvre) Peinture Murale Technique employée Au pinceau et à la bombe Artiste et/ou commanditaire BIRGIT KINDER ( de Berlin-Est) Date de création 1990 et 2009 Situer l’œuvre Contexte Historique  Séparation d l’Allemagne par les alliées après la seconde guerre mondiale.  Fondation des deux états allemands (FRA /RDA)  Construction du mur 1961  La guerre froide  Les années 80/ Gorbatchev

    215 Mots / 1 Pages
  • The prospects Ol- Industrial civilization bertrand russell history of western philosophy

    The prospects Ol- Industrial civilization bertrand russell history of western philosophy


    860 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Truth About Collective Bargaining For Public Service Workers

    The Truth About Collective Bargaining For Public Service Workers

    Deep and serious budget problems brought on by the Great Recession have prompted some politicians to vow to weaken, or even completely strip state and local public service workers of their right to bargain for fair wages and decent benefits. They claim collective bargaining ties their hands. They claim it harms the economy. They claim it is the cause of their budget problems. They’re wrong on all counts. It’s time to stop the lies. Collective

    820 Mots / 4 Pages